Me, a mixed race person of color who doesn’t sunburn or freckle, reading how all the white folk in the comments have the same mark.
“Hmmm…I’ll be damned.”It is now your duty to inspect all white people for this mark & care for the ones unlucky enough not carry it.
This honor is not to be taken lightly, you are now a leader undertaking grave responsibilities.
So how many people knew about this shared freckle badge? I apparently am defective as I didn’t get stamped with it at birth, maybe my mom forgot to check that option at the dealership. Maybe this means I’m a reptilian or am a member of the illuminati. Or who knows maybe I sliced it off in my youthful escapades and shenanigans. Oh well, just another club I’m not a member of.
Well those of us who have the freckle have always known. Given that you do not have the freckle, I’m afraid that is all I can share.
New paper bag test just dropped
Hate to break it to you. Im 100% Jamaican.
I am mixed race, half Indian and I have it
Nice profile picture!
I have like 12 freckles on that arm, does that mean I was born in 1880?
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This is exactly how I use tarot! It’s not a magical technique of divination, it’s a collection of targeted vagueries that help your brain frame a concept in a way you wouldn’t naturally conceive. You make the answers, tarot is just the conceptual equivalent of picking up an object and inspecting it to figure out what it is.
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God damn it
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Which one are we talking about here?
Check out this overachiever
I don’t have it! What’s wrong with me??
Whæt the fuck? How common is that?
Freckles are the only way to tell eople and robots apart. Everyone has at least one freckle on their left arm. If they don’t, they’re a robot.
Is that what they told you? C’mon, I thought you androids were supposed to be smart. The freckles are obviously marks they put on robots. Humans don’t have them.
I’m a robot but have thousands of freckles on my left arm. We overcompensated a little bit.
A.I. attempting to figure out how many fingers are on one hand
This is awakening a sort of core memory in me. It was some vaccination wasn’t it?
No. People who are older than that have a smallpox vaccination scar on the shoulde from the vaccines in 1958-1977.
The arm thing is just an urban myth and plays on confirmation bias. Almost everyone have a freckle there for no good reason.
However… Mexicans actually have a tuberculosis vaccination mark on the arm, but most other countries didn’t need to vaccinate against that.
That’s how these myths spread, part truth+loads of bullshit.
Yeah it’s just because was in the sun a lot in high school because I was a lifeguard back then lol
Nah, I got the BCG back in the 80s, and I’m in the UK. So definitely not just Mexicans. That is one nasty vaccination, by the way. Do not recommend the experience.
None of us 1971 kids got the smallpox scar. Discontinued in 1972 (US). Whew.
I’m a pretty heavily freckled person, but damn if I don’t have a pronounced, solitary freckle precisely at this location on my left arm.
I bet it’s related to driving with my left arm hanging out the window. In the US at least, people who do that have their left arm over-exposed to sun damage.
Trucker arm seems to be a thing worldwide.
I have it too. That’s actually insane. I’m born in Sweden.
Maybe it’s the sign of everyone who agreed to be here on this planet and watch spectacular stupidy together.
Maybe they spun up the Matrix in '99 for real.
Looking around and nods.
Yeah let’s do it
okay but did yours start closer to your wrist as a child and move closer toward the elbow over time?
All the best freckles move.
Holy shit it’s true!
It’s actually weird how I have the left forearm freckle, but nothing on the right arm. Is it from sticking your arm out while driving or something??
I don’t even drive though so