Im looking for something that isn’t gender specific but carries the same inherent disdain that “techbro” has.
By their nature, techbros are exclusionary toward women/other genders.
So, no gender-neutral term is necessary.
Elizabeth Holmes?
What a ridiculous take
You’re saying there’s no women at all perpetuating enshittification, corporate surveillance, social media propaganda, and targeted advertising? Literally not a single woman, among the hundreds of thousands of people working in tech?
I’d argue that Elizabeth Holmes fits the bill as a female tech-bro.
Women who work in tech are wayyy more likely to be victims of techbros than actually be techbros.
Ok, that’s completely irrelevant
Identity policies at work.
It doesn’t matter what you do, it only matters what labels do you have.
Tech-douche works for me.
like incel, but for technogarchs
or “technogarch”, I guess
I like this one
Oh that sounds good, and it makes sense from a linguistic POV.
This makes me realize that I never saw a non-male techbro. Somehow the techbro crowd seems to mostly consist of young men.
Elizabeth Holmes
Fair point. Yeah that fits exactly
Literally the only one I could come up with, though, so it doesn’t take away from your point
You must not live near Silicon Valley. There’s plenty of female tech bros.
I’m Dutch, so pretty far away yeah
This is the real one
I’d say techbro is pretty gender neutral, in the same way “dude” and “guys” are.
I only fuck bros, dudes and guys.
“Who’s the dude in your relationship, and who is the bro?”
I prefer to be the “dude” and they the “bro”. Might as well spice it up with some incest while we’re at it.
Anecdotally, not a fan of the incest association but guys who’ve referred to me as “bro” have been excellent hookups. I do look more like The Dude though.
Well this took a turn…
Techdouche Techtwat Techfash Technazi Scum
I like the fash suffix.
Techfash doesn’t have the right flow.
What about gigafash.
It’s already gender neutral, and when the term has inherent disdain being gender neutral is pointless.
Yeah it’s like the guy in Wyoming who passed an anti-trans law saying that it’s not required to use preferred pronouns to refer to somebody and then getting all upset when he was called “madam” and whining that his preferred pronoun is “chairman”. That leopard eating your face must hurt.
Even if there were some woman as hellbent on destroying civilization as these guys, then she’s a techbro. And if she gets mad about being called techbro because she’s a woman? Well, how sad for her. “My heart goes out to you”
We’re not trying to make them happy. Fuck them, fuck them all. If it makes them mad to be called a “bro” good, that’s a bonus.
I personally go with fuckwit
“this asshole”
Stupid asshole?
Sam Alt-them.
Cunt, some may not agree. But it is an apt description of everyone tearing apart our country.
Everyone is a cunt, it’s a vague description of any person.
Thats a solid point
This thread is basically “Please help me brainstorm pejoratives”, a very toxic mindset to have.
Being nice to everyone all the time is a recipe for evil to take over.
No this is an attempt to not misgender someone while dismissing their stupid opinion.
For example if I replied to your comment “OK guy, that’s a totally valid read of my post” I could be misgendering you. That is why Im instead replying “OK buddy, that’s a totally valid take and you are absolutely in a place to judge others” as Im not looking to misgender you just to dismiss your opinion.
You’re confused. I said “this thread” and not “The OP”.
If you read the comments, do you see a frank discussion of people attempting to locate a gender neutral term for a tech enthusiast or a bunch of people just riffing insulting terms?
Regardless, to address you specifically. You’re trying to “win” an argument using rhetoric in place of reason. You’re not winning the argument, you’re just throwing a punch and declaring victory.
You win arguments by having better arguments, not by coming up with the best clever clapback so that you get more upvotes
“This is techbro nonsense” is shorthand for “this is false for reasons 1, 2, 3 describing what techbros think”. Just like “this is racist” is shorthand for “this is false for reasons 1, 2, 3 describing what racists think”. Why should we waste time explaining in detail again and again what’s wrong with an argument when there are simple words that encompass it all? KevinOfficeWords.jpg