• chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    If you all take a moment to look through OP’s history, you’ll see a litany of anti-Biden posts. I get it, we need to be critical of our leadership, and I fully support holding them accountable. However, OP really seems to have an anti-Biden bias. I’ll be blocking OP after I post this, and if you feel like you should do the same, I think you’ll find your Lemmy experience a little better.

    • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
      4 months ago

      Perhaps an anti-Dem position. Dems have been moving to the right since the 80s. This is how the right got so fucking insane. Dems fail to push back. That’s why they are no longer considered Left by any stretch of the imagination.

    • return2ozma@lemmy.worldOP
      4 months ago

      Gurl they know already. Ain’t nothing new. Go volunteer to make calls or canvassing for Biden to help him win.

    • nondescripthandle@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      4 months ago

      Considering no one else posts anything but postive news you blocking the one person who doesn’t is just creating your own echo chamber. Like three people post articles to lemmy and you’re mad at one because you dont like seeing negativity about Biden but thats news. These are real things that happend and burrying you head about it so you dont feel bad is a level of ignorance on par with the rest of the American voters. Man Americans love ignorance, and ignorance where they get to feel like they’re superior, oh they must be loving it.

    • AIhasUse@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      This post isn’t anti-biden. It is undeniably pro-biden. A hallmark of wisdom is an ability to change one’s mind. It is so sad that we have gotten to a point where growth and personal evolution are now seen as a negative thing. I can’t imagine living life constantly feeling like I must defend everything I’ve ever thought in the past because I see the very act of learning as something to be ashamed of.

      • chuckleslord@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Biden’s original policy was made to court progressives on the left. His current move is to make himself more appealing/ defend against attacks from the right. Which is both frustrating for those he courted in his first election, but also stupid because those on the right won’t know/ care that he capitulated. They’ll just move the goal posts further right.

        It’s a blunder and an unforced error, the favorite kind of mistake to make for democrats.

        • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
          4 months ago

          It’s exactly why USA Dems are inline with European conservatives. And why modern Dems most resemble 80s Repubs.

        • AIhasUse@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Republicans do this, too. Changing policies/views to try to please as large a group as possible is just what it means to be a successful politician. Politicians with firm beliefs end up like Bernie Sanders, respected by people with values, but without ever getting any real power. Just go back far enough, and you’ll find biden going on about how gay people shouldn’t be allowed to marry, and trump talking about how he identifies as a Democrat. To succeed in this business, your morals have to be made of playdough.

          • chuckleslord@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            No, they don’t. Republicans court the right. Any time they try to court the left, there’s a mutiny and anyone caught trying to form a bigger coalition gets ousted and replace with a more fanatical right-winger. They’re a rage-fueled party, voting out either democracy or themselves as their voting base becomes smaller and more fanatical as time marches on.

            Democrats win national elections by courting the left (see, the vast majority of American’s policy views), blame any minor losses on their more progressive members, move right, and then lose elections because why would anyone vote for Wishy-washy, Diet Republicans who can’t keep campaign promises because they keep undoing them to court people who will never vote for them? Oh, and they keep moving right because that’s where all the money is to campaign on

            • AIhasUse@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              Maybe it was all before your day, but Republicans have moved left on lots of issues. They used to be completely against drug reform, same sex marriage and other lgbtq+ issues, they used to be almost 100% in denial of climate change, they’ve come around to health care reform such as allowing pre-existing conditions. They even used to be harder on immigration and social security. You can’t imagine how much further right the Republicans were on many issues in even just the 80s and 90s. It’s not necessarily because they wanted to. It’s because they had to in order to keep getting voters.

        • AIhasUse@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          It’s not a bit. I’m actually one of those weird people who sees change as a good thing. I don’t have that disease where I think that changing views with new information makes me stupid. It is a result of having a habit of thinking for myself instead of just trying to memorize what a “good political party member” is supposed to think about a given issue.

          • electric_nan@lemmy.ml
            4 months ago

            Changing one’s mind isn’t always good. You can absolutely change your mind to a worse position, and nobody should applaud you for that. In this case, I don’t actually think that Biden has ever had strongly held personal beliefs about this issue or really any others. This is typical of politicians. You can pretty well tell when someone has genuinely held principles (they change little over time), and if they genuinely change their minds, they will usually explain in detail how it happened. That is definitely not what’s going on here lol.

  • PugJesus@lemmy.world
    4 months ago


    Here’s actual context for anyone who wants it.

    The US president is expected to sign the order as early as Tuesday to seal the border with Mexico to migrants when numbers of asylum claimants rise above a daily threshold of 2,500.

    But sure, both sides the same, if this time we let fascism win it will totally make us into a left-wing paradise, etc etc etc.

    • WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      None of these people post with any nuance. It’s all to cripple Biden any way they can. What is their end goal? I’m not happy with everything he does, but we have no other viable option in this election. Everything Biden does bad, Trump will do worse. Biden at least bends to pressure from the left.

      • webghost0101@sopuli.xyz
        4 months ago

        My pov is that the threat that is Trump is very convenient to the right wing Democrats like Bidden.

        The Democrats aren’t Nazis, they just don’t mind them all that much.

        That doesn’t mean “there the same” and that people shouldn’t vote D. They absolutely should because the world may never recover from a second Trump win.

        But once the election is over and Trump is hopefully in the past, the establishment should be roasted, “not an actual fascist” is a sickly low standard for an office that rules one of the most powerful nations. The people deserve better and the establishment needs to get the message that we demand better.

        • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Why would they so that though? Every election from now on if going to be this dangerous.

          Seems like they have us over a barrel, no?

      • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        All people are doing is pointing out shitty things that Biden does. Perhaps he should stop doing those? I don’t know, it just sounds incredibly authoritarian. The way a lot of these neoliberals like yourself are acting like criticism is not allowed.

        It’s building up a massive amount of spite to moderates from progressives

        Edit : Downvote all you want, but all it’s doing is building up spite and not just me, but basically every other progressive. And then you completely don’t understand why you all are unpopular. Good luck winning the next election. Neoliberals well and truly suck.

        Pro tip, stop alienating your electorate. No wonder you guys like Biden so much. Birds of a feather. The party has gone absolutely mad and Its going to bite us all in the ass come election day. None of you are treating this election seriously enough as much as you seem hell bent on turning off progressives.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Edit : Downvote all you want, but all it’s doing is building up spite and not just me, but basically every other progressive.

          Funny. Every progressive I know is hell-bent on a Biden victory because, even though we’re all well to the left of the left-wing of the Democratic Party, much less some centrist like Biden, we aren’t ghouls who desire our fellow Americans to suffer under a fascist regime, especially not out of ‘spite’ over being downvoted on an internet forum.

          I always thought my experience with other progressives was the norm, but maybe there’s some evidence you’ve got that suggests otherwise.

        • PugJesus@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          All people are doing is pointing out shitty things that Biden does. Perhaps she should stop doing those? I don’t know, it just sounds incredibly authoritarian. The way a lot of these neoliberals like yourself are acting like criticism is not allowed.

          It’s building up a massive amount of spite to moderates.

          Yes, that is the position of the American moderate. Clearly, the American moderate is upset at stricter immigration policy.

          Have you talked to an American moderate in your life?

        • WhatIsThePointAnyway@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          The reason the right keeps kicking the left’s ass is because they band together for their end goal instead of picking each other apart in an election year. I’ve been leftist my whole life, I’m no neo-liberal as you state just for seeing the truth of this election. What is your solution? Is pissing on Biden every chance going to do anything to fix these policies? If we get Trump, do you see immigration getting better? Biden is getting pummeled in the polls for his perceived weakness on the border. He lightened the rules after he won last time and Republicans have been crucifying him on border security since and it’s getting traction in polls. Sometimes in a democracy, you have to make some concessions to keep the power to make change in your hands. How far has the strategy of purism gotten the left? This country has swung so much further right due to leftist infighting losing us elections. Now we have a right wing candidate with a plan to straight up end democracy, but still we are calling each other “not leftist enough” instead of focusing on the real enemies of progressivism.

          • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            The solution is for Biden to stop putting his foot in his mouth at this critical moment. THAT is what I find so offensive about this whole ordeal.

            Its like you all have given up on that possibility, which makes defnsing him offensive.

            You know he sucks, but we just have to deal with it?

              • TheHarpyEagle@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                Saying both sides are the same or equally dangerous is absolutely counterproductive, I don’t do it. Pointing out that both sides can fall victim to the same kind of tribalism and that someone is using almost the exact same reasoning as a conservative to dismiss valid concerns from their own party is not “both sides bad”.

              • AIhasUse@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                Do think there are any similarities between both sides, or are they different in every way that you can see?

                • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  They are similar in that they both receive money from corporations, and they both are resistant to change. Notice how I mentioned specifics, instead of trying to demoralize people so they don’t vote by spouting vague bullshit about how they are “the same”.

      • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Right, but that’s the thing, the Overton window is so far right that these moderate Democrats genuinely like these rightward policies. We all think we are agreeing on the same principle that human rights matter. I don’t think we are.

        I mean for God’s sake, I’m watching self-proported liberals praising right wing immigration policy all because they want their guy to look better.

      • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        This subcommunity is in Neo-liberal shit-rag. Honestly, I don’t know why any of us are here. Should just block them already.

    • archomrade [he/him]@midwest.social
      4 months ago

      It’s not the only policy being doubled down on

      “Both sides are the same” is not the argument here. It’s “militarized and cruel border policies are bipartisan”.

      edit: I should also mention: there’s a real pressure building here. Not only are our south and central-american policies creating refugees and mass migration, but increasingly climate disasters, too. Clamping down on the boarder is the reactive thing to do in response to the number of migrants showing up, but the real work needs to be assessing broader international policy and aid to our southern neighbors, and that’s another policy area where the current administration seems stuck in the past

  • PopOfAfrica@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    The alternative is that all of you are pissed too and are just upset that Im speaking the obvious.

    I guess all of this talk of my being a faux progressive is because people agree with my critcism here?

    Thats all I want, is for you to admit Biden is a crappy candidate who is alienating voters.

    If you want to vote harm reduction, fine, but dont act like he doesnt suck.

      • chuckleslord@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Well, you see, all those people saying they aren’t voting for Biden but against Trump secretly love Biden and can’t see that he sucks. I’m just pointing out their obvious hypocrisy of them being forced to do what they said they’d be doing rather than what we both know that they secretly wanted to actually be doing! /s

        I… I think I just channeled Warmbo. I might need a bath after that

  • Crismus@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    And back then people who complained that there were few differences between the candidates were attacked and ridiculed.

  • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    If you don’t like Biden and don’t wanna support trump, the party for socialism and liberation is running Claudia de la Cruz for president on a platform of immigrants rights.

    You can vote for something you actually want this November.

      • Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        It does. It shows the Democrats they can’t do Republican.

        Even if Biden wins he will be rewarded for being a massive Zionist sellout and all Democrats will keep doing it. If they see it costs them votes they will refrain from doing so in the future.

        Now bring up the “democracy ends in 2024 so there’s no 2028 meme” again.

      • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
        4 months ago

        It does. Not only does it help the party I support by giving them more access to funding, ballot presence, media appearances and raising public awareness of their very presence and platform, it shows the two major parties what votes they’re leaving on the table when they abandon the ideas I support.

        If you want a concrete example of a third party making a huge difference, Perot ‘92 is pretty undeniable. His campaign raised awareness of and rendered nafta, which passed with bipartisan consensus, an unpopular policy and ensured its replacement with an agreement that would at least be talked about as significantly different. His campaign was also found years after the fact to have not been a spoiler and to have actually hurt Clinton’s victory margin most of all.

    • Caveman@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      That’s not really viable in the US voting system. You need a third party that concentrates on a smaller number of voters to get some seats. The president is a single winner first past the post so voting in primaries is the only way to vote for something you want.

      There’s still a case where forcing republicans to take a more centrist approach by beating them consistently is good. Then dems would need to diversify with better policies.

      Voting system in the US is pure garbage. You’ll need a lot of independents to get ranked choice, then proportional voting system to have any real choice.

      • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
        4 months ago

        That’s not true unless you only consider the effects of winning a race to be viable under the us election system.

        Even if a third party candidate doesn’t win, their ballot showing gives them access to funding, event presence, media coverage, public awareness and of course shows other parties exactly what votes they’re leaving on the table.

        Republicans have not moved to the center due to pressure from democrats in 40 years. The idea is the other way around, that the ratchet effect is a constant movement to the right and democrats only keep the policy from “slipping” back to the left.

        I agree that the voting system is garbage, but we don’t need to wait for election reform that will never come to support parties, platforms and candidates that we actually support. As I said earlier, that choice gets results, those results just might not be the ones you want.

    • BigFig@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      “If you want to throw away your vote and usher in a fascist dictator, vote for me!”

      But hey, you’ll feel warm and fuzzy inside knowing you didn’t vote for mean ol Joe.

      • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
        4 months ago

        Here I go again on my own, explaining how the American electoral system works to people saying third party votes don’t matter. Like a drifter I was born to walk alone, but I’ve made up my mind, I ain’t wasting no more time:

        Votes for third party candidates ensure that they get access to funding, ballot and event presence, media coverage and increase public awareness.

        Possibly most importantly, they show the two major parties precisely how many votes they’re leaving on the table and in what districts when they ignore those policies and platforms.

        Also to borrow a turn of phrase: she’s electable if you vote for her.

        Imma take a second and address the fascist dictator part: you don’t actually believe that. I know because you saw what happened last time trump wasn’t declared the winner of an election, most likely know about operation 2025, the plan to gain full control over administrative state power and exercise executive power to accomplish a big list of goals, and can put two and two together.

        If you recognize the preceding facts and don’t think we’re getting January 6: the sequel: this time there’s been more than a month of planning and preparation, I don’t know what to say.

        If you believe it’s a real deal, actual factual plan to usher in a fascist dictator you’d be preparing to fight brownshirts in the streets, not haranguing people who still believe in an American future for encouraging third party votes.

        It’s astounding to me that a call to vote for a literal communist party gets met with someone saying “nuh uh, we gotta vote against fascism!” every time.

    • yetAnotherUser@feddit.de
      4 months ago

      Just vote for yourself, that’s the candidate you agree with the most and whose chance to become President is the same as any other American third party.