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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Rich people who are less and less connected with those they pretend to be on the same side of. There is also a lot of entitlement of thinking they know how everything works and they and only they have the right answers from most of the user base of Lemmy. That’s a curse from everyone that’s here thinking they are “smarter” for being here than traditional social media.

  • Democrats will go down blaming the other Democrats that kept warning them of other centrist voters calling them Russian shills.

    No sense of self blame and simply calling everyone else idiots cause they didn’t see their idea of a perfect future that no one else was included on.

    Apparently a whole party of “being right” is not a good way to get others to join you.

  • People don’t know these things or they assume and project the idea all they did was have power and that’s all that needs to be done to maintain it.

    Maybe it’s our attention spans are shorter to even deal with it, maybe it’s just that we are so comfortable in our existence plus so overwhelmed by knowledge that it’s easy to just pick parts you like and assume it will all be fine without the struggle. But we are to busy lying to ourselves, and just carrying on as expected I think, to pivot until forced.

  • Half a liter per kilowatt hour. That’s the average water use

    It’s like the idea of recycling plastics with water.
    Not all of it is reusable to the same degree. A good portion of water has to be evaporated off to cool down the exterior towers plus water isn’t really infinitely usable in these loops. It gets gross or full of materials.

    Another thing that people need to remember is generating electricity uses the water here as we literally don’t use many methods that don’t involve water, we are not on a green grid and neither are these huge data centers for the most part. We boil it for the electricity then have to use additional to clean the system after.

  • Oh everyone is into toys and roleplaying right now. That’s the theme of the era.


    Pretend to do business like your daddy and then sit back and watch number go up. Pretend the new algorithm system is some super future app. Pretend we can just undo it and that we really have control over everything we do.

    Heck, even most politicians aren’t actually bringing plans but simply roleplaying what they think is the party or level of conservativeness needed to just make it work a little longer.

    No plans. No thoughts towards the future. Just now and how to make it feel more right than be.

  • Honestly. Probably not as big a deal as we would hope. America runs in debt. It’s the economic battery that’s used to power the purchasing power of the nation itself even if it’s not a great idea it does hyper charge the government of oligarchs pretty well.

    And, with massive soars in Cost Of Living I would bet it’s mostly by the same percentages that the debt is raising even if it’s closer to real inflation and not the lower stated values.

    People are incentivized to spend beyond their means cause the forever debt feels cheaper than paying for it up front which makes you then a consistent battery of debt paying back more as you hopefully hit peak production.

    The problem for sure is that there is no exit on the other side. And with astronomical costs and no clear way to exit the debt likely you end up to old and still fucked.

    The debt is a feature not a bug but will absolutely cause instability if not checked. This might still not be truly in the red yet though.

  • Don’t worry just buy this wallet removable card holder that attaches to your phone but comes off so that you can keep it separate when charging or putting it down, or trying to hold it in your hand without a big bulky thing that keeps popping off.

    And don’t worry, the magnets no longer affect your credit cards just, hotel keys, cheap gift cards, bus passes, etc…

    Yeah sometimes classic ways are still best or you find you really don’t need something you give up for efficiency, just do you and it’s fine.

  • Good luck. You need other people to want to do that as well and when democrats and republicans are throwing “fuck you” money at anyone that isn’t beholden to their shared investors you are gonna get nothing done.

    We do, we really do, need something to change and we need it to flow through multiple levels from low to to high government positions.
    But I just don’t see it happening until the next large scale cultural upheaval makes space for it and that seems like it’s gonna be a nightmare or lots of groups that have waited for that moment.

  • Not anymore. I couldn’t get funding for either of my projects and literally couldn’t figure out to do with my dual majors in theoretical astrophysics and xenobiology.

    So now I work basically just IT support…

    I helped build the infrared cameras for some satellites, nothing like getting a stack of diamond disks for lenses and just tossing half of them for impurity reasons to make you understand how the budgets end up so high.

    And I was using the THEMIS camera for specifically work with mars atmospheric and habitability studies.

    Edit: I dunno here is a fun side fact. Because of my past life, I have had direct interactions with Bill Nye (the science guy), that make me know he is an asshole, and I consider him to be a negative force on the scientific community. Just all around a self absorbed anti intellectual.