Elden Ring isn’t even the most difficult soulsborne game, by a longshot
The real answer is probably DoDonPachi SDOJ. Inbachi, the true final boss, went undefeated for over ten years.
Devil Daggers?
Did we already forget about Battletoads?
Battletoads has nothing on Ghosts 'n Goblins! I can at least play Battletoads until the stupid vehicle jumping section. I don’t think I’ve ever even made it more than like 3 checkpoints into Ghosts 'n Goblins
[NES] Sector Z, Goonies, and others would like a word [Atari] E.T. has entered the chat
Was ET actually difficult or just unclear how to progress? I swear I finished it when I was a kid but the amount of games I’ve finished in my life is extremely tiny, if things get too hard I just go play something else for awhile (looking at every stealth mission shoehorned into non stealth game). So maybe I just misremembered finishing it but I sure played it a lot before I got an NES.
If you managed to finish ET that’d put you in a club of one person I have met in person or online who has done it.
After reading a walkthrough I’m confident I beat at least one round of the game, heh, maybe I misinterpreted that for the game ending screen (he gets on the spaceship at the end of the round for those that don’t know)… If there’re no pits in the first round I believe I made it further than that at because I remember them well.
Though with my memory these days I’m happy when I leave work with everything I intended to so not saying it’s completely accurate I mostly just remember ET getting on a ship.
The hardest game is probably just a random game that no one knows about
I would like to submit this game as the hardest one
Hardest game is Tetris. No matter what, you always lose.
Someone actually beat Tetris in the NES earlier this year. I mean beat, as in into submission. They got far enough that the game couldn’t handle the progression anymore and crashed.
IMHO Elden Ring isn’t the most difficult fromsoft game.
That honor goes to Sekiro.
Elden Ring may in fact be the easiest From game tbh.
I’ve started to hate the term “Hardest”.
Give me two months in Unity, and I can make a game that’s “harder” than every game on any one of these lists. It would also be unplayable trash, that would prompt hundreds of “How the fuck are you supposed to XXX” responses due to obscurity. Part of what makes those listed games enjoyable is having a decent difficulty curve, compelling progression of skill demonstration, and a good feeling of reward. They’re getting difficulty right.
Impossiblest? Difficulter? Most hard?
Idk if I’m finally getting old or the real nerds are hiding. Nobody in here knows about Nethack? At least someone said Dwarf Fortress.
NetHack makes most mortals cry. My bones files taunt me.
One time I died on turn zero failing to mount my horse and hitting my head on the stone stairs.
Yasd material right there.
Dang. I can’t tag you “slime mold” because that’s apparently a paid feature on my app. jdawson, is this what finally makes me switch apps?
Money that app person!
Hello from Voyager! It looks like it doesn’t support tagging either. The voyage continues.
Hello from Enterprise.
Pay yo devs!
Jerboa doesn’t do it either, or else I just can’t figure out how.