Assume that this is not a wannabee, but someone who, for example, already has a solid job offer from an EU country, and some cash for the relocation.

    3 days ago

    You have 90 days visa free to be in the schengen area(most of EU).

    It may be better to apply for your Visa in host country rather than through a US consulate. It’s often much faster, and there’s no third party which imo is safer.

    *It’s a one-way trip for your pets. At least last i looked into it the US doesn’t allow you to import house pets. So changing your mind will mean losing your pet. Speaking of bringing pets, that process is insane.

    You WILL get homesick no matter how awful you feel about the US, it will take at least a year to go away.

    The anxieties you bring with you from living in the US will take years to resolve.

    You’ll need to get good at saying where you come from by referencing either New York City or LA.


    Divers license discerns between automatic and manual transmission, trailer weights, and motorcycle displacement. There’s probably not a direct exchange so you’ll need to research for your discussing country. Your US license may be valid for a limited period after establishing residence.

    use your turn signals at roundabouts. Yes, if you’re exiting left, signal left, if you’re exiting right, signal right. Always signal right when you exit. (Opposite for left hand driving) Optional if you’re diving a BMW.

    Priority roads are a thing and right of may be different.

    Right-turn on red may not be legal.

    *Edit: the pets restriction may have been a covid era thing. Corrections

      4 days ago

      Divers license discerns between automatic and manual transmission, trailer weights, and motorcycle displacement

      I think depth is also an important factor. And remember, don’t drink and dive!

      4 days ago

      I brought 3 cats to the USA from Thailand, with little problem. There was a bunch of tests and paperwork, but compared to human visa and such, it was easy. Idk where you got the idea that it’s not legal to bring pets…?

      5 days ago

      Tell me more about the roundabouts and exiting. Are there left exits from a roundabout? Don’t they all circulate anticlockwise (when viewed from above)?

      There’s a new roundabout in my town and nobody knows how to signal. I see people enter with left signal flashing and then they’ll take the 3rd exit (out of 4 total). I’ve always entered without a signal, then exit right with a signal.

      Also, I’ve seen many people go around backwards. That’s a fun surprise.

      • I see people enter with left signal flashing and then they’ll take the 3rd exit (out of 4 total).

        Pretty sure that’s how you’re supposed to signal. In most places it’s not a legal requirement but it is recommended and taught by most driving instructors.

        Although I do assume they switch to their right signal before taking their exit. If they don’t, then yeah that’s wrong.

          4 days ago

          I didn’t describe it correctly. I see people approaching the roundabout with their left signal on, leave it on until they take the 3rd exit. I’ll also see approaching with their eight signal on and take the 1st exit. The intersection used to be a standard perpendicular intersection with traffic lights.

          It sounds as if you’re saying to signal left on approach indicating a merge, then signal right to indicate an exit from the circle. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen that in action.

            4 days ago

            Yep. Left signal when entering then right signal when going to the 3rd exit. The left signal means you’re planning to continue in the roundabout which would be wrong if you’re exiting.

            Car position is also a thing. Move to the right side on exit to block traffic behind.

            Also on entry: left side of lane turning left, center for straight, right for right.

            Idk what the rules are in the US for roundabouts. From what i recall there really aren’t any you’re just expected to use them without training and not crash.

            Edit: not sure i would necessarily apply these in the US. You need to drive extremely defensively because someone WILL misinterpret your signal cause they don’t know what’s happening either.

        3 days ago

        The US is on the exemption list in your linked article. I have corrected the time period, thanks!

    5 days ago

    Well, as a European (i.e. good person), let me welcome you to the developed world. We’re not snobby or greedy pigs like the Americans that invented Nazis. In fact, no country in Europe has ever looked down upon another country, continent, or people. We’ve also never colonized any countries nor do we conduct joint military exercises and operations with the US, and we definitely do not benefit from the US’s foreign policy and interventions. All of our luxuries are home grown and have never been the result of our brutal exploitation of other countries that resulted in horrific dictatorships, genocides, and ongoing conflict. If I remember correctly from my free history class, we have never even been to war at all. Btw, we have real history over here. Yours only goes back 200 years and has nothing at all to do with ours. What do you guys even talk about in history classes? lol!

    There is absolutely no crime here in Europe, only healthcare. The other day on our superior mass-transit system, my friend was held at stethoscope-point by a criminal that alerted him that he had a heart murmur. I actually get a free diagnosis every morning. I have like 78 km of diagnoses written on superior A4 paper. We’re also very cultured as we speak several languages, all European but still very cultured. There’s absolutely no racism or oppression. All of my roommates have been Roma, Arabic, or African. My neighborhood has scheduled to protest for more minarets all week since the government makes sure we have enough vacation days to insist on diversity.

    Our food is so organic that it’s composed of only carbon. That’s it. When you go to a restaurant, the waiters pick their most European customers every metric hour and gives them money. That’s right; our waiters tip us. We recycle everything and have never contributed in any fashion to climate change, and we have never supported Putin for decades by purchasing Russian gas. We’re in no way upset that we contributed less to NATO than we agreed to, depended on the US to save our asses while we enriched Putin, and now are wondering wtf we’re going to do since we don’t have shit for a military nor our own fuel supply.

    It’s about time you leave the US, who is 100% at fault for everything in the world and absolutely not an ally that serves as a scapegoat to compare ourselves against in order to distract from our bullshit.

    Edit: I forgot to mention that our chocolate is superior, and there is absolutely no child labor involved anywhere in the production line.

  • Skull
    5 days ago

    Welcome to Europe! I hope you’ll have fun over here. Lots of things can or will be different, but not necessarily in a bad way.

    Laws are different. Sounds kind of obvious, until you learn that some countries have serious sentences for things like littering or chewing gum in public. Read up on the basics just in case. Knowing things like the fact that several EU countries demand that anyone can show ID at all times, so carrying an ID card or passport is mandatory, can save you from an awkward fine. Your foreign drivers license is NOT valid ID!

    The legal system may work differently. The “you have the right to remain silent” thing may not apply. Lawyers may work differently. The country you’re relocating to may not have juries as part of the legal system. You’re probably not going to need that information, but you’re better off reading up on the basics just in case, you don’t want to get surprised.

    Police violence and racism still exist in Europe, though it usually manifests in a different way. The difference will probably depend on your background and where exactly you’re coming from, but there’s no direct need to be nervous around police officers. Most of them don’t have guns, and if they do, pulling them out at something as banal as a traffic stop will get them in trouble. However, if you’re awfully nervous for no reason, they may start to get suspicious.

    Some countries offer some social benefits to only their citizens, not to legal migrants. Make sure you know what you are and aren’t entitled to so you don’t find yourself footing a massive medical bill. Also check for any mandatory insurances that may not apply to you now.

    Not every American credit card is widely accepted. They’ll work in things like hotels, but maybe not for parking infrastructure. In some countries, credit cards barely work in grocery stores, for instance, especially in debit card-first countries. Taking out money abroad also costs quite a lot, so look into if you need to get a local banking account.

    Your driver’s license is likely valid, but needs to be converted to an international driver’s license for it to be recognized as such.

    If you get a mobile phone subscription from an EU country, mobile roaming charges are basically non-existent. However, if you’re traveling, make sure you remember what countries are EU or not. Unexpected Swiss data charges from driving along the border can ruin your week.

    If you’re between 18 and 21: the drinking age is lower. Please don’t drink yourself into a coma. Additional alcohol laws may apply: some countries only allow selling alcohol at government run facilities, for instance.

    Smoking rules and practices differ per country and region. Some countries ban smoking in public outright, others still very much smoke everywhere.

    Some things will be a lot cheaper (healthcare), others will be a lot more expensive (alcohol, cigarettes, fuel). If you’ve planned ahead on your finances, make sure to use local prices.

    Many American brands have identical packaging for differently flavored products. We have coke and Fanta and Pepsi, but they may not taste like you expect. Same goes for a lot of food: many foodstuffs are still filled with sugar, but from what I’ve heard American food is even more sugary somehow, so food may taste a bit bland when you first get here. If you have a healthy diet, that should correct itself in a few weeks.

    I’ve never seen those mythical free soda refills mentioned in American movies in Europe. An expensive four euro glass of soda probably doesn’t come with a free refill.

    Housing may work differently. Every country has their own rules for social housing and who can apply under what conditions. There are huge businesses out there that make money off scamming rich expats because of this. Make sure you’re informed of the local housing situation ahead of moving, unless your company arranges (temporary) living arrangements for you. Some expats in cities like Amsterdam find themselves struggling for months to get a basic apartment, wasting a lot of money on hotels despite their lavish income.

    I’d recommend learning the local language, even if everyone you interact with at work will speak English. Quite a lot of expats find themselves socially isolated because the local populace doesn’t want to speak English when hanging out with friends. Europeans, especially the younger half, generally understand English to the point where you can make yourself clear, so you have time, but if you want to make friends, you need to integrate.

    As you’ve probably heard, tipping is different. Tipping differs from “optional, but very welcome” to “insulting because of associations with bribes” depending on where you go. Read up on local customs if you’re not going out with locals.

    Advertised pricing is almost always including tax. Don’t add the 19-21% VAT in your head like you would with some American taxes, expect to pay the price as advertised. There are some exceptions (bottle deposits, for instance, but you can get that money back by handing in bottles at the right places) which will differ per country, but those shouldn’t break the bank.

    Some countries are moving towards becoming cashless in practice. I use cash about five times a year, plus about a third of the times I visit Germany. Some stores may not accept cash. If you combine that with the “not all stores accept American credit cards”, you may find yourself in a pickle. Luckily, things like Google Pay and Apple Pay use a universal protocol of sorts, so you can try setting that up as a backup.

    Check out how public transport works. Some countries let you travel for free, others will require paper tickets, and there are countries where your credit card can act like a travel pass. Some places sell tickets inside trains, others will demand you buy a ticket before entering.

    Traffic will work differently. Traffic signs are usually quite universal (stop signs even say STOP in France, unlike in French Canada!) but there are additional traffic indicators that probably work differently. Think painted lines on the ground to indicate right of way, special asphalt colours to indicate bicycle paths, but also traffic light placement. A quick read up before venturing into traffic would be wise. Some countries have a system where traffic coming from the right in an unmarked, unprioritised intersection will have right of way. If you’re driving or taking a bike, better check up on when you need to stop! Also, crossing the road is generally not illegal (“jaywalking”), but use common sense when to use that freedom.

    Lastly, the tax thing: unless you earn serious bank, you’re probably not paying extra taxes in the US. However, you are obligated to fill out tax forms. How the tax situation works depends on the country you move to. Some will have you pay American taxes and subtract them from local taxes, others will work the other way around. Either way, you’re probably not paying extra; despite what some people claim, tax pressure within the EU and America is actually quite similar. You will end up with extra paperwork, though. Speaking of, check the pension situation for the job you’re working for. If you don’t check, you may end up paying into a foreign pension plan you won’t have easy access to when you retire.

    Freedom of speech exists across the EU. However, it’s not the rather absolutist freedom of speech Americans (think they) have. If you pull an Elon Musk hand wave in Germany, you may end up in a cell. Libel laws work differently, insults may work differently. You may not have the right to record police officers. Hate speech is generally not protected. Some countries have laws against blasphemy. If you take part in any protests, make sure you know what you can and can’t say in public!

    Everything will be measured in metric. Kilometers, kilograms, liters. Some countries have local language equivalents for things like pounds or ounces, but they don’t line up with your pounds or ounces. You’ll hopefully pick up real quick that a meter is about three feet and a yard is about 100m and such.

    4 days ago
    1. The LAWS of that country. Just because it is legal to do in the USA, doesn’t mean that it is legal there. This is something that get visitors in trouble in other countries.
    2. The Customs and Traditions of the people of that country.
    6 days ago

    If you go somewhere where the main language isn’t English, you should make an effort to learn the local language. Yes, there are places like the Netherlands where virtually everybody speaks English well, but not putting in the effort means you’ll always be an outsider.

    Things are smaller outside the US: vehicles, apartments, kitchens, refrigerators, etc. It can take a while to get used to not having the same space you’re used to. Also, some devices like clothes driers are rare.

    Europeans take recycling seriously. In some places you have to pay to throw away garbage, while recycling is free. But, recycling is sometimes a real effort, like there’s not a “glass and plastics” box, you have to take the clear glass to one place, the brown glass to another, etc.

    Tipping mostly doesn’t exist. That means that if you go to a restaurant you don’t normally have one assigned waiter. Whoever is free will help you, which tends to speed things up a lot. OTOH, since they’re not working for tips, the waitstaff don’t feel the need to fake a smile, pretend to be your friend, etc. Some Americans think that comes off as unfriendly.

    Electricity is more expensive (part of the reason for the smaller appliances) so sometimes will completely unplug things that an American would just turn off (like a TV).

    Businesses don’t have the same convenient hours as in the US. In some places, like Switzerland, they almost completely shut down on Sunday. 24 hour places are much more rare.

    The European take on freedom of speech is different. You are simply not allowed to say certain things. Some things, like libel laws, are much more friendly to the person who is the target, rather than the “free speaker”.

    Oh, and smoking is still much more common in Europe, and it can be pretty disgusting. In the US it has been largely eliminated from public spaces, and smokers are confined to small smoking areas. Even in private homes people will often smoke outdoors either to be considerate or because their landlord doesn’t allow smoking indoors. In Europe, smoking is still common indoors in many places, and… ugh.

        6 days ago

        Even if you never plan to return, you are still (legally) on the hook to file a 1040-NR form with the IRS every year.

        There’s a foreign earned income tax credit: this reduces your US tax bill by any income tax you paid to your residence country. For many expat working stiffs, this means they don’t have to pay anything to Uncle Sam, but they still have to file a tax return.

        6 days ago

        Even if you plan to renounce your citizenship, that’s a long (and often expensive) process and you have to keep filing and paying taxes until it’s done.

        6 days ago

        Is there an exit tax when you leave the US? France for example has that, and the new Belgian government wants to introduce it as well.

            5 days ago

            Seems like it only matters if your taxable income is over ~$130k? So with foreign income exclusion that would mean you’d have to make over ~$250k/year for the 5 previous years.

            At that point you can just pay your problems away…

          6 days ago

          I think there is, but it doesn’t apply universally. I think it was one of those things designed to catch the ultra-rich who were renouncing their citizenship to get lower taxes elsewhere, but it ends up catching a lot of people who are middle class.

      6 days ago

      That’s no big deal. As long as you KEEP. REPEATING. YOURSELF. SLOWLY. AND. REALLY. LOUDLY, they’ll figure it out.

    6 days ago

    Opening bank accounts can be difficult due to the reporting/spying requirements banks have on US citizens. Actually not just citizens , I think it is called US persons of interest or something like that. Anyway not all banks want to deal with that and will not allow you to open an account.

          6 days ago

          Can confirm. I grew up in a household with an assault rifle in my dad’s closet as he was part of our equivalent of the national guard.

          And all of my dad’s friends had a gun rack with at least one hunting rifle.

          Here weapons are seen as tools and not penis/boob extenders/expanders.

          Some may have a pistol or similar, but that’s usually a result of a shooting club membership.

          6 days ago

          I have never seen a gun besides police and military. Oh, and that one time I was in the US.

            6 days ago

            Because people don’t carry them around. They must be locked up and kept separately from the ammunition, or they have to be kept at a gun club.

              5 days ago

              I know that existst, but that is just a fraction of the amount of guns in the US.

                5 days ago

                About 20% of Europeans own a gun; about 30% of Americans own a gun. The difference is that the latter tend to own more than one gun, making it 120 guns per 100 people.

    6 days ago
    • This depends on your destination, but you may need to unlearn the habit in tipping, as wait staff salaries are reasonable. Where I live it is common to enable the option for various services, but you’re never really expected to. I might tip if something was far beyond expectations with staff going above and beyond what is expected of them, but I usually don’t.
    • Extremely simplified/rounded metric: 1 meter = 1 yard or 3 feet
    • 1Kg = 2 pounds
    • 1 gallon = 4 liters (a standard serving of beer is 0.5 liters. Sometimes 0.33)
    • Almost everything carries some sort of tax. This is usually included in the price tag.
    • 50mph = 80kmh
    • most intersections don’t have a stop sign. Yeld for anyone entering from your right hand side (unless you’re in the UK or Ireland, where it’s opposite)
    • Roundabouts are very common, but simple to learn. Think of it as a circular one-way street where you yeld for anyone already in it.
    • Learn the difference between Europe, EU, EEA and Schengen Area. In most cases you may be safe presuming they’re the same, but there’s a difference that may be relevant if traveling between European countries.
    • Most people speak English to varying degrees, but learning the local language is still very useful. Unless you’re going to Denmark. Nobody understands Danish.
    • candy can be very different. European wine gum tastes very different from its US counterpart. The European version is of course far superior, and that’s an objective and unbiased fact.
    6 days ago

    You need a work visa. You can’t just accept a job offer and move. The company would have to sponsor you and there’s paperwork involved to allow you to legally work in that country. Some countries have limits to the type of jobs they allow foreign workers to take, and it’s usually the ones they are lacking labor locally. There might also be minimum qualifications (i.e. education level, language skills).

    6 days ago

    Which language do you speak? While many employer, especially in qualified field not working with public may accommodate English speakers, it’s not as universal as you may think.

    In qualified job, expect a loss of salary, well a part of it is covered by healthcare, daycare, school and more but at least at my work rk US laboar is more expensive when budgeting projects

    You’re an immigrant, expect to deal with all the associated bullshit

    It’s not like we don’t have our share of far right politicians who hate everyone including themselve

    6 days ago

    There may not be an equivalent to Miranda Rights, namely a right to remain silent or guaranteed explanation of what rights you do have in the event of an arrest or other circumstances.

    IIRC the UK can and will hold someone indefinitely if they refuse to talk. Which wouldn’t be as problematic if they could stop abusing anti-terrorism laws, particularly against protestors.

      5 days ago

      You can be held for up to 28 days without charge if you’re suspected of terrorism offences.

      I’m not aware of anti terror laws being used against protestors, but the last govt introduced extremely strict anti protest laws under which non violent protestors have been given up to 2 year prison sentences.

      6 days ago

      Cute of you to assume plebs leaving US will be making 100k or whatever threshold it is now…

      There are very few places that have similar salaries and they don’t accept plebs.

    6 days ago

    Unless you formally revoke your citizenship you’ll be required to file for taxes for the rest of your life.