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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • I love space phenomenon in the same way as some people like scary movies, games, and environments. I feel a strong sense of dread and fear at the thought of black holes, white dwarfs, and neutron stars. It’s less about what you can see, and more about what you can’t.

    It’s so bad that the most anxious and scared I’ve been in my life was on one of my first times using the FSD boost in the game Elite: Dangerous. In the game you can get boost to your ships travel by sucking up the streaming jets jutting out from white dwarfs and neutron stars. This boost can let you travel over 100ly, when average is 30ly or so. The process to do this, if done incorrectly however, can result in getting ripped out of cruising, stick, and unable to get away from these very disorienting beams before getting absolutely shredded. I have experienced nothing like it before or since.

    To this day, neutron stars are both my favorite and most anxiety inducing universal phenomena! Slaughter House 5 is a really good book involving a neutron star, for those who haven’t read it.

  • TL;DR I worked for a department store as someone who fetched large/heavy objects for customers. Coworkers smoked together outside multiple times on shift. I did not smoke. I took “smoke breaks” in the back break room whenever this happened and a newer middle manager tried to make me work while they smoked. This same manager would later get flustered when I offered to buy an old unsellable item for 10 cents USD and he agreed. I was serious, he was not!

    In 2004, I worked for the moderately sized department store, K’s Merchandise, before they went under. A few months before I quit, we got a new mid-level manager. He was a young guy with clear aspirations to move higher in the near future.

    I worked as what they called a 600. I don’t remember why it was called that, but my job, along with a couple other 600s per shift, were to bring up large couches, non-assembled furniture, and anything that was too heavy or bulky to exist on the floor. These items were stored in the back warehouse. I got a lot of daily steps in with this job for all the walking we did. When a customer bought one of the large warehouse items, we would grab an appropriate cart and bring it to the front to load for the customer. We would carry walkie-talkies and floor salespeople would call for us to come get a ticket with the item(s) to be pulled.

    All of my coworkers at the time smoked and were permitted to take smoke breaks periodically. I didn’t smoke, so any time they took smoke breaks, and they’d do it as a group with some others in the store, I’d be the only 600 available.

    One day, my coworkers went to smoke with others, leaving me alone again. So, with my walkie still with me, I sat in the back and drank a small drink item from a vending machine in the staff break room. As I sat there drinking my…chocolate milk, I think, the newer middle management comes in from the back warehouse and asks me why I’m sitting down when I should be in the back sweeping the warehouse and other such stuff while business is slow.

    I told him I was on a smoke break while the others were also on a smoke break. When he brought up how I was not smoking and needed to get back to work, I refused on principal as I felt I was being punished for not smoking. He wasn’t pleased but just told me to keep the walkie close. I got to take little breaks like this whenever I was working with those other guys that smoked.

    This was also the same manager that casually complained about some large mirror, with corkboard, set in a wooden frame that wasn’t selling. I offered to buy it for $0.10. He laughed it off like I was joking and said sure. So I brought the item up front a little while later to ring it up. Told the cashier that the manager said I could get it for 10 cents. She congratulated me on my purchase.

    As I was coming back inside after loading it into my FORD AEROSTAR van, the manager asked me if I had really purchased that thing for 10 cents and when I confirmed he said he never said that I could. I corrected him and brought up how others were there when he said I could. He had no choice but to let me keep it.

    That mirror still has a place in my house, 20-years later!

  • I prefer LARPers with guns, myself. Coward is too good for these roleplayers who couldn’t be bothered to use their 6-weeks of training in how to beat black citizens and plant evidence, to take out an active shooter in an elementary school.

    We are a people with sociopaths in positions of power, with a license to kill, who feel no empathy toward others enough to ask why they weren’t acting to save these kids and teachers. Then to hear that parents were threatened with arrest (maybe actually arrested the mother who jumped a fence and managed to save her son when the cops would do nothing) if they tried to enter and do anything to help those inside.

    As a new parent to a kid that will be 5 this year, this shit is my nightmare. When the footage came out showing those scummy wannabes standing around hearing round after round of shots, knowing they were coming from classrooms of children and teachers, who likely were dying with every pop, made me so angry I was practically shaking and weeping. I’ve never felt that much utter contempt for police in my life. They’d have had to shoot me to keep me out of that school. I can’t imagine a more dystopian world than one where the parents were threatened while a gunman mowed down their children for over an hour.

    I’m so sorry for the families. They had to bury their children or loved one and live with the image of indifferent cops standing around in the school doing nothing. I would be left wondering which order my kid was shot and could they have been saved with the initial responding officers, or any other fucking one of the 300 and something on scene, doing their job, regardless of who the fuck was in charge. I guess at training these cops all skipped the class about active shooters are bad and can be legally shot.

    Not to pick any side in a world conflict, or make anything about this post anymore political, but this is why I have a hard time knowing about the civilian and children lost in Gaza. How the losses make up a disproportionally high number of women and children. I don’t give a flying fuck the color of a child’s skin or what religion their parents practice, THEY ARE FUCKING CHILDREN, FOR FUCKS SAKE!!


  • The last time the Democrats ran a progressive candidate allowed Nixon to sweep every state except a few in that election. I mean, just look at this shit!

    So yeah, if anyone is wondering why the Democrats don’t run progressive candidates, this is why! They’ve only moved further to the right since then. Expecting Democrats to run a progressive would likely sweep the whole nation blue, but if you thought tRump was bad, a progressive would be just as bad for monied interests, which have only grown more emboldened and enriched the last 40-45 years.

    It will take a lot of time, I’m afraid, to undo the damage Republicans have have done with their shitty ideals and politics, starting largely with Reagan’s racist, homophobic, anti-union, and regulation gutting bullshit!