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Joined 28 days ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2024

  • For many years, corporate Bloomocrats let companies merge and acquire with little protest, barely a raised pinky. They left a broad doorway open for qualified people to rotate between regulation and commerce.

    Now they’re protesting the leopard they helped feed starting to turn on them. Acting like it’s the corrupt supremes rather than their own negligence.

    Little new young blood wants to wade into that mess, too much like working on grannies’ computer by now.

    The big corpo media has no discernible restraint about lying and misleading, and is run by the worst falsely-entitled assholes in this nation’s history. So any newbie knows well that they’ll be sprayed with shit from day 1.

    So we have elder politicians complaining and delaying retirement, apparently forgetting all those moments when they could have avoided letting banker-murderers run everything and bend it solely for personal enrichment they don’t even need.

    I want a party that can throw a mean spitball. Not one that hides behind a rulebook. We won’t get spitballs from academics, we’ll get beautifully crafted speeches and no action.

    Which is why I had/have hope for Joe, he knows what to do but needs encouragement to play meaner. Every voter shouod be encouraging spitball throwing to their reps.

    Fuck what the media will say…we can already guess that better than AI.

    DO and don’t SAY.

    Do…just fucking DO already.

  • Pelosi is Catholic.

    Tibetan Buddhism is the Catholic Church of Buddhism, far off the track, festooned with rituals and beliefs, all the same failures that accompany a religion as opposed to a practice.

    Including buying karma, thus Pelosi and a Republican showing up, looking to buy enlightenment but of course not saying that.

    The next incarnation of the Dalai Lama has already been chosen, he lives in Indiana so will be safer.

    I have compassion for the people in the situation with China, but this is money/power games and won’t help them. Elephants fighting and stomping grasses.

  • I think fem-terrogation is used to elicit specific info and the subject man may often not gather what is really being sought and why.

    If the desired info is given, great.

    If the wide-eyed probing questioning leads to bloviation on a pet subject and away from the sought data needed for mating informational purposes, then a splenetic term is applied to the subject.

    Thus it is likely that ND men are often categorized thusly, as well as trying the patience of innocent questioners who are merely trying to ascertain bank balances, salary, promotion potential, and other relevant info needed to determine if she is suddenly interested in his pet subjects.