I’m 40 this year I may just be getting too old but what does Based mean? I searched for it online previously and the explanation confused me but I see it everywhere along with cap/no cap and bet.
Not much younger than you, but I got you on the definitions.
I’d say based is more or less the opposite of the kids calling things cringe. Speaking truth to power is definitely based.
Cap means a lie or posing. It can be used as a verb to accuse someone of lying to (i.e. “You’re capping”). To say no cap means “I’m dead serious”.
Bet is basically an analog to ok.
This slang all essentially comes from hip-hop and the surrounding culture around it.
Thanking you kindly! I hear some of it at work but am often perplexed.
Now what the fuck does real mean? 😭😭😭
It means your saying something that’s true 👍
One thing I’d like to add: based only really works with things that are at least vaguely political or controversial, it’s not just a drop-in for “cool” (and it’s also used ironically a lot)
My great grandfather’s buddy took the Mussolini corpse photos while they walked through and sold them to Time magazine, it’s sort of a 6 degrees of separation thing but still a fun fact
My grandfather didn’t get any close-ups with historic fascists, but he did shoot two Nazi planes out of the sky.
And then my mom and dad voted Trump.
Yeah sometimes badassery skips a generation
Clearly they haven’t seen famous antifa media like ‘Saving Private Ryan’, ‘Band of Brothers’, or ‘Come and See’ due to those flims being too radical.
American propaganda pretending the Nazis are the devil and the USA saved the world is the reason this shit is happening.
If USA propaganda had taught instead that Hitler admired the USA’s segregation policy, and that popular opinion in the USA was way more favorable to him than anyone wants to admit, maybe things wouldn’t be as bad.
The Nazis didn’t pop out of nowhere being evil. They were just random blokes with evil ideology. Forgetting this makes it too easy to say “but he hasn’t killed 30m people, he’s not that bad!”.
Germany at least threw the failed painter in jail after the first coup attempt, Yankees couldn’t even do that with their golfer.
This is why I think Nazi America + Nukes will be much worse than Nazi Germany could ever dream of being. Only time and apathy will tell.
I’m sure there were fine people on both sides.
I’m down! Apparently I’m one of 2 million descendants of john howland.
Didn’t learn of this until I stopped being an arborist.
These things are fun and worth hearing about.
My understanding is that john fell off the mayflower and caught a rope, which saved him. Sounds like catching that rope wasn’t likely
Now I’m a peaceful person, but I can’t deny there’s a slightly disappointing turn a few words into that headline.
Yea, too bad it’s just an effigy
Getting harder and harder to remain a peaceful person in current year.
Time for peace is long gone, we’ve already let it get too far at this point.
The article says…
…where the Tesla and SpaceX CEO made two stiff-armed salutes that many interpreted as a fascist gesture.
Can’t say I care for that characterization. Half the world is trying to gaslight me about this but my fucking eyes work.
This sort of chickenshit faux neutrality is why people are losing faith in corporate media.
This sort of chickenshit faux neutrality, that seems to believe the smart and sensible position is political illiteracy and “working on themselves first”, is the greatest asset to fascists.
The local TV here in Portugal also did the whole saying “that some consider a Nazi salute” thing in their news segment about this …
… and then showed Elon’s salute and a bunch of Nazis doing Nazi salutes as examples, leaving nobody in the audience but the blind in any doubt that Elon’s salute was the same as the salutes that the Nazis did.
Journalists are way too quick to 'both sides" stuff. (Not sure how much of an American problem it is.) I don’t think I’ve seen a single article that didn’t include the quote from those asinine Nazi sympathizers at the ADL.
THIS, I like. Sure, maybe you have to report that he claims it isn’t. But bring receipts.
The problem is they never want to be wrong and unless Elon comes out and says it was a Nazi salute publically the media dances around it. The right knows this and plays the game pretty well.
Sure. I understand if they feel they need to include that he claims it isn’t. (He hasn’t claimed it isn’t.) But the thing to do is to give your viewership context.
Fascists always end up swinging.
Wish we could just fast forward to that part.
Unfortunately they only hang after they’ve destroyed countless lives.
Well, there are counterexamples. Oswald Mosley just kind of rotted in jail until everyone forgot about him, IIRC.
Musk […] dismissed the backlash, saying, “Frankly they need better dirty tricks. The ‘everyone is Hitler’ attack is soo tired.”
Someone end this man plz
Luigi was a good start but too bad the rest of us are cowards.
December 4th 2024, the day shit rolled uphill.
I think the fact that they stormed the capitol over false claims of voter fraud, yet we don’t do anything when Nazi’s come into power, says more about us than them.
Italians rule. First Luigi, now these guys
If Elon was just doing a Roman salute, then Luigi was just doing an Italian goodbye, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Hi Jack, bye Jack.”
He was a brave Italian avenger and in this Lemmy instance, Luigi Mangione is a hero. End of story!
Nazis must be hung!
“No violence is justifiable” - People who protect Nazis
[Redacted] Nazis ain’t violence. It’s just taking out the trash.
I know you’re joking but I don’t like this take, even as a joke. They’re people, and hurting them is violence. It just also happens to be the right course of action.
Honestly, punching a nazi is the most loving thing you can do for them in the moment that they’re being nazis, because it shatters their delusion of superiority, and that gives them a chance to change, and a life of hate is not a good life. It’s miserable.
You ever see this gif?
Honestly an improvement in that guy’s life. Witnesses said he took off his armband after he woke up. Did he lose his fascist ideas, or just learn they were extremely unpopular and got a violent reaction? Whatever it was, he learned that going around dressed as a nazi was a bad idea, and that’s progress however you slice it.
So rather than “nazis aren’t people” I prefer “punching a nazi is an act of love”.
Wow, that punch was very satisfactory. I agree that we should be punching Nazis and neo Nazis
I love everything about it. The “excuse me, sir, please be reasonable” gesture, the absolute unit of a punch, the way he drops like a sandbag, the clap, and the fact that no witnesses saw anything happen.
Hanged you mean
Unless you’re talking about their penises
Ah. English is not my native tongue so I thought hung was the passive form for hang. Sorry, and thanks for correcting me!
It’s confusing because hung is used except for people
Don’t worry, this is such an obscure language rule that most native-speakers don’t really know it. It’s for the grammar nerds. If you say “hung” in this context, people will know what you mean, but technically, if it’s ever ambiguous, “hanged” is the very specific, very archaic term for execution by hanging.
Is the Italian Prime Minister #Meloni not a “friend” of Elon musk?
The Italian left is awesome. The Italian right belongs upside down at a gas station
The fuck are you talking about?? Our left party (PD - partito democratico) Is one of the whiniest and most useless party in the world, unable to pick up the class fight in favour of the working class and hellbent in carrying out the sistemic destruction of any real opposition to the current ruling class. Look into its management, Ellie Schlein, its current head, is the most vapid and personality-deprived politicians we’ve seen in the past 20 years, and I’m including Fassino in this list which should say a lot if you know Italian politics
Mostly about how about a hundred years ago yall flooded my hemisphere with badasses
Oligarchs are not bulletproof.
I really needed a sequel of Italians vs. Billionaires
Now that’s how your protest.
It’s a step in the right direction, for sure. Still 100% ineffective unless it’s an actual billionaire instead of a dummy, then we can start calling it a protest. Anything less is masturbation.
Una mattina mi sono alzato
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
Una mattina mi sono alzato
E ho trovato l’invasor
O partigiano, portami via
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
O partigiano, portami via
Ché mi sento di morir
E se io muoio da partigiano
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
E se io muoio da partigiano
Tu mi devi seppellir
E seppellire lassù in montagna
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao
E seppellire lassù in montagna
Sotto l’ombra di un bel fior
Tutte le genti che passeranno
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
E le genti che passeranno
Mi diranno: “Che bel fior”
E questo è il fiore del partigiano
O bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao ciao ciao
Questo è il fiore del partigiano
Morto per la libertà
E questo è il fiore del partigiano
Morto per la libertà
But when I say it, it’s a call for action and I get banned from .world.
Minor (but annoying) point:
…crafted from a garbage-filled sack with a print out of Musk’s face affixed…
It’s clearly not a “garbage sack”. It has arms and legs, ffs. Hasn’t the author or editor ever heard of disposable coveralls?
Like I said, a minor point. Please carry on.
It’s clearly not a “garbage sack”.
He was talking about Musk.
It says “garbage-filled sack” not “garbage sack”?
Good catch. It still sure as hell isn’t a “sack”.
A sack of garbage can be human shaped. Look at Elon Musk for example.
What is a man? A miserable garbage sack of secrets.
Arguable, meat sack.
To be fair Ex Husband to Justine Wilson is a garbage-filled skin sack.
It could be garbage bags. Just not only one.
It’s somewhat of a shame that they didn’t keep that Esso as a monument. That piece of land now harbours a McDonalds, which strikes me as deeply ironic.
To add a bit of context, it’s not universally celebrated. I don’t mean the killing of Mussolini or the fact that there are still fascists or nostalgics, but specifically the disfiguring of the bodies. Even among antifascists, even among partisans, there were those who considered it barbaric. Most famously, Sandro Pertini told the story (he was there, as a partisan) and famously said “I fight the enemy alive”. I think in this perspective, it’s understandable it has not made an official monument.
It’s still a good thing to remind to fascists of where they belong, but it’s not one of the proudest pages of Italian resistance.
Bravissimo! We Germans should chuck a burned “Leon Hitler” effigy in front of Hitler’s bunker in Berlin.
Ah yes, the perfect opposite of Leon Kennedy
Don’t forget to use kerosine. It is tradition.
WARNING NSFW: The Ultimate Fate of Mussolini
That’s a good look for fascists.
They should make a big poster of this… As reminder!