Do you know any Lemmy instances not federated with other ones, living by themselves? Do you know any interesting or creative use case for a not federated instance?
Do you know any Lemmy instances not federated with other ones, living by themselves? Do you know any interesting or creative use case for a not federated instance?
I thought that was mastadon, not lemmy.
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No. Mastadon is a microblog/twitter platform. While lemmy is a link aggregator/reddit.
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No clue, i had to tap out while looking at it. That was a hot mess, and i feel dumber for having read anything there.
I’m not sure I get it either. Is it just a url to a specific Scored community or somehow its own instance?
It doesn’t mention activity pub or federation. I think it’s just another reddit clone. [email protected] (does that ping work?)
It appeared to be a Reddit type site, but without communities. Just all of the drivel in one feed with only upvotes.
If you navigate to directly they do appear to have communities.
doesn’t look like either mastodon or lemmy, although its structure is similar to lemmy; from the sidebar it appears they are running something called “scored” which I don’t know anything about
they are different server platforms using the same protocol for different purposes. mastodon == federating twitter, ie ‘old man shouts into the cloud’. lemmy == federating reddit, ie threaded discussions.
there are so many perfectly good non-federating server products as to make this question moot. lemmy is the wrong platform for a stand-alone environment.
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are there jerks in the fediverse? yep. many bad actors.
many server ops will defed known nonreciprocal servers. ‘scrapers’
Well now hang on. Not all jerks on the fediverse are bad actors. I’m a jerk, but I’m a GREAT actor!
holds up human skull all dramatic
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him,Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!
throws skull at your head
…what? I SAID I was a jerk!
No, they can sort of interact with each other, but the data structure and the functions of the sites are different. Mastodon is Microblogging like Twitter, and Lemmy is a Link-aggregator/Forum type platform.