When I was growing up in India I believed that I was surrounded by the dumbest and most ignorant people on earth, then I moved to the US for a while and was surprised most people remembered to breathe.
The unvax’d population in India is greater than the population of the United States. Unfortunately, only 90% of the US is vax’d against measles, which is a staggering number in and of itself, but I’m not sure of the demographic breakdown of it.
Yeah but the unvaxxed population in India are literally living in shacks with dirt floors and can barely read but the unvaxxed population in the US choose this because of facebook posts
I guess the idea behind a “measles party” is to introduce the virus to the child’s immune system so that they can develop antibodies for it?
Damn, if only there was a safer way. Like if a doctor could introduce a very small amount of the virus to the child’s immune system. Do you think a dead virus would be enough for the immune system to learn what it is and how to fight it? Why aren’t scientists working on this?!
Just a small akshually : Viruses cant be dead or alive because the have no metabolism anyway so most (modern) vaccines work by extracting their mrna or the lipids on their surface and injecting that. Injecting a small portion of whole viruses my still infect you. Fyi
Edit: ok I talked some garbage here: while viruses do not have a metabolism and thereby are, by the definition of some, not alive, there is apparently a way to make vaccines by destroying the genome of the virus via heat or chemicals and using the “shells” to make vaccines…
Source (disclosure: website owned by vaccine producer) here
mRNA vaccines are, of course, just the absolute tits - but they’re a tiny proportion of modern vaccines and the very first ones are one a few years old, created to treat COVID. But yeah, 100%, we don’t use the virus in the vaccine! Even the first ever vaccine was (as you will know) not created from the disease it was meant to treat, but from one similar enough that it gave protection to the other. And smallpox doesn’t exist any more so, well, that worked out pretty well didn’t it. You don’t give someone the virus to stop them getting that virus, but you might well give them a virus, in an attenuated form of the target
What’s hilarious to me is that this was totally a Thing when I was younger.
Not for measels, because we weren’t braindead dumbfucks, but for chickenpox.
You’d have whole groups of kids get together to have everyone get sick at once, instead of one kid at a time for months and months as it spreads through classes at school.
IDK if it made sense, but it was legit a thing that people were doing.
Of course, there’s a vaccine now, so if you’re still doing this you’re one of the aformentioned braindead dumbfucks.
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Measles? No no no, we’re talking America here, you mean
Freedom Sores
as vaccination rates plummet, freedom
No offense but fuck Texas
Texas is banning Gender Affirming Care FOR ADULTS, so yeah fuck Texas
If only there was some way to control measles. Oh well, wishful thinking i guess.
You cannot control freedom freckles.
This is child abuse.
Pro life starts at conception, pro life ends at birth
Carlin said it best:
“If your prelife, you’re fine. If you’re preschool, you’re fucked!”
“Conservatives like live babies because they grow up to be dead soldiers.”
Republicans are right into that
Ya know when Conservatives died of Covid in massive numbers because they kept refusing to intentionally antagonize the people fighting Covid and every restriction put in place against it the only thing going through my head was
“I hope enough of them kicked the bucket to make Republicans unelectable so that tragedies like this can’t happen again.”
Guess what’s going through my head now?
I’m sad that it’s children paying the price though. They don’t have any say in anything. It’s child abuse to intentionally infect them with a preventable disease.
And the parents surely won’t blame themselves.
If only we stopped Miss Teacherlady from showing little Billy that Rainbow Flag, then maybe God would have loved him enough to save him from the Communist Measles… sigh
Seriously, there’s nothing wrong with having a religion (Despite what r/Atheism thinks), the problem is when you think it’s the answer to every question.
Woah, it really is the 1980s again. Time to get some cocaine I guess.
Texas… warns AGAINST something dumb?
Genuine surprise over here.
According to RFK, measle outbreaks are normal. Religion and bleach will save Deregulated Texas and if the shit spreads, the USA too.
rfk jr brains just all worms controlling the body, hes just a husk.
Way too many entries for the Darwin Awards this year
except this is how measles mutates to overcome current vaccines….
That was going to happen anyways.
that’s not how it works
It is after a successful Russian based anti-vax psyop campaign.
Not if it is eradicated, like it was until this lunacy cropped up.
theres a subreddit called hermain cain, i think that started to include this measles epidemic.
We are careening toward the “end-game” for the rampant anti-intellectualism, anti-science, anti-critical thinking mind virus that plagued this country for at least the past 80 years.
This is what happens when you condition people for nearly a century, to get angry and defensive when someone who’s more versed on a subject tries to teach them something (or god forbid, correct them). It has become a kneejerk reaction for so many Americans (mostly conservatives). They are so insecure that they view any type of education as a direct insult to them or some stupid bullshit like that. Like deep down, they know how ignorant they are, but for some reason they’d prefer to stay that way, so anyone who challenges that (regardless of how pure the motive), is a “smug piece of shit talking down to them.”
And instead of even retaining what the person said, let alone learning it, they become even more radicalized against… well, reality.
I truly have no idea how something like this can ever be fixed at this level. We’re talking over 50 million people give or take tens of millions (unsure how many have regrets).
And this is nation-ending shit.
Edit: Slightly related, but something I just thought about… Imagine if we ever have a prion-based pandemic (if that’s possible?). That could straight up be the end of humankind. Prions are terrifying.
This is what happens when you construct a society around screwing everyone else over while preaching cooperation. People stop trusting everything
Yeah, the US government is so well known for “preaching cooperation”. What a fucking joke.
Politicians are always preaching “unity” while not acting united in the least.
At the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, Mr. Trump took a moment to speak of bipartisan comity. Just hours earlier, he torched the federal bureaucracy, the global order, the media and Democrats.
Don’t forget the “liberal” (closed minded in their own way) hippie types who think cancer can be cured with some magic herb or something. They are just as likely to be against vaccines and science in general. I know too many of these people.
They are so insecure that they view any type of education as a direct insult to them or some stupid bullshit like that. Like deep down, they know how ignorant they are
They know deep down inside that they are dumb and uneducated but think their “instincts” and gut feelings are equivalent or better than years of studying and analytical thought. They also are jealous of people smarter than them and instead of raising themselves up they prefer to pull them down.
Well said, extremely on point. I’m just curious about your view on the timeframe - you’d say this started in the 40s or earlier? In my mind it was more around the 60s, together with the rise of neoliberalism
American religious anti-intellectualism as we know it really started with the rise of evangelism and fundamentalism in the 1890s-1900s. But it goes in phases: Pentecostalism emerges in the 1900s, fundamentalism and the rejection of modernity and science in the 1930s, anti-liberalism and various “youth” movements in the 1950s, television ministries and mega churches in the 1970s, religious political conservatism in the 1980s and 1990s, and the rise of the non-denominational “bible follower” churches in the 2000s.
But America also experienced several “awakenings” in the 1800s, which gave rise to all sorts of new flavors of spiritualism and Christianity ranging from Mormons to abolitionists. And there’s the rise of the (literal) Salvation Army in the US in the 1880s (but we really have the UK to thank for them).
It’s been incubating here for a long, long time.
It was a death sign once they allowed intelligent design as a legitimate argument in schools
… Intelligent Design was the "default* up until the Scopes Monkey trials though?
To be honest, I just threw a number out there without bothering to do the math… I guess I was thinking post-WW2, but yeah it could have been slightly later.
What do you think BSE was? We were lucky to keep that within the cow population.
True, forgot about Cruetzfeldt-Jacob.
Also, think that one in Africa that happened because the natives in the area had a tradition of eating the brains of their dead loved ones, was also a prion. I want to say Kuru? Koru?
I didn’t know what it meant and had to look it up, and for anyone else wondering:
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease, is an incurable and invariably fatal neurodegenerative disease of cattle. Symptoms include abnormal behavior, trouble walking, and weight loss. Later in the course of the disease, the cow becomes unable to function normally.
Correct. And it can transfer to humans, where it is then known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob, with the same results. One of those medical topics that make me really shudder when thinking about it.
Prion based pandemic is entirely possible.
I anticipate prions becoming a part of biological warfare in the coming years.
Maybe… Prions are a different beast altogether in terms of illness. Even the most terrifying forms take years to debilitate and kill you. I don’t think most countries want to wait that long to cripple an opponent, and definitely won’t want to unleash anything on a neighbor that will certainly come back at them. Right now the only thing that truly gets prions to be gone is incineration levels of heat.
So I don’t think biological warfare is going to be on the table. Maybe terrorist type attacks, where the asymmetrical nature of the opponents makes the user unconcerned about potential effects on themself.
I’d say the most likely path to prion outbreak would be lack of food regulation. Thousands of people could get sick/ die from contaminated ground meat, and without FDA functioning, it will be too late to prevent it.
Prions unlikely, they don’t possess the infectious nature of pathogens… additionally it’s a pretty rare disease, because animals showing signs of prions are usually eradicated and burned. Also humans can carry inheritable forms, which is even rarer than cow prions.
Even if someone manufactured it?
It’s a simple problem, the lack of trust; and a relatively simple fix.
But you will have to abandon liberalism, capitalism, and all such tools of the rich that only exist to oppress the poor. While those systems of oppression exist, anti intellectualism is a natural defense mechanism.
There’s a reason black folks in the US tend not to trust doctors, a good one, one of the best. It’s the same reason native Americans tend not to trust the law, immigrants tend not to call police even if they’re legal, and smart poor people don’t trust vaccines. It’s all the same reason, all the same cause, even with different incidents from that cause.
And you can’t fight it and keep the systems that spawned it, it is impossible.
Black people in generally are also ignored by doctors when they display life threatening symptoms such as heart attacks
Additionally people become bitter w.and conservative once they get a degree and never ended up in their field( they should know better), this is probably a small group but it does track. A lot of people love to choose majors like psych without researching you need a PsyD at the most to have a career
Hey, asshole, quit talking about me like I’m not here!
For those who aren’t aware, the last time I checked (hoo boy, this is getting close to two decades ago now… fuck me) approximately 1 in 18 college students graduate with a degree in psychology. That’s freaking 6% of the college graduates! Kind of understandable when the bachelor version of psychology is essentially the degree of human interest. ‘Come find out how and why humans are funny/stupid/doing X/interesting’ is a powerful lure when you’re surveying a bunch of different classes and don’t have a degree/career in mind yet.
Meanwhile, it’s harder to get into psychology doctorate programs than medical school. When I was looking into it, I think it was somewhere in the ballpark of ~5-10% of applicants to doctoral programs would get accepted. It looks like recently it’s sitting at 12%. Meanwhile, medical schools are around 44.5% right now.
Now, yes, I could show the higher acceptance rates to masters programs for psychology listed in that APA link, but that gets messier and needs more nuance than the bare bones I wanted to throw up there.
Huh? Yeah, sorry, not gonna get on board with your bizarre misunderstanding of very important fields.
It’s not a misunderstanding. It’s well known that it’s easier to get relevant jobs in certain science fields than others.
Psychology is one of the hardest science fields to get a job in, and it’s also one of the most popular undergraduate majors. Put the 2 together and the end result is that the vast majority of psychology majors end up being unable to find a job in psychology.
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JFC The idiot parents are doing this to their kids. I just can’t anymore.
Close but its more of a RFK sorta thing (really just as much of an exclamation)
Well you know what they say…what doesn’t kill you makes you have fewer cells that produce antibodies.
What doesn’t kill you will get you trapped in a summer camp
with WEREWOLVES running around
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And here I thought the pandemic craziness was an outlier