Between ages 13 and 18 if I received a phone call it was because I was in trouble, so now when I get one there is a pang of guilt and panic over whatever it is I could have possibly done
The idea of having a phone at 13 seems foreign to me. I wouldn’t have known what to use it for, the again smartphones weren’t around yet when I was 13.
Between ages 13 and 18 if I received a phone call it was because I was in trouble, so now when I get one there is a pang of guilt and panic over whatever it is I could have possibly done
The idea of having a phone at 13 seems foreign to me. I wouldn’t have known what to use it for, the again smartphones weren’t around yet when I was 13.
I had a flip phone because I was a latchkey kid who walked to school. My parents wanted to be able to contact me and vice versa.