• UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Does Trump realize that if he “wins” that particular argument, that would empower Biden to have Trump killed without consequence?

    As of today, Trump has been held in contempt of court 10 times, with the judge explicitly stating “The last thing I want to do is put you in jail”.

    This is a guy who has been so utterly swaddled from consequences that I genuinely do not believe he feels threatened by the prospect of extra-judicial assassination by a political rival. Liberals are Woke and Soy. They don’t have the cajones to pull the trigger. And I’ve seen little to suggest he’s wrong in this belief. The police are far more willing to crack the heads of Columbia liberal arts students than MAGA Chuds. And the courts have been incredibly lenient towards J6ers, particularly those with the money and influence to plead favorable terms in court.

    Meanwhile, Epic MAGA Dudes run rampant through JSOC, the FBI, and the Secret Service. If anything, this is a threat against Biden. Combined with the claim that he’s the legitimate president and was robbed of his second term, this line of reasoning is intended to carve a legal path for a coup from friends in the military and police.

    • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      Part of the reason that courts are so lenient with him is to avoid that, once he is judged, that there is any space for anyone to claim a mistrial or that he was mis treated. It’s unfortunate z but that’s the way the justice system works, and trump abuses that to the max.

      That is why the judge explicitly says “I don’t want to jail you” just so that it’s said that he can, but won’t. Yet. Now that trump has been ordered to pay, it’s only a few thousand dollars, but again, that’s the law. Judges can’t just change that on their own whims.

      So next up, if Trump blabs again, which he will, he will go to jail. I read something about the secret service already trying to figure out how to protect trump in jail, because that’s their responsibility, wherever the idiot is, so let’s just say that the next step may blvery we’ll be quite funny.

      Having said that: I am happy they are taking their time and are being very careful, last thing you want is an exonorated trump because of some procedural error or because trump indeed was not tried fairly.

      • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Part of the reason that courts are so lenient with him is to avoid that, once he is judged, that there is any space for anyone to claim a mistrial or that he was mis treated.

        And why are these bureaucrats obsessed with a perception of fairness for Donald Trump when they were so cavalier with the treatment of a guy like Steven Donziger or Aaron Swartz or Brandon Mayfield or Leonard Peltier?

        The argument advanced by liberals is that Donald Trump presents an extraordinary threat to democracy and civil liberties in the US if elected. So… surely he’s got himself booked on a one-way trip to Guantanamo Bay, right? Or, at the very least, he’ll be receiving the same treatment as Chelsea Manning or Reality Winner, right?

        So next up, if Trump blabs again, which he will, he will go to jail.

        I will put up $1000 to your $100 that Trump will not spend a single full day in jail if he is once again dinged for being in contempt of court.

        Having said that: I am happy they are taking their time and are being very careful

        They’re running out the clock until election day, so they can throw out the case.