• MintyFresh@lemmy.world
    19 hours ago

    I’m with ya on not being a serf in some neo-feudal hellscape we increasingly find ourselves in. Fuck paying rent to never own anything. Fuck landlords who add zero value to anything. I’m all about the denser commercial residential mash up.

    But where do you draw the line? Living rurally I mean. We have a tendency to frame these things by what’s fair to the individual. I think we ought to be asking what’s fair to the earth, the eco system, what’s fair to the generations to come? One or two people hanging in the woods isn’t a problem, but there’s 8 billion of us. In my region the suburbs don’t end. They pitter out into ever less dense housing. Everyone with a car, with miles of pavement to drive them on. Innumerable leaky septic tanks, endless lawns that leak pesticides and fertilizer. And everyone feeling it’s their inalienable right to do so, a virtue to be lauded even. We’re just a fucking disaster.

    I’d challenge everyone to look inward and ask what they feel entitled to, and the price in environmental degradation they’re willing to inflict on the rest of us and future generations get it.

    • Olhonestjim@lemmy.world
      10 hours ago

      I think that rural living should exist and so should high density city living, so long as there are no landlords. However suburbia is the big problem. Those neighborhoods should be returned to the earth.