• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    MAGA never got over a black man as POTUS

    That’s not what it was. They hated Bill Clinton just as much as they hated Barack Obama, the only difference was Faux was created in late 1996 and didn’t go fully off the deep end and got popular till 03 with the Iraq war…

    Like, the only reason there was ever the big push saying it was Obama, was bullshit neoliberals doing what they always do.

    It’s the first rule of American neoli liberalism:

    1. No matter what the result, say we need to move right.

    Just like they claimed their crime bill did what the ban on leaded gas did for crime rates, just like they said de-regulation did what the dotcom boom did to the economy…

    The rise of conservative media started when Clinton allowed it to:


    Seriously, it took 9 months, as fast as a human baby for Faux News to be created.

    And then when people asked why it exploded in 2003…

    People blame the Black man no one had heard of yet because it continued along the same trajectory while he was president.


    I feel old having lived thru this. And I can get why 18 year olds dont know it…

    But how can anyone over like 35 not understand why we’re at the point we are? We literally lived thru this shit during our formulative years.

    • shalafi@lemmy.world
      2 days ago

      We often agree, but I gotta hard disagree here.

      hated Bill Clinton just as much as they hated Barack Obama

      Did you watch any Fox News during either Presidency? They hated Clinton, but they went full bigfuck on Obama. Same for “man in the street” opinions. The people grumbling about Clinton went apeshit when Obama got in. I’d never seen such on outpouring of hate in American politics.

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        2 days ago

        Did you watch any Fox News during either Presidency?

        Because it couldn’t be invented till the last year of Bill’s …

        Because there was laws about how news can be run…

        Until Bill got rid of them …

        Just …

        Fuck man. How are you not understanding this?

        The people grumbling about Clinton went apeshit when Obama got in.

        Because Faux News couldn’t be invented till Clinton’s

        Like we’re just going circles, and there’s not .much to pick up each lap…

        But your not picking anything up

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        2 days ago

        But they wouldn’t have had the megaphone to unite them under trump if not for the telecommunications act of 1996, right?

        You understand that is the root cause of our current situation right?

        Because you’re still not blaming the right people.

        the racists who couldn’t accept a black man.

        Or am I just “whooshing” here and that was a reference to the neoliberal wing who’s idea it was and how they’d rather have trump than anyone like Obama again?

        • MuskyMelon@lemmy.world
          2 days ago

          Or am I just “whooshing” here and that was a reference to the neoliberal wing who’s idea it was and how they’d rather have trump than anyone like Obama again?

          They’d rather have any white male rather than any woman or anyone else of color. But after all the investment and effort in Trump, no point trying to put someone else in the seat so they stuck with him.

          • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            2 days ago

            They’d rather have any white male rather than any woman or anyone else of colo

            It has absolutely nothing with Obama.

            1996 (early): Clinton gets rid of the regulation that was requiring the media to not just blatantly lie. (A cynic would say so billionaire owned media could shit on progressives and say neoliberalism is working)

            1996 (October): Faux goes on air.

            2001: Bill leaves office, GW enters.

            Then 9/11 which is what Faux used to radicalize their voters, and they had 7 years to do so.

            We could have elected the ghost of Ronald Reagan in 08 and they’d have gotten the same results as Obama from Faux News.

            Don’t blame Obama for being Black

            Blame the administration that literally de-regulated the media, if it wasnt for Bill Clinton, how they treated Obama legally couldn’t have happened*

            I feel like I’m just repeating the same thing, but it is important we understand how we got here.

            So fuck it, I’ll keep repeating this for whoever asks, as many times as necessary

              • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
                2 days ago

                And ignoring why they got the megaphone to say it on cable news?

                Faux News legally couldn’t exist until neoliberals removed fair broadcast regulations…

                Because that was the only way to convince people neoliberalism was working.

                We had laws against propaganda until neoliberals got rid of them

                Now you want to blame anyone except the people who made that propaganda legal.

                This is like if I gave a baby a gun, the baby shot you, and then you listened to me when I told you the baby was the problem.

                Instead of questioning why we gave a baby a gun, it even addressing the problem that I’m still giving baby’s guns…

                You realize we could have fixed this when Biden had the House and Senate…

                Or when Obama had the House and Senate…

                Are you waiting for Republicans to reinstate the regulations against propaganda?

                Neoli erals won’t fix this, republicans won’t fix this, can you guess who that leaves?