A Facebook group for Cybertruck owners is full of videos and photos of passersby and other drivers flicking them off, leaving notes that say “WHAT’S ELON’S CUM TASTE LIKE?,” and “NAZI CAR,” and people kicking their cars, throwing slices of cheese at it, etc.
Please correct me if I’m wrong but, hypothetically if someone were to vandalise a Tesla to the point of it being written off, could the owner request that the insurance company replace it with a non-tesla car?
Where I live, you get a clump sum of money based on the totaled cars current market value. So YES, in some places!
Flipping off*. You can flick off boogers, but you flip the bird.
They’re all masochists. I’ve never seen a group that wants to be oppressed more than conservatives. Their lives revolve around bullshit perceived aggrievement.
Fancy way to call people stupid
Christian conservatives are the worst of them all. Their entire society is steeped in their religion; it’s literally unavoidable, despite the first amendment being very clear. If the US has a culture, it would heavily overlap with Christianity.
And yet they have convinced themselves that they are being oppressed. Because someone dared to challenge their obviously unconstitutional bullshit. It’s so pathetic.
My Catholic in-laws voted for Trump in 2020 because Biden, a Catholic, was going to outlaw catholicism.
There’s no hope for these people.
…he voted for the people who dont recognise the head of his religion?! As a former catholic myself, wow, he is a stupid one, hope the one person threw which they are your inlaws isnt as bright as them
The modern Christian Establishment has a great deal in common with the United States itself. There’s tons of writing and chatter about being based on principles of personal freedom and responsibility, taking care of one another, etc. while in real life the ones steering those ships will laugh you out of the room if you suggest they actually try to live and treat folks anything like their texts say they should.
There are, of course, genuinely good Christian and American individuals out there, but they are clearly not the ones in control of their institutions; the collective human organizations which serve to represent them are all about keeping up sparkly appearances and telling nice stories while standing firmly on the necks of anyone they deem too different from themselves.
Those people are good in spite of their religion.
Christianity takes all of the best aspects of humanity, and convinces people that they require some sort of supernatural force to be or do those things.
Happy Holidays has entered the chat.
A lot of core concepts in Christianity are incompatible with being white in America. It’s a religion for the oppressed being practiced by the oppressors. They’re the Pharisees. It takes a lot of mental gymnastics to figure out how to see themselves as the lepers and the Jews.
I see a Reichertruck sometimes on my commute and wonder if the driver gets shit for it. It just gets an angry glare from me.
i call it the cybercoffin, and the charcuterie on wheels.
Cybertruck? Oh, that boxy Prius. Gotcha.
The prius doesn’t deserve that.
Dude, the last version of the Prius I saw was a couple years ago on MKBHD, and it looked amazing and had a solar roof.
Fun fact: the solar roof debuted on the Prius for the 2010 model year, in 2009
Destroying people’s property is not a joke. Kicking, spray painting, throwing food at, and other forms of harassment are wrong. The last administration told everyone to “go electric” so people tried to do what they thought was right. Cars are a huge expense, people can’t " just go get another one".
No one bought a six figure truck with no reasonable application because they thought it was right thing to do, they did it to show how they had more disposable income than you and that they aligned with hatred. They deserve much worse than anything I see here.
people buy it so they can brag about it.
The biden\harris administration told people to buy electric, offered tax breaks, and tax rebates for 4 years. Every car manufacturer started producing electric cars at their request. Where have you been?
You’re being disingenuous, for example by equating the cybertrucks and some other Teslas being “damaged” (sure in some cases but not by slices of cheese or notes) with any and all electric cars, or by equating the negative sentiment against Tesla with negative sentiment against any EV.
If it was a 5 year old Tesla you might have a point. There is no excuse for the memetruck.
While I agree “sell your car” is kind of ridiculous when nobody is buying and everyone is saying “don’t own it OR ELSE”. On the other hand most teslas are owned by the bank and people larping being rich as tesla is a premium car (nevermind that it’s built like to the standard of russian cars and falls apart constantly). Thirdly this is about the cybertruck. Cybertruck was a man squatting with his trousers down and making a face of great effort. Unless you are a complete moron or otherwise obnoxious, you knew exactly what was coming out of that anus. With a cybertruck It’s either in hidden away as an investment since it will be the next delorean once us civil war is over, or you are a bona fide complete moron for owning it and honestly deserve the financial hole. Selling theirs at a massive loss might even save their lives considering the safety record of that turd.
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I like this “throwing slices of American cheese” at Cybertrucks. It’s barely even food, so it’s not really that wasteful. I’m sure the synthetic oilly shit has a wonderful reaction with that unprotected stainless steel. It’s also fucking hilarious - “hey police, someone threw cheese at my car, I’m in fear for my life.”
The latter is so they can kill them with a written record to aid their defense in court.
I’d call it premeditated, first degree murder, but I’m not on their jury so my opinion is irrelevant.
Cybertruck owners are huge fragile removedes, who’d have known?
Just wanted to say that the hate on American cheese is unjustified. American cheese is just cheddar that has been heated to 170f (iirc) for long enough to kill bacteria and make it shelf-stable. They add an emulsifier (again, iirc) to help it bind better and have a more pleasant texture.
All other criticisms of America are valid, but the cheese doesn’t deserve the hate it gets.
Check out Nile Red on Nebula, (or YT if that’s your bag). He makes American Cheese from the ground cheddar up and you can watch. Having done so, I agree with you.
Honestly if you ever tasted anything else than cheddar and mozzarella, you know that americans cheese is something else. I’m willing to bet you could leave some slices in a forest and no animal would touch it.
you know that americans cheese is something else
It’s cheddar and Colby Jack with some emulsifiers to make them mix better, that’s about it
Kraft singles have preservatives in them so they’re großer for sure, but that’s not the only kind of American cheese there is
No I DONT know why my keyboard autocorrected that to use the German letter but it’s funny so I’m leaving it as is
I agree, the american cheese is an Interesting and useful invention. At the end of the day it’s just emulsified cheese. Similiar to emusified sausages and meat products, which are popular all around the world.
I much rather hate american insistace on substituting technique and culinary education with cream, corn syrup, sugar and butter, for example cacio e pepe or carbonara.
emusified sausages and meat products, which are popular all around the world
They are?
Mortadellas, doctors sausage, frankfurters etc. should be emulsified afaik
Aren’t they just finely ground? I mean when they’re made properly.
Sir I just work here.
If by ‘more pleasant texture’ you mean ‘no texture whatsoever’ then yes, I suppose so.
pleasant texture
I’d go with “rubbery”.
“Pleasant” in the context of what it would be otherwise. My understanding is that, without the emulsifier, it would be crumbly and kinda chalky, and not hold a form very well.
I’m sorry, but have you never had actual Cheddar?
They missed that American is a mix of cheddar and Colby Jack, so it’s not easy to mix the 2 without an emulsifier
I have, and it’s <chef’s kiss>.
You forgot to mention that it’s watered down. That’s what the emulsifier is for, to make the oils in the cheese mix well with the added water. The concept is fine - for some applications - if it were only that, but this is hyper-processed American food we’re talking about here. Gotta pad out that ingredient list:
The above is the standard Kraft singles ingredient list, and at a glance is the shortest one I saw on their website.
But it’s a great source of phosphates! Where else are you going to get your phosphates?
Literally this is why it gets hate. It’s not remotely Cheddar. Real Cheddar is deliberately none of these things. I love a crunchy cheese crystal and a crumbly organic texture. To each their own, but it’s not Cheddar, barely cheese. I’d have it in a burger, but only because so few places will melt real cheese properly. Brie is pretty good in a burger. Is Somerset Brie really Brie? Time for a Frenchman to tell me to gtfo…
I didn’t say it was cheddar. I said it was made from cheddar. It’s decidedly not cheddar, which is why it’s not called “cheddar”.
“almost” Cheese product…
That’s Velveeta or canned cheese, explicitly not what’s being discussed
American cheese is an actual cheese product
They are discussing cheese slices, or singles as they are sometimes called. And I don’t think those are cheese, but a cheese product.
IMHO, it has three purposes:
- a grilled cheese on cheap white bread with enough butter to guarantee an acid reflux episode
- melted on Chef Boyardee ravioli
- on a slice of apple pie
If your Kraft singles are too precious, I think the Dollar Tree brands stray even further from gods light.
wtf would you put that on apple pie? Pie deserves a nice sharp white cheddar
Wait wtf you put American cheese on your apple pie?!?
Are you from the US? I’ve never heard of that, and honestly I’m horrified and intrigued
I think it might be an “older people in the south” thing. (Like all boomers and older I’ve talked to about it know about it, usually not younger) I worked at a diner for a bit, and it would be Silent Generation types that would order it.
It’s pretty good, but real cheddar would be better. It’s that similar salty/sweet combo that makes French fries and a McFlurry better than sex.
i heard of it as kid on some cooking show on PBS in the 90s. I thought it was super weird, but my mom had heard of it. Except it was cheddar cheese, not american. I tried it and thought it was pretty good, so i bring it up when people talk about apple pie. it never fails to weird them out if they’ve never tried it!
I wonder if one of the problems is your comparison of American cheese to what I’m guessing might be American cheddar. I say this because most (and I know there are some niche outliers) American cheddars are pretty awful. It tastes processed, rubbery and bland.
When I, a Brit, lived in the USA for 4 yrs I quickly learned the only good cheddar was the NZ or UK stuff. I say this as someone who has gone through at least 1-3 blocks of various British cheddars a week for almost 40 yrs.
I wonder if you have had imported (not just branded as “English cheddar” before for example? It might blow your mind… but also if American cheddar is all you have know it might not taste all that good - we all have our tastes shaped by our upbringing.
American Cheese is not actually cheese. It is cheese food product. Even deli American cheese is not cheese.
Legally they can’t label it as cheese, but get anyway with cheese being part of the name.
Because it’s made out of cheese. Legally if you take something that is cheese and use it as an ingredient in another food, then it is no longer “cheese”, it is “cheese food”. The first ingredient is cheddar
Because it’s made out of cheese
The west mocks homeopathy but practices it with it’s own food.
All other criticisms of America
Processed cheese is only called “American cheese” by Americans.
The rest of the world doesn’t call it that, and it’s strange to see that some of you take it on as part of your national identity.
@JacksonLamb @SPRUNT ‘American cheese’ is a specific type of cheese. I think the closest thing we have in the UK, we’d call ‘plastic cheese’ but even Kraft cheese slices/Kraft singles aren’t ‘American cheese’ as they have extra milk in. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_cheese
Thank you. I did not realize their processed cheese was even worse than Kraft.
I’m partial to the odd Laughing Cow on toast.
Your assuming a lot. I just like cheese.
Then why were you calling it a criticism of America?
That does not make sense.
They said that in the broader context of saying they don’t think American cheese deserves the hate it gets. It was qualifying their defense of American cheese by saying they aren’t just blindly defending any criticism of America but honestly like the cheese.
“hey police, someone threw cheese at my car, I’m in fear for my life.”
This had me chuckling.
Remember that to these people the law exists to oppress.
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
In a video taken from a Cybertruck of a man throwing American cheese slices at the windshield of a Cybertruck
They better be throwing 64 slices of American cheese.
they must be lacktoes intalarant.
DONT NEED any toes if the gas pedal is stuck.
I’m sure the synthetic oilly shit has a wonderful reaction with that unprotected stainless steel.
Not to mention that depending on force of the throw, and precise angle of the impact of cheese slice, the thing could start falling apart.
… which now I think about it, also explains the:
“hey police, someone threw cheese at my car, I’m in fear for my life.”
Police : Buddy, you are lucky it wasn’t something much worse, this one time, a friggin acorn hit my car and I…
Fuck! I’d completely forgotten about that! What a fucking mongrel…
Post his picture everywhere so everyone knows who he is… and he never has to pay for his own drinks again, I suppose?
the only way these people will learn [is] if they are shamed
Oh projection…
Oh projection…
I don’t think you really understand the words you use.
You’re saying shaming nazis is shameful?
edit jesus lemmy, you’re this stupid? there’s no-one blaming anyone of being anything. there’s nothing being “projected” here. I guess the downvoters feel rage for me pointing out that only pretentious morons use terms they dont’ actually understand to seem smarter than they are
Bro the quote is from a nazi car OWNER not the critics, the OWNER of nazi car is doing the projecting. You clearly dont understand that even after multiple people have pointed it out and thats why youre getting flamed. Lick your wounds and move on.
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Wow what a prick. Is that simple enough for you?
Me being a prick doesn’t make me wrong though.
Cybertrucks are ugly, poorly-built, and poorly-designed vehicles. These protesters are doing any potential owners who get deterred from wasting their money on them a favor.
You forgot no safer than a ford pinto.
Like 13 times less safe than a Ford Pinto, and ~50x worse (for fires) than another EV.
Oh, the Pinto, with it’s missing gas tank design, and later rebranding as the Ford Mustang after killing so many in a firey death. Gotta love the Pinto…
Edit: to be clear, I’d rather drive it than the boxy Prius wannabe.
and later rebranding as the Ford Mustang after killing so many in a firey death
It’d be funny if true but the Pinto sold for longer than the Gen II mustang, they just looked similar
Aw man! The colloquial history was wrong. Sorry about that, mate. The pinto took design factors from the Mustang Gen I. After the Pinto failed, the Mustang II took design factors from the Pinto. However, the colloquial history of one being a reskinn of the other is utterly wrong. Good story, though haha
Dude, what did the Prius do to you?
The boxy Prius wannabe? A lot. The real Prius, nothing. It’s a rather nice vehicle, actually (not the box).
I test drove one because I had to know. It was awful. I’ve driven dozens of different vehicles and it by far is the worst I’ve ever driven. It’s just stupid. Everything about it is stupid.
It also felt satisfying to cost Tesla like $10 in electricity and wear and tear.
It also felt satisfying to cost Tesla like $10 in electricity and wear and tear.
Should we all sign up to test drive Teslas with zero intentions to buy, just to cost them time & money?
I don’t know about you but I am never getting in a Tesla of any kind for any reason.
I have a feeling that one of Elon’s kids were the inspiration. One told him while watching Blade Runner or something with them “Why does the future not look like the future?”, then he decided to cook, and people around him let him.
Elon doesn’t spend time with his children. They are meat shields to him.
Close, except it’s himself coming up with the idea. His kids are smarter than that
These protestors in front of Tesla Service Centers need to see what a majority looks like…A couple hundred CTs surrounding them might do it.”
This guy thinks the majority means “whoever shows up with weapons”
…A couple hundred CTs…
Gonna be hard to get the majority of them that have been sold to show up in one place at one time.
I was gonna make a joke about that in my original comment but I checked and was surprised to find that like 30k have been sold in the US
30k is abysmal for a car that had almost 2 million pre-orders. Clearly, there is huge demand for a vehicle like the Cybertruck, but not specifically the Cybertruck. A little hyperbole can be fun sometimes.
There was huge demand - if they had released what was promised for the promised price in the promised year it would have been the only EV truck, have capabilities beyond any EV car, while also being among the lowest price EVs.
I’m generally not interested in a truck but was tempted by the original announcement. However what we finally got was an easy “no”
He also thinks there are a couple hundred cybertrucks nearby. Thinking may not be his strong suit.
Hey if you’re near a Tesla storage lot, there probably IS a couple hundred cybertrucks nearby.
Sitting there, having their wheels stolen and rotting since nobody is buying them, but that’s still technically nearby.
having their wheels stolen
I am pretty sure in the car parts thievery guild, showing up with something from a Tesla is sure to get yourself excommunicated and even banished.
Or just unsold sitting in an abandoned mall parking lot
American cheese used to cost more than eggs. Now cheese is 10x cheaper than eggs. New throwables just dropped.
Cheese frisbee!
Ask grimes, or any of the other sell-out women that have tasted it.
True, but they’ve also probably been paid enough to lie about it.
probably like cheap government cheese.
Blue cheese.
We only serve “cheese product” in the US of A.
EDIT: Also, obligatory…
Throwing cheese at cars is my new favorite form of antifascist protest!
If it’s parked, bird seed is a good one! Those birds will probably do some pooping.
Dicks buying cybershits deserve some mockery.