Looks the same… because it’s the same frame lol. Golden.
That’s the joke…
… uh yeah. I got the joke. Not sure why people downvoted but w/e.
Sarcasm does not translate well over text unless it’s super obvious
Or th /S tag is added
This is very misleading. Usually 60 FPS looks worse (especially on consoles and older PCs) since you have to lower settings.
So clearly 30 FPS is superior.
dedotated wam?
To be fair, Windows is gonna hoover up 4GB of RAM before chrome even has a chance.
A still image is not the right way to illustrate framerate differences
You could try 15 FPS and I bet it would look exactly the same, this industry is just rotten. The insatiable search for higher and higher FPS counts is just nonsensical smh
I’d argue that 45fps should be the norm. Anything much higher than 60 and the average person doesn’t gain anything from it. Anything lower is tough for some people to deal with. 45 is a good middle ground, I think.
Unless you make your living playing competitive games, you don’t need 573830575fps.
EDIT: Refined my statement to make more sense. 5am brain didn’t realize it needed to go back to bed before making comments.