Why not put it all in a sealed chest?
Why not put it all in a sealed chest?
Put a generator on the wheel of an electric car.
Put a fan infront of a wind turbine.
Put a wave powered generator in a wave pool.
Put an wireless charge-able device in a microwave (not tested yet, feel free to try)
I did, I can say that it tastes mostly like nothing, but my dog loves it because the smell is so strong (I think)
When you feel like not doing something, that is exactly when you should do it.
Fear the shorter or regret.
I’m short, fear me.
Literally the same, what a great impulse purchase.
You’ll love it!
I plan on replacing my laptop with it as well
This is bad, why? Because our problem is plastic production, any reuse that does not reduce production is meaningless at it would all still break down into microplastics and new plasticts would still be produced.
Nor recycling, no reuse, just abolishing the wode spread use of plastic. Plastic should be kept for tasks that are not convinced based, but rather exclusive to plastic (like medical usage, not like saving costs cause it’s cheap)
Religion is often not a choice. For example you are gay, and also born in a muslim house, maybe your famiky decided that you are more important to them then the homophobia, and so, you are gay and a muslim because nothing pushed you to detach from your default religion.
Weird looking hydration bladder but I’d drink from it.
That was a bit too cryptic for me.
What do you mean?
I think that might be because modern UI tends to move away from 3d and insted highlights the selected button (making it lighter in color)
Try addinv a rubber band between the screw and the screwdriver, it adds friction which sometimes (usually not) helps
Honestly, if all of the religious people are in heaven I think hell is the place for me.
Though the most likely place for will be rotting away in the ground with out any sort of awareness, because there is no afterlife
Think about something you are passionate about, it can be biking, cars, some sport, maybe some morals that you believe in, faith, cards, or really anything, as long as you feel some passion or attraction to it.
Then find events that relate to this thing (can be multiple things) usually you can find irl events in WhatsApp groups, facebook groups, meetup, etc. And just go there a few times.
I was in a similar position as you about 3 years ago, and by doing this I quickly met a lot of people, a small amount of I actually bonded with.
Having an event that at it’s core has a subject that everyone shares a passion towards, really helps people bond, and it raises the chance that you will share other passions with the people there.
Would be cool to find out it’s 50% sodium chloride and 50% chlorine.
Open the box to eternal peace.