• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • I unfortunately have the same feeling. Around Iphone 4 or so (when they were a lot smaller and sleeker) I got a slim phone case that could hold a card and my ID. It felt so nice going on a trip with only that in my pocket (not having to worry about if I feel my wallet in my back pocket, etc) but I couldn’t get over the fact that if I lost the phone I would be utterly screwed and a long way from home. Tend to always have a back-up now adays since I don’t want to have to put up with that.

  • ok wait, your goal is income equality and you don’t believe too low of a minimum wage is a problem but only maximum wage should be a focus? I’m just trying to understand this ideology. You seem to disfavor the rich in your comments, so you don’t believe in wealth hording but you might believe their message of “pull yourself up by the bootstraps?” I can see it, just not understanding what you’re getting at completely.

  • I remember growing up in the 90’s and being acutely aware of the growing minimum wage. I knew no matter what that when I was able to get a job I would be guaranteed “this” amount and always thought about prices and how long I had to work to get something I wanted when I was an adult. Every small bump made it a little mini-celebration like I was getting a future raise that would allow me to have a better life.

    Now? Shake and bake costs over 5$, I have to literally work over an hour to buy half a cup of “convenient” seasoned bread crumbs. I could buy the flour, make the bread, and process it to make my own… but now I’m out of time in the day to work enough to actually afford the meat or any other side item. Oh yeah, and at some point I should pay my bills and save for retirement -_-

  • This is not a left-right, one group vs another group, fascism against democracy argument. This is a well documented moral and philosophical conclusion that you don’t give tools like these to a governing body or organization. The targets and terminology always get corrupted by bad-faith actors over time. You would not have control over how this information gets used nor the validity if someone just “placed” a sign for the photo so they would be targeted.

    You are self-reporting to a system that has the ability to become oppressive, use your time more wisely if you wish to promote a good cause. https://go.kamalaharris.com/ has remote volunteering with phone banking etc and has training you can take and local events if that’s your shtick.

  • No, you quoted wikipedia then said “You can also look at his legislative history to see…” denoting a separate action. You just linked an entire like 50 page wiki article, what am I looking for?

    While he has consistently advocated for progressive causes, Politico wrote that he has “rarely forged actual legislation or left a significant imprint on it.” (link)

    I was a Bernie voter in 2016, this comes from someone who has campaigned for him and researched him extensively. His performance the past decade has been subpar and I keep seeing him become worse while magically he’s making the Dem party "Better"TM.

  • Can I get some examples or what he “shifted left”? I honestly don’t even understand what that means anymore in the US political environment. Rights? Healthcare? Basic competent legislation that isn’t banning or removing something?

    I don’t consider right-wing “conservative” anymore with the whole immigration/border and increased law-enforcement funding that would be needed for all their draconian ideals. “Progressive” is just trying to catch up to the rest of the world at this point that’s leaving us in the dust while we argue about the same shit for 100 more years. (sorry rant over)

    I followed your advice and looked at his legislation since 2016 (link 1,2), what am I looking for? I see a new “national heritage area” (another national park designation for some reason), dropping methane regulations deemed necessary from the EPA (uk is doing fine with it). Maybe I should be looking at only introduced legislation for a better picture, not what’s past?