This comm supports Musk spam now? Title calls for a spamming campaign.
This isn’t AI.
Mod here: I’m handing out 2 day bans for anyone pushing respectability politics in the face of actual, fascism.
I swear, some of you would be defending Hitler to his critics, suggesting that they tAkE tHe HiGh RoAd.
Good mod
Fucking rights. I spent so much of my young punk days punching nazis to see this shit becoming popular now? Fuck every enabler of this shit.
“if intolerant ideologies are allowed unchecked expression, they could exploit open society values to erode or destroy tolerance itself through authoritarian or oppressive practices.”
Fuck being tolerant anymore.
Imagine running out of bad things to say about Musk and having to resort to fiction. I know this community is anti Musk (rightfully so), but it should be anti spam too.
Yeah, I dont care
It’s not ai it’s alternate photography.
Dude shut the fuck up forever.
Body shaming still uncool.
Not for this fat removed! Remember when his fragile ego was shattered and he called the rescuer in Thailand a Pedophile? This removed gets zero protection against anything
When you are insulting the musk rat because of his weight, you are saying that the being fat part is the bad part about him. With that you insult all other fat people as well.
No, im attacking his fragile ego
Found the fragile fatty.
Thanks for providing an example of the type of person body shaming attracts.
It’s that same “lol shut up snowflake” stuff that makes MAGA so vile. Some people live to be assholes, and just found themselves on the right side by chance.
Removed by mod
My body looks like that and I approve it on behalf of my people for this usage.
Body shaming fascists in power is cool. Sticking up for them supremely isn’t. Fuck off.
You just want an excuse for your hate of fat people. Weird.
I don’t approve of fascists. And the people enabling them. And you specifically. Fuck off.
Ah yes, enabling fascists is when talking about intersectional discrimination 🤡🤡🤡
I am fat, and I approve of this post. Maybe you need to check yourself?
I’m fat as hell, and I approve too. You know why? Because it bothers him. Anything that bothers him is good in my book.
If you met a black Nazi, would you start dropping N bombs?
To liken the oppression of black people in America to being overweight is so staggeringly ignorant that I don’t even know what to say to your dumb ass.
So we’re on the same page then, that just because someone is a reprehensible nazi, it doesn’t give you a blank check to start spouting off horrendous, ugly, fat phobic, or racist shit?
No because “fat phobic” and “racist” are two mind numbingly different things and to think that they aren’t is a ridiculous thing to imply. We are not on the same page at all.
No dog, we do agree. Let me spell it out for you.
Do you think that if someone decides to be a reprehensible nazi, that any insult against them is now fair game?
No, but I think fat ones totally are.
So are AI videos of an unconsensual sexual nature, but everyone still laughed at the toes video.
When you are that rich and that hell bent on being the best at everything you get zero sympathy from me. He literally paid someone to be good at an easy fucking video game and then lied about it. He had two kids with his stepdaughter and groomed her.
I don’t give a shit about such a person. It’s not a morally corrupt choice to make fun of anything about a person that is completely out of the loop of what it’s like to be a human being.
Anyone with a weight problem has a different set of issues and is completely different to me on a scale of humanity.
I’m so glad there’s a community called enoughmuskspam where you can get spammed with musk
This isn’t AI. I’ve seen this picture way before generative AI was at a point when it could produce something like this.
To add on the “play by their rules”: they don’t play by the rules and they know it. They always pretend to be victims at the slightest criticism. Fuck the right and their bullshit victim play
…is it really AI, though ?
I choose to not believe it is
Anyone ever read Shadow Over Innsmouth?
This image is what I now think of when I imagine “the Innsmouth look.”
AI =/= shopped
Post it enough and its no longer shopped or AI. I have no problem sinking to their level! Use their play book. Deny, deny, deny
Thanks for being so vocal about how obnoxious you’re going to be, fucking hell
No problemo, pal!
You can always log off and go lick some boot.
Why don’t you live up to your username, and go back to lurking silently?
What a fucking loser
“If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do,” James Donald said.
Are the injuries on his stomach from a boat prop?
Probably a self driving Tesla.
Posts to enough musk spam Posts musk spam
Can’t make this stuff up, folks