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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • pictured using generative tools

    So now it’s not just “bad CGI idea”, it’s “bad CGI idea generated by AI”.

    Next up: people investing billions in said cool looking bad CGI project only to find out none of it works and after wasting half a decade, they’ll come to the conclusion that they’ll need to invent a large transportation system with metal wheels that will run on a specialized track where you can add or remove carts as needed.

    It’s so bad that we don’t have any of this yet!

    Seriously, fuck Elon Musk for getting these scams popularized

  • Yeah, and you’re going to vote for the douche, unless you want the orange turd to change your country in an autocratic dictatorship.

    You might want to read into how politics works. Biden condens Israel and promptly will lose the next election because Israel has quite the influence in the Jewish population. He loses the election, trump will win andy dear DAMunzy, if you think Palestinians have it bad now, wait until orange dictator comes to power. I believe his words were along the lines of “total eradication”.

    Biden has done a large number of great things, which I never hear people talk about. I do hear talks about situations where there is no good outcome,.damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    What would you have done? Condemn Israel, take away all their money? That would totally not backfire about 6 months from now… Carefully mention to Israel to behave? I’ve seen Biden do that, for all the good it did… So do whstz exactly?

  • Star wars, star trek, loads of other shows have suffered the same problem here.

    I don’t mind female leads or LGBT, or Latin / Asian / African or whatever typenof actors, none of it is a problem, ehy should it be?

    I mind when the writing is cringe worthy bad, but I’m supposed to like the show because of reasons like

    “the main actor is black, … AND A WOMAN, gasp!”


    “But 30 percent of the characters are gay, it MUST be good now, RIGHT?”


    “That widely know character with a rich and very well defined backstory is now a stone cold murderer AND lesbian, this show rocks!”

    I’m tired of existing shoes being ruined this way. You want to make a show where all characters are black transgender women? Go ahead, make a NEW show, leave existing stories alone. If the writing is good, I’ll watch it, I don’t need a brave gay black Winnie Pooh.

    But that won’t happen, because they’ll take an existing show, shoehorn in a whole bunch of check boxes, black check, gay check, ooohhh bisexual check! And that’s it. Writing? Oh yeah, sure, we’ll have someone throw up over paper and we’ll use that because we have all the checkboxes, we gon be great!

    And another show lies ruined.

  • When the working class revolts, the Uber rich will just use misinformation to blame it on the blacks/Jews/gays/<insert popular minority here> and the working class will kill them instead

    That’s how it always has worked, the working class isnt exactly know for seeing through propaganda. This is also the reason why in the US, the Republican party works so hard to destroy education. Dumb people are easier to control, easier to lie to, easier to suppress.

    Don’t say it ain’t so, this shit is right now happening with Trump, and large swathes of the working class are lapping up his lies as if it were caviar, even though Trump is the very prime target they should direct their anger to.