❝But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged, in secret, a Ultra Master Ring™️ to control all others. And into this Ring he poured all his spare cruelty, his extra malice and his leftover will to dominate all life. An Extra Ring to rule them all.❞
“Now look at this hologram showing the original The One Ring. And now here’s The Ultra Master Ring. You can see it’s almost three times bigger than The One Ring.”
And the shape of that ring? A key blade.
Through means never fully explained (unless you buy the comics and video games), the ring getting destroyed was all part of Sauron’s master plan. The villain for the first two sequels is Samwise’s son Bobbit, who Sam tried to kill when he learned he was dabbling in dark arts. He’s redeemed by our hero, an orc that broke rank with Sauron after learning about his plan to, IDK, blow up the whole world or something, but he’s killed anyway to make room for our third movie reveal that Sauron was behind it all. Our brave orc hero must meet up with a haggard looking Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas to painstakingly re-enact the events of the Fellowship of the Ring, wander around with Gandalf and learn how to become a wizard, then kill Sauron and take the last name Baggins.
This is painfully accurate and I hate it.
Aragorn: “Somehow, Sauron has returned”
Elrond: “We’ll need a good plan to defeat him.”
Legolas: “And a new fellowship”
Gimli appearing from off camera: “and…my axe” looks directly at the camera while holding for applause
If disney does what disney usually does, LOTR will be dead to me.
2 Lord 2 Rings
Blursed comment
Tolkien himself considered revisiting Middle Earth for a new “uprising”, but discarded it because it didn’t and probably couldn’t recapture the magic. Plus it probably felt too much like reality.
IIRC, he began writing another installment set in the 4th age, but abandoned it, because now that the main evils were dealt with, all that was left to happen was the world of men betraying each other, and it very quickly became a boring, depressing tale that just didn’t need to exist.
“The New Shadow”. He wrote about 13 pages and discarded the idea for reasons you mention.
Long ago I read some incredibly cursed parody along the lines of “if LotR was a Disney animated film”. The songs were absolutely horrifying. I can’t find it right now, and I think it’s best not to subject you to it anyway.
Please do subject us, if you find it.
Lots of jewellery. Got to bring it all back to the old volcano. No fly zone for eagles, again. Damn.
One bracelet to rule them all. Two earrings to find them. A necklace to bind them. Maybe a fancy gold watch.
How is the last Rings of Power seasons? Haven’t watched it yet
The production quality? Fantastic and even better than season 1.
The story? I ended the last episode actually angry. I haven’t been angry at a piece of media like this in a long time.
S1 was alright for a LotR fanfic - so not that great. I didn’t get to S2 yet but I heard it’s not exactly going up in quality
Why is it so many fiction works that get expanded would do so much better if they just search out actual fanfic and pay those people for their imagination? Instead they get people who aren’t invested in the world who do a halfass job that is “canon”, yet so far off the mark.
Because actual fanfics are done by people that love the source material and wish to remain true to it.
Expanded works are done by people who want to: make changes for the sake of their own “artistic” originality, do what they think will make people watch it (doesn’t mean it has to be good), which are both tied to studio execs all wanting to push their pet version of whatever the product will be based on budget or ego.