“You want us to litigate things that happened four years ago when we’re talking about the future."
See, this would ring a lot more true if the issue wasn’t being literally litigated right now and going forward. As in, somebody just got sent to jail. Court documents about Trump’s outstanding criminal trial just got released.
Yeah, people want you to litigate stuff that happened four years ago. And then for those responsible, Trump included, to go to jail for… you know, all the crimes. “I want to talk about the future” doesn’t play quite as well when the judge is asking you about those.
And it would have been litigated already, at least a year ago, except for the GOP fuckery aiding the defense in their delay tactics.
Oof. Well, pro tip for him - EVERYTHING ever litigated is for something that happened in the past. That’s how it works!
We already know they’re all complacent its why they are still there. The entire GOP.is dead. Its the Trump Party now.
I think you mean “complicit” rather than “complacent”, though both could be true I suppose.
I did but honestly they are both complicit in insurrection, and complacent in their duties to their constituency.
It’s the Putin party.
It’s a “gotcha question” because it shows exactly who is taking Rubles for payment.
Reality itself is a gotcha for these fools.
“You said you weren’t going to fact check!”
“Listen, we’re not gonna play this game. We are focused on the future. Now, let us show you a future where we cheat just like we wanted and tried to in 2020.”
I am focused on the future. Project 2025 occurs in the future.
It kind of is: for THEM!
“Its devastating to my case” is only chickens coming home to roost
it’s only a “gotcha” question because you insist on lying. why is it so hard for you to say “trump lost”?
He knows trump is petty, so if he would say that on Monday he would no longer be a speaker.
Same with Vance being a VP.
It’s mind blowing how much control that one person has over the entire party.
Even more mind blowing is that an incoherent, rambling, oblivious fraudster has that much control over the party.
it’s a cult pretending to be a party. parties don’t demonize and make enemies of people who leave the party. cults do
We’re not gonna talk about what happened in 2020, we’re gonna talk about 2024
When asking a Republican “Who won the 2020 election”, that is a question entirely about 2024. A Republican’s answer (or non-answer) can be used to predict how they will behave after losing the 2024 election.
Only if you’re a traitorous piece of shit
Gotcha maga-ing.
That’s a damning non-answer
If you say that having traitors in government is bad and one party gets infuriated by it, I think you’ve mapped your problem.
The prior manager for McDonald’s was fired but then lied to everyone about it and when the new manager was going to arrive, tried to burn down the building. He was kicked out.
Four years later he’s applying for manager of the same McDonald’s. Maybe we should, you know, consider the whole “burn down the building” thing?
Oh wait, sorry, this is for President, totally different standards.
The answer should be “Biden. Next question”
We’re not gonna talk about what happened in 2020, we’re gonna talk about 2024 and how we’re gonna solve the problems for the American people.
Judge: did you rob that bank?
Defendant: I. Not going to talk about the past, it’s irrelevant, I’m here to talk about how I will be a free citizen in the future!
Totally works
Another putin removedsmoker. All repubs in congress and on the SC are fucking worthless traitor filth.