If you like the ideas of the Green Party, vote for them at the local level. The fact that they don’t seem to want to govern at the local level is enough for me to ignore them as an option.
I’m a voter, my friend. I can complain about a party all damn day. If you think that a political party is going get a dime from me before they can even convince me to vote for them, you have strange spending habits.
If you like the ideas of the Green Party, vote for them at the local level. The fact that they don’t seem to want to govern at the local level is enough for me to ignore them as an option.
They can’t run local level candidates without funding. All you do is complain instead of help.
I’m a voter, my friend. I can complain about a party all damn day. If you think that a political party is going get a dime from me before they can even convince me to vote for them, you have strange spending habits.
They do focus on local elections, you just don’t hear about it because for the most part no one cares about local politics.