Hi I just wanted to let ya’ll know that user [email protected] seems to have created a “free speech” community, could also be read as “freeze peach” as stated in the sidebar. A lot of their content is either trolling, a handful of conspiracy theories, and even a few calls to action. It is my opinion that this community isn’t permitted on this instance.
The creator of the community also appears to have many alt accounts, same username, different instances they all moderate his community.
I blocked the acct the other day, when they intentionally misread multiple of my comments and put words in my mouth i never said.
It was not satire, it was trolling
Edit- apparently i was too quick to block because they did apologize
They’re the kind of person to say something racist and then when other people are upset, they claim it was just a joke and you’re being too sensitve. Its not satire and not a joke, just racism, sexism, transphobia and bigotry disguised as a joke. Even if it were satire, it just emboldens people who really believe those things.
Do you need a laugh track to understand comedy?
The first step in the alt-right pipeline is almost always “jokes”.
“Jokes” here seems to me like a cheap excuse not to get banned or criticized for it.
Reminds me of this nazi with his nazi moustache
It’s a satire account and community.
So was /r/TheDonald
I think this is a very important thing to point out, “it’s a joke” up until it stops being a joke.
One of their mods has already been banned from here for being a Nazi, so it makes me question how much of a joke it really is.
and r/GamersRiseUp, and that one about “frens” (can’t remember exactly what it was called)
It’s definitely worth at least keeping this community on the radar. I had a look, and I don’t foresee it going well.
Flat earth also started out as satire.
It’s innocent fun until it isn’t anymore.
I’m unsure about how I’d personally act on this? Donald really was a joke (until he wasn’t). Flat earth “conspiracy” was funny (until people took it seriously). Nazis, …?! Kinda not funny? Maybe if it’s just “shit nazis say” type stuff? Admittedly I’ve not looked at the community in question yet, not in the mood for it. So my input is just based on vibes. I originally just wanted to add the flat earth part.
It’s a satirical community by the looks of it. They don’t really mean what they say, and are in fact making fun of people acting the way they are acting unironically.
In the current climate, that’s not a significant difference. We don’t need people who are just nazis “ironically” or as a “joke”
If someone likes to pretend being a nazi, they’re a nazi