My namesake is a human librarian that was turned into an orangutan. All he says is “Ook” and can traverse the library stacks with great ease. He is happy.

I have a pretty strange knowledge set. I’m not super friendly, but I like to get high and link people to stuff. Just pretend I said only “ook”

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • I don’t see how dead naming is cool simply because it will hurt her polling with racists.

    Edit: Ok, explain the joke. Why is the birtherism of saying “Barrack HUSSEIN Obama” funny on our side? Why should we respect Caitlin Jenner’s chosen name but not Nikki’s? If it’s not a joke, that is, you think it’s a genuinely good idea for news outlets to refer to her this way, why?

    So from personal experience, I learned Obama’s middle name from the mouths’ of racists, I learned Biden’s middle name from the mouths’ toxic masculine chauvinists, and I only hear Jenner’s deadname from bigots. I don’t like playing the “true name” game.

    Edit 2: Ok downvoters, you’ve convinced me that it is ok to stress politicians’ birth names in order to show disagreement. Can you now please provide a list of white politicians whose birth names we should use in order to show we do not support them? I guess we can just put their names in parentheses or something if that is easier.

  • I never beat it as a kid either. I barely played it. I thought it was cryptic and punishing, although 9-year-old me wouldn’t have used those words. Just a simple “This game is dumb.” worked.

    In fact, I thought it was pretty universally reviled. I’ve since learned that this is due the to fact that a child’s gaming social-sphere in the 90s could be quite limited.

    About 5 years ago, glancing across a bookshelf, a certain game cart happened to catch my eye. I couldn’t tell you why it was this particular game cart that my attention ;) but I really started to think about it. I don’t actually know anything about Zelda 2 (other than “This game is dumb.”). So then I thought, maybe it wasn’t for kids. Nine-year-olds are pretty ego-centric. The NES was one of our toys. No adults were playing these things. Did I mention my social-sphere?

    It then occured to me: I’m a blank slate. I know next to nothing about the progression, the map, or anything. Of course along the way, I found things familiar, and I knew things like >!Shadow Link was the final boss!< but I didn’t know >!how to cheese the Shadow Link fight!<.

    So I gave it an honest, no-help-other-than-the-game’s-original-manual playthrough. Yadda-yadda-yadda, Zelda 2 is one of the best games on the NES, and in my book, that makes it one of the best games ever.

    In hindsight, Zelda 1 is cryptic af. “The 10th enemy has the bomb”, “gumble gumble”, “shaka when the walls fell”, wtf? If you’d like to know what the 10th enemy thing is: >!hopefully someone below explains drop counts because I’m sure as fuck not going to!<. How was a kid or adult going to figure that out?

    My Z2 playthrough took days, maybe 10, but my memory is fuzzy. I got pretty stuck >!looking for the mirror!< and I wondered around for a full day with no progress although I felt like I understood where the game wanted me to go. About halfway through the next day, I read the manual. I didn’t actually think when I started that I was going to do a no-help-other-than-the-manual playthrough. I thought of as a no-internet-on-an-80s-game playthrough. After the realization that the manual wasn’t outside help, I did use the internet for that. Well as soon as I learned >!hammers can chop down trees!<, I was on my way. The rest of the playthrough went smoothly, apart from being hard as fuck.

  • the fact that you basically have to read the manual

    This is no joke and deserves a bit of emphasis. NES games expect you to read the manual.

    I did my first play of Zelda 2 about 5 years ago. I didn’t like it as kid, but I loved my adult playthrough. I will note that this was one of the games that I got stuck until I read the manual.

    Another Z2 pointer, to anyone that wants to give it a go, is that you can logically “soft lock” the game with bad key management. It’s unlikely, but if you like to look for unintended orders to do game goals, it could happen.