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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Wuthering Waves is Hella good. Technically it’s an open world gacha game, but I played through all the storyline (the developers will be forever updating the story a la Genshin Impact), and I never spent a dime on it.

    Also, I have spent money on Cooking Diary. However, I went about 3 months of daily play before I did, and it was more about me being impatient/telling myself “You got 3 months of daily play, you can drop the devs $4.99”. I’ve played that game just about daily since Memorial Day 2023, and I’ve dropped $5.00 quarterly. There are regularly moments of infinite lives that exceed an hour or two, that it genuinely isn’t necessary. I spend the money more as a “thanks for not making this ducking game contingent on microtransactions, making it good, and maintaining/update it.”

  • Ughhhhhh how the hell does he have a 46% approval rating?!?!? Texans really don’t care that he left them to die in the snow.

    I’m going to continue to remain optimistic…Allred did flip a historically red district blue and he’s retained control since.

    But JFC every time I start to have hope for this state, they do something that really makes me wanna throw my hands up and be like “You wanna live in unfettered Christian Nationalism? Fine. Fuck you then and you get what you want.” 😮‍💨

  • I have such a weird take on this, due to being in the military for so long. We absolutely do refer to one another as “males” and “females”.

    Ie. “There was a female SSgt that was really helpful in customer service” or “I had to remind a male Soldier to put on his cover when he left the building” or “I had a female troop once”.

    However, I try really hard when I’m speaking to a non-military member to switch up my phrasing. Sometimes I still slip up, and I gotta be like “shit, sorry, I mean that woman cashier over there” or whatever it is that I’m talking about.

    I will say though, I do distinctly remember having that conversation during basic training, and fucking hating being referred to as “female” in the beginning, and that thought being shared amongst my flightmates. I can still hear the TIs shouting from across the parking lot: “GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW, FE-MALE!” Ugh.

    It was just 16 years ago now, so “female” has become normalized.

  • I go through phases of this with my husband. We’ve been married for 13 years, and he is legit my best friend, and I find him to be just unbelievably hot af. I’ll go weeks where I’m just like “goddamn, this is mine?”

    And then I also go through less intense periods. He’s still my partner through life and I’d get his back through anything and everything, but it’s less “omg you’re so hot” googly eyes and more like “this is the life we’ve built together and I’m so glad I did it with you”.

    But then a few weeks later I’m in crush mode.

    Obligatory of course we have our periods where we annoy the fuck out of each other, but it’s usually short-lived and we communicate and work through it. I think that’s just a realistic fact of marriage.

    He has made me such a better person than I was when I met him though. I think about that constantly.

  • I’m actually about to get ICL surgery to correct mine in July @ 35 years old. Pretty stoked to not have to use glasses anymore. Though from what I’ve been told, it will make those of us who get ICLs more susceptible to early cataracts (like 60 years old or so versus 75, as we all will eventually get cataracts if we live long enough), and I’ll need a second surgery at that point for better lenses. But if I’m going to eventually need that surgery anyway to remove a cataract, then what’s it matter?