Inflation in the U.S. rose 3% in January, with rent alone accounting for 30% of the increase.
Egg prices soared due to avian flu, worsening grocery costs.
Despite pledging to lower prices, Trump blamed inflation on Biden and foreign countries while avoiding specifics on his plan.
In a Fox News interview, he dodged questions about when prices would drop, instead citing trade deficits. The White House press secretary confirmed that the administration has no clear timeline for addressing the rising cost of living.
I hope Canada applies a massive export tax to oil & gas… and redistributes the revenue to steel and aluminum workers here to ease the effect of the tariffs on same.
Make the US people feel higher gas prices and they’ll turn against him. History has shown this is the best way to sink a president and his party’s support.
If the past month has been any indication of the next 47 of them, Canada might want to start negotiating long-term trade deals with Europe and China while also significantly cutting back on trade with the United States.
Trump has suggested he wants to use economic pressure against Canada.
Trump has “joked” about Canada becoming the 51st state.
Like with blackmailers, once you give into the first demand of someone using threats as a bargaining chip, they come back asking for even more.
Canada seems to have something we need (oil, natural resources). They’re well within their rights to treat us as a hostile nation and show the assholes in power that they need to play nicely in global politics more than they think they do. With the way things are going, the average US citizen is probably fucked either way, so it’s not like it’s going to harm anybody but the oligarchs in the long run.
Start? That’s what we’ve been doing for months. Our Prime Minister is just now returning from a European trip largely devoted to forming new trade deals. We’ve also been working to break down trade barriers within our country (there were a lot of difficulties in trading between provinces before, which made it easier for everyone to just trade with the US instead) and preparing targeted tariffs of our own to hit Trump and his supporters where it hurts the most.
We’re not taking this lying down and never have.
Thank you for being open to the possibilities of that. I wish none of this were happening and feel for those in the US who are going to have to endure what is to come. I can only count myself fortunate I’m not actually there, and only adjacent.
The sheer instability of the past month had already driven gad prices up about 30c/gal where I am, even as oil prices have dropped overall since jan20th. Oh it’s coming for sure.
Make the US people feel higher gas price
It’s why I spent four years saying rather than tax incentives for electric vehicles, we need to just level the playing field and take away gas subsidizes. But good luck getting either party here to hurt fossil fuel profits. Both our options this election were pro-fracking.
It’s fucking insane that we can’t socialize healthcare, but everyone needs to pitch in so Bill can drive his giant truck an hour to sit at a desk for 8 hours twice a day.
There is literally zero reason for gas subsidizes when we’re trying to get people to move on from gas.
the per capita health care expenditure for the american for-profit capitalist system, that doesn’t even cover everyone–or everything, is at least 2x that of other ‘western’ nations that have national health care systems.
single payer, tax funded health care for all would literally pay for itself just from taking what’s already being spent on health care and putting it into the new program.
subsidies for oil or any other industry are not taking money away from that non-existent health care system. it doesn’t need any.
Danielle Smith would probably throw at fit if the federal government proposed that plan. Her sucking up to Trump got her a lower tariff rate on oil and she absolutely will not accept anything that would make the oil industry feel the same pain as the other industries affected by tariffs.
Yeah, well fuck her IMHO. And the oil companies too. They’re rich enough to endure a few months of economic leverage applied where it counts. If they squeal (and we know they will), well then they need to be called out and forced to publicly take a side in this whole situation.
EDIT: uncensored :P
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Yeah well I revoke your permission to grant permission.
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Then the Republicans are going to propose building public transportation to ignore that problem.
This is america.
We are going to build hellhole dormitories for workers to live on site at the kroger LONG before we acknowledge that investing in public transportation would have benefits.
Oh, and we’ll probably buy a shit ton of teslas so that every county is required to have a fleet for “special” employees.
This is america.
Don’t catch you slippin’ now
We are going to build hellhole dormitories
Sounds expensive. Instead we can borrow some prison work tents. Maybe even prison jumpsuits and chains too. They might throw in the armed guards too, if we rent all that. And of course we will get Canada or Mexico to pay for it, for some reason.
Reliable, ubiquitous, affordable public transportation is an impediment to segregation via gentrification and suburbs. So Republicans won’t promote that.
Hah! That’s a good one. Public transportation is SOCIALISM remember? And it would help poor and/or brown people so they’d never seriously do that.
I hear those things are awful loud
LOL! With the head of a car company as the shadow president?
Republicans will never propose public transportation. Ever.
Please ignore that the president is ruining any government organization that could help get bird flu under control
How completely unrealistic, a MAGA head reading a high school level book‽
Think of that image as short hand for some elitist thought leader in the Grievance Industry Complex dumping that into their skull so they can mindlessly parrot it later.
It’s Joe Rogan
I have it on good authority that the reason why egg prices are so high is because joe biden killed a hundred bazillion birds in order to drive egg prices up just before trump took office.
I saw joel bidens himself killin chickens left and right… he must have been tired after that
Especially since he was choking the chickens! 🤣
Damn, Joe Biden is so powerful that he’s still president and responsible for gas prices (/s) even though he’s not president anymore
I still cannot get over how their version of Retweet is ‘ReTruth’. Absolute shit for brains
And the users of that site will tell you with a straight face that they are “free thinkers” and are immune to propaganda.
Please tell me this isn’t a real screenshot
I wish I could but it’s out there. He made that post.
I don’t know how this stuff continues to shock me, but that is fucking wild.
Country elects an idiot to fix their economy … idiot makes economy worse … country wonders why
But Brawndo’s got what plants crave…
Hey, President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho was a fantastic president. He recognized his own limitations and set the man who, by objective testing, was the smartest in the country, to fix the biggest problem facing his constituents.
We could use a President Camacho.
This is literally the back of my car lol
Excellent. I’d vote for him (over the other two, at least).
Stop giving Trump too much credit. President Camacho from Idiocracy was an idiot. Trump is worse than that: he’s malicious and deliberately causing crises in order to excuse further consolidating his dictatorial power.
To call Trump an idiot is, paradoxically, to carry water for him.
President Camacho pardoned Joe Bauers who then became president. He showed that, even though he’s an idiot, he’s capable of making the right decision for the country.
Not wondering why over here. Wondering what can be done to stop it.
inflation is capitalist code switch for price gouge
Not necessarily. But I’m curious what’s the equivalent on the utopian alternative to capitalism. Is there currency at all, and if there is, does the government set prices and the exchange rate like in the former Soviet Union?
But I’m curious what’s the equivalent on the utopian alternative to capitalism. Is there currency at all, and if there is, does the government set prices and the exchange rate like in the former Soviet Union?
In all definitions of a utopian society I think we’re talking about a post scarcity world. If you’re casting far enough into the future, we have infinite supplies of clean energy and technology to take that energy and directly turn it into any kind of matter we desire (like Star Trek replicators). At that point, why would your society need money?
Obviously there are lesser versions of that of post-scarcity where at least anyone’s basic needs are met (food, shelter, clothing, healthcare), and anything you want beyond the basics would require extra effort on the part of the person. This version would have something like UBI (Universal Basic Income) and, yes it would have money. There wouldn’t really be a need for any kind of price fixing because anything you’d want to buy would not be required for life or health. There would also be no requirement to work if you are satisified in life with just food, clothing, shelter and healthcare.
If the government slaps a 25% increase on the price of your imports then you expect a 25% increase on the price (assuming you’re selling imports directly - like PC parts).
It’s not rocket surgery.
then you expect a
2535% increaseftfy
I guarantee the CPI will stop being published very soon. Can’t have high inflation if you don’t measure it!
Cant have high inflation if you fire all the people who compute the inflation numbers either.
In similar news, water continues to be wet.
Fork found in kitchen. More at 9.
🎼🎵To say that something is wet, means that the water on the surface of that something can be removed.🎶
🎼🎵Is he a dot? Or is he a speck? When he’s underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead? Nobody knows. Particle man.🎶
Who came up with Person Man…?
@GeeDubHayduke Certainly not Triangle Man.
Could it be Universe Man? I hear that guy gets around.
@GeeDubHayduke And he’s usually kind to smaller man. And has a badass watch!
I’ve heard that watch has mystical powers that only occur during The Alignment.
There was an article about how interest rates raise to 3%. Seeing the comment section was wild. It was all Biden’s fault because Trump was only in office for three weeks. Don’t mind that he’s been spouting off tariff talks since last year.
However, anything good that happened, even prior to Trump taking office, was his doing.
Also everything was immediately Biden’s fault when he took office after Trump.
In 2024, stocks were high, jobs were strong, feds were cutting rates, inflation was under 3%… Biden did it, the soft landing from COVID. Anyone who paid any attention knew the economy was in a good place and, four years in, only Biden’s admin would have had any affect.
Part of me is weeping for this nation, but another part thinks the nation deserves it for being so fucking stupid.
Yup. Biden managed the economy probably better than any other President in my lifetime. When Kamala was asked if she’d do anything different and said she wouldn’t people threw a fit. Because no one understood that there was a very narrow path to take to get inflation down while avoiding millions of people losing their jobs.
But I guess now people will soon understand how the billionaires will get inflation down really fast. I wonder if the people that voted for Trump who will soon be unemployed will start to appreciate what Joe Biden did a little more. Probably not.
Even when it started under Trump, notably as he sent out the first round of stimulus checks.
The ones he personally insisted be signed with his name, against the law.
I wish there was a NGO that was handing out donvict and fElon “I did that!!!” stickers to put on EVERYTHING.
The narcissist’s prayer:
That didn’t happen. And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. And if it was, that’s not a big deal. And if it is, that’s not my fault. And if it was, I didn’t mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.
Why doesn’t he blame President Musk?
They have no clear timeline because they don’t intend to address it, duh.
Xitter fuckaroo!
Dude, stop lying.
This one thinks truths may stretch but if one stretches lies, do they break? This one hopes so.
He needs to be stopped. He will economically destroy this country.
It started with Biden, it’s just Trump’s problem to deal with now. And liberals won’t let him forget about that.
Durrr eggs are still expensive durrrrr
It started with the pandemic. That was the Earthquake, the inflation was the aftershocks.
And sure you can blame Biden for getting inflation down without causing a recession (which means people lose their jobs). But now “daddy’s home” and he’s going to deal with inflation his way! Inflation affects everyone including the rich. Recessions just fuck over the working class. Guess which way daddy Trump is going to go?
Hope you have some money saved up for when you’ll lose your job. Don’t say those “liberals” didn’t warn ya.