Are they happier? Because they sure do complain a lot and get enraged over the simplest of issues.
Love Steve. Been following him for years.
"Fuck you, got mine " exemplified .
If conservatives were happy they wouldn’t act the way they do.
I have a conservative friend who will start screaming like a little girl when a cyclist is doing nothing other than just using the bikelane that happens to come into an intersection with the road he’s on.
Such happy people, amazing.
Tell him we hate him too
Why are you friends with douchebags? I’m not trying to be snarky, I am genuinely interested
He’s a good guy to me, actually a decent friend.
Willing to help whenever etc, never met someone like him. We just have very different opinions and a different response to what bothers us haha
I have a douchebag friend. We have a lot in common. We’re both like playing pinball. We both get migraines, and we both have chronic pain. Both have families that we love a lot. We’re both older and retired. I genuinely like him.
He posts a lot of shit on Facebook “owning” liberals. I don’t think it suits him, but I think he’s caught up in the moment, and I think his pain and migraines get to him a bit.
I believe he’s too good a man to stay on this track, and I’m going to be there when he realizes it. And I’ll give him a hug and tell him I understand.
My sister has a childhood best friend that she had been through everything with, including him coming out as gay, and in her 50s her friend started supporting Trump. Again, I don’t think it suits him, he’s a sweet guy, but she just quit a relationship of 40 years because of that.
We gotta look inside people. They have s lot of reasons for what they do.
More like blissfully ignorant. My experience with conservatives is that they like to sweep problems under the rug and pretend everything to be fine.
I realized its very much this when I asked my mother (born in 1961) if she had never taken a civics class, and she answered no. She actually believed(s?) the president creates laws. I don’t know what she thought congress was.
ahh yes family values like bailing Andrew Tate out.
Not to mention worshipping a thrice-married sexual predator
Andrew Tate and his brother have probably, uh, you know…
Ignorance is bliss, and to persist with conservatism requires embracing an ever expanding level of wilful ignorance.
Privilege. Especially white privilege. It’s easier to be happy when you’re benefiting from the invisible suffering of others.
He does stand up. He’s pretty funny. I like when he heckles back at hecklers.
The funny part is that he’s known as a heckle comedian but has publicly stated that he hates hecklers. He’s only known as a heckle comedian because he has zero qualms about tearing them down as soon as they try. His comebacks are usually pretty brutal because he just wants to end the heckling and keep his set moving.
Conservatives are racist nazis that have the IQ of an inbred redneck
deleted by creator
Stop censoring these people’s names and faces. They said it. They said it out loud and proud, in front of god and everyone. Why are we afraid to show them?!
Some places do have rules against name and shame, to be fair. Not sure that this is one of them, but still a safe general rule to follow.
Those places deserve pushback on that bullshit
If someone said it in public then they’re fine with it being out there
Oh, I absolutely don’t disagree with you, I can just see why people would err on the side of caution with their own posts.
You may be looking for the phrase “chilling effect”. It’s not just for legal stuff now, but for doing anything proper because it brings too much trouble.
Yes, that would work to describe it. It’s also a phenomenon that has existed since our pre-human ancestors began social relationships.
Well, they do say ignorance is bliss.
They must be euphoric.
Oh boy, you have no idea how much. Imagine knowing you will be tortured for eternity.
I’ve noticed that conservatives cant feel empathy. They only feel sympathy. This is why they don’t understand any injustice until if effects them personally. This is the root psychological reasoning behind the leopards eating faces memes.
The richest man in the world, who has only ONCE paid anything approaching a 20% tax rate and crowed like he was a PHILANTHROPIST when he did, is removing all social programs that are a safety net for the poorest and most desperate among us.
Empathy? Sympathy? They are vampires.
I prefer to call them Ghouls.
Completely unrelated, I had a character for Age of Sigmar’s Soulbound (TTRPG). I played a ghoul named Jeff Bezos and I doubled down on the ghoul madness.
I’m just waiting to bring back Jeff with his now 2 imaginary friends, Musky and Zucky.
“We’re happier than libruls”
Must be the whole “Ignorance is bliss” as well
I’m pretty sure that they are “happier” is not a factual statement.
Was going to say, most that I know seem pretty miserable and looking for someone to blame or hate
Like a cop beating up a suspect they’re… happy.
Lack of empathy and utterly selfish. It enables these trash humans to take others rights and believe the lie that doing it is a good thing.