This is why I see the political spectrum as just a circle … there is no far right or far left
There is a center at the top and if you move to the right or left, you end up at the left side of the circle or right side of the circle … if you politics go any further, the start traveling inward and meet at the bottom … the far right is no different than the far left.
So our job is to have this never ending circus balancing act of standing on this circle … it is constant work to keep it all balanced because if we drift to one end, we are liable to drift too far and end up at the bottom.
In a nutshell, the far extremes of “left” and “right” are more similar to each other than the center, i.e. the ends of the horseshoe actually terminate at “authoritarian” and which way you go to ultimately get there winds up not mattering much in the end.
Modern far left: we think other people should be treated with respect, dignity, and have inalienable human rights to things like food and education.
Modern far right: Chattel slavery was great and so was the Trail of Tears.
This is why I see the political spectrum as just a circle … there is no far right or far left
There is a center at the top and if you move to the right or left, you end up at the left side of the circle or right side of the circle … if you politics go any further, the start traveling inward and meet at the bottom … the far right is no different than the far left.
So our job is to have this never ending circus balancing act of standing on this circle … it is constant work to keep it all balanced because if we drift to one end, we are liable to drift too far and end up at the bottom.
What you’re describing sounds a lot like the Horseshoe Theory.
In a nutshell, the far extremes of “left” and “right” are more similar to each other than the center, i.e. the ends of the horseshoe actually terminate at “authoritarian” and which way you go to ultimately get there winds up not mattering much in the end.
Far left: we want healthcare and fair wages
Far right: we want to genocide anyone who doesn’t like our version of fundamentalist “Christianity”
Yeah ok bud totally the fucking same
Modern far left: we think other people should be treated with respect, dignity, and have inalienable human rights to things like food and education. Modern far right: Chattel slavery was great and so was the Trail of Tears.
I can’t see any differences between these two.
This sounds like complete nonsense.
Bro what