You’d think midterms would be a great time to get your name out there and run high profile candidates to win House districts led by charlatans…

  • Maybe. I’m not that suspicious, and I think even Jill would balk at that if she knew.

    I don’t believe she’s intentionally trying to be a spoiler, or is immoral. I do think she must be fantastically naïve if she thinks she’s doing anything other than helping Trump.

      3 months ago

      I mean the woman who supposedly paid her own way to go to a celebration of a Russian propaganda news station gala, to promote “peace” where she got to meet Putin and afterwards bragged/complained about how she only gets air time over there?

          3 months ago

          Generally speaking, there’s very few- if any- moral people that can stay successful in politics. Bernie. maybe AOC. But I wouldn’t be shocked to find they have a few skeletons, too.

          • Everyone has skeletons. Expecting people to be saints is unreasonable. I just think there are particular sins we don’t need in our leaders.

            Drug use? Fine; whatever. Sexual picadillos? As long as it isn’t little kids, I don’t care. Cheating on their spouse? I don’t care. That’s between them and their spouse. I really don’t give a shit that Trump was using prostitutes; I do care that the hypocrite Christians are looking the other way on that one. But IMO, none of this is a major influence on their ability to do their jobs.

            But: taking money from foreign interests is bad. I wish we could illegalize all organized “funding”. Money in politics is a huge problem that we haven’t solved.