I tried to be patriotic and accept him as president in 2016 until it was quickly obvious that he is a traitor to his country.
“Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country.”
–Teddy Roosevelt
Every true patriot should stand opposed to trump.
Agreed. And against Biden too.
“We” as in Republicans? Absolutely not true.
In my circle, the outspoken Republicans were absolutely convinced that “Hussein Obama” was a radical, socialist, communist, muslim foreigner who had illegally become president because he was the anti-Christ. He was here to kill the babies and white people and he destroyed the country. Practically everything was Obama’s fault such that it sparked the “Thanks, Obama” sarcastic meme. He couldn’t do anything right. Employment numbers down? Obama did it. Employment numbers up? Obama is lying about it, they’re actually down. Osama Bin Laden killed? That makes everything worse, but also, there’s no proof it was actually him.
“Thanks Obama” is the best thing that has come from any presidency.
Don’t forget the allcapa. They always fucking allcapped it. barack HUSSEIN obama
Sounds about white.
The Osama thing they also claimed it wouldn’t have been possible for Obama if W Bush hadn’t previously done…things?
I’m sure someone will find something in her social media history from back then.
R×publicans literally called Obama the anti-christ and tried to make everything he did into a scandal (remember the tan suit?).
Spicy-mustard was an insult to America.
Saluting while holding a coffee cup.
Terrorist fist jab.
Was it spicy? I thought it was dijon lmao
“If you have a spicy mustard, dijon or something like that.”
I like a nice yellow mustard too but dijon is clearly superior, imagine the outrage if he’d said “gimme that spicy brown” it would’ve been interpreted as some sort of SecretMuslimAntiChristPresident code.
I just meant to gatekeep spicy mustards, which dijon is clearly not. It IS superior to a lot of other mustards because it has more flavour, but it’s pretty mild compared to something like Põltsamaa Kange which will make you cry if you apply it the way you’d use dijon.
I wish
My high school and early college was during the W. Bush years. I hated him, and around that time is when I got political, active, and told my (Republican) parents that I was a proud Libertarian! (Look, I’ve learned a lot over the years, and Libertarians used to pretend to be a little more progressive.)
My parents hated that, and constantly gave me the “you may not like him but he’s your president too and you have to respect the office!” The first time he complained about Obama (hours after the election), I broke that one out and turned it around. And they
realized their hypocrisy immediately becoming gay communistsdecided that the rule was stupid, actually, and that it turns out you don’t have to respect the office when you dont want to!What bothers me so much more than their stated political views is the realization that they never actually had reasoned, considered views to begin with. They emotionally select things that seem directly beneficial to themselves. And then lie about their beliefs because they know they’re selfish and indefensible.
They’re still republicans but I’m an anarchist who no longer respects any presidents! Funny where a difference in fundamental values will lead you.
Libertarianism as a concept has a lot to like on a surface level, I was right there with you. They could do something great with the movement, but looking around now you eventually realize that there are really only 2 sides of mainstream libertarianism, ‘Republican, but weed and gay people might be okay sometimes’ and ‘Completely avoid personal accountability, but still punish others when it suits me’.
Actual libertarianism is fine. The problem with modern Libertarianism is them trying to shoehorn capitalism into what was a socialist ideology. Its anathema.
But go look up Joseph Dejacque. The man who coined the term and was the first libertarian. He would have scared the bejesus out of the modern libertarian larpers. Stood against all the things they are for. Fought in the French revolution.
Actually libertarianism has a lot going for it, period. Where it falls short is in recognizing that the power wielded by corporations and wealthy people now far surpasses any level which could be self-regulate, or be controlled by “the free market”. So it’s naive in its view of solutions to major issues facing a modern world, but pretty great regarding its interpretations of liberty, and the role of government in people’s lives.
They emotionally select things that seem directly beneficial to themselves. And then lie about their beliefs because they know they’re selfish and indefensible.
This is the most infuriating part. We all do it to some extent, but some people really turn it up to 11.
but I’m an anarchist who no longer respects any presidents!
Respect has to be earned not demanded.
We anarchists :)
Fox News gave Trump the platform to push the “Muslim not born in America BS” do they not remember this?
Did u not no he wuz muslin anticrist? Borned in kinya? Hoosain? Do u forgot?
Do ur gramma not send u this?
Wut bout not my present shirt? U not get 1?
Man I wish we could go back and get Bernie. :(
I heard he was actually born in Agrabah!
I heard he was actually a descendent of Jafar.
Let’s not forget Socialist Joker.
They remember. Hypocrisy is their bread and butter.
Why the fuck is this even being entertained? That’s one of trump’s “lawyer” tv hosts. And she’s talking to some right wing rage bait podcaster. Discussing either of their opinions is fucking useless. And OP’s intention in even posting this is likely just to attempt to legitimize one or both them as part of the general discourse. These are scabs on the otherwise festering asshole that is the gop. Fucking move on.
Angertainment. Helps keep the division going.
I vote for murder. Im fully okay with killing conservatives even if they arent maga at this point just to be safe. Preferably radiation poisoning
This but not even joking. It’s simple self preservation at this point to eradicate them.
Yes, we absolutely have to own when we lose, and we have no finer example of this than MAGA on January 6th, 2021 CE. Because fuck me if that wasn’t an inspirational display of accepting the loss of the presidential election to the democrats. Truly a historic moment for decency, courteousness, virtuousness, stoicism, gallantry, and the actual definition of honor among Americans.
Better believe I make my nieces and nephews watch my VHS tape of that day every year on its anniversary.
Absolutely no qualms with your comment, but I’m just curious. You have January 6th on VHS?
It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure. People keep telling me I should “digitize” it to something called an “SD card”, which frankly sounds satanic.
It is.
You’ve heard the phrase “the devil is in the details”…well what is data if not details?
Took a strange turn there, for sure.
This is especially hilarious because so much of this rhetoric came from Trump himself! He basically established his political voice by playing peanut gallery through the whole Obama presidency and pushing birther nonsense.
We all know that this is a bullshit statement that Republicans trot out to try and shame people into not opposing them, that’s a given. But to use that to defend Trump, who spent all of the Obama presidency doing EXACTLY that loudly and vocally is a special level of irony.
In the infamous words yelled at Obama by Joe Wilson: " YOU LIE"
They were behind him with a knife in his back at every opportunity from his first day in office.
https://www.politico.com/story/2010/10/the-gops-no-compromise-pledge-044311 :
Here’s John Boehner, the likely speaker if Republicans take the House, offering his plans for Obama’s agenda: “We’re going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.”
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell summed up his plan to National Journal: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
when Obama won we stood behind Obama
Show me a SINGLE Fox news or oan clip where they are behind Obama. Doesn’t even need to praise him just… you know… Just one clip where they are not trying to punch him in the nose.
Just one.
Show me a single Republican governor or senator who actually supportes Obama…
Who me one good Obama initiative that wasn’t burned to the ground because Republicans just couldn’t letmovama have a single win because better let Americans suffer than let Democrats have a win. These idiots are petty, small, vengeful and egocentric and have not once given a single fuck about anyone or anything if it wasn’t theirs.
Fuck these idiots
Show me a SINGLE Fox news or oan clip
Only long form clips.
Feb 2009: “I hope he fails” - Rush Limbaugh
Also Feb 2009: Every single Republican member of the House votes against Obama’s stimulus package
Oct 2010: Republicans pledge no compromise with Obama in their takeover of the House
Nov 2010: Mitch McConnell’s goal is to make Obama a 1-term President
Shall I continue?
I remember all of these well and now I feel old.
Stood behind him with a knife maybe
Just this cool weird thing I 3D printed, don’t worry about it.
And they flat out denied Biden.
They’re STILL not over it. What a crock.