I have peepee doodoo caca brains.

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024

  • Both are great projects really, and big projects at that - big stacks, lots of moving parts.

    Whereas GNOME tries to be more uniform, Plasma tries to be more bespoke.

    I don’t care which one you use, really. I just love GNOME design principles and it’s desktop paradigm.

    Is GNOME a perfect project? No. But when these troglodytes crawl out of their discord servers, I just can’t help but be infuriated by their pure malice and ignorance.

    So fuck em. I’m done with this thread.

    You have a nice day now, y’hear?

  • Oh noes! Design spec?!? :( STANDARDS AND ETHICS?!?! No! I Want you to install my halfass, broken solution instead of waiting for a proper solution to come along! I’m such a special boy and know coding better than you! HOW DARE YOU HAVE PLANS!! /s

    Like some of you are buffoons and need to go use something like Plasma instead. I love Plasma, not pushing that down, it’s just that if you don’t know the modus operandi of GNOME in 2024 already, you might as well give up trying.

    At the very least give up complaining. You wouldn’t have Wayland if it weren’t for WONTFIX, ya daft cunts.

  • As per the deal, 95 per cent of the $260 billion worth of trade will be settled in yuan.

    It’s like an economic visual of Putin’s balls in Xi Jinpeng’s grip. The other 5%? A blend of rubles and euros.

    In essence, BRICS is trying to make the yuan a world reserve currency. That’s how they’re going to “sanction proof” them selves, by leaning on Chinese economy, and tbh, since a crapton of manufacturing and fabrication already happens in China, it does make a lot of sense.

    Perhaps we’ll see the return of cold war era economic policies as a result. You can almost hear the liberals (neo or classical, take your pick - they both suck) begrudgingly press the button marked “Protectionism”.

    In any case, welcome to the CwaaS, or “Cold war as a Service”. Smack SWIFT and BRICS together, see what happens.

  • The dumbest out of all the modern “military interventions”. Invasions, really.

    “Oh no, you can’t call it that.”

    What do I look like, a fucking liberal? A socially conservative liberal even? GTFO here with that, you boot licking normie.

    Iraq was bad under Sadam Hussein, but has gotten so much worse post-US invasion, after they installed a bevvy of corrupt collaborative yesmen of course, which has never been bad against any country in history of governance /s