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Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Lmao, barely have a conversation? Trump literally can’t even remember what he did or said yesterday, and has literally no plan for actually improving the country in any way shape or form.

    Biden passed the Inflation Reduction Act which actually presents a vision for how to return manufacturing to America and restart it’s economy, while addressing climate change. Trump has no plan to address literally any of that.

    You need to wake up man. They are not even in the same ballpark.

  • No, it’s not a hard decision.

    You’re choosing between two old men, one of whom is an actual politician with a history of accomplishing things and running a country. The other is a mean old pervert who couldn’t run a business without committing fraud. He literally tried to cheat and destroy the system when he lost the first time.

    How the fuck do you think it’s close?

  • Yeah, and seeing the lowest bottoms of the human existence every time you scroll your newsfeed doesn’t make you more sensitive to it, it numbs you to it.

    This comic is sad in the way that the Fry’s dog episode is sad. It’s devastating the first time you see it but the more you think about it the more you realize that there was/is no other message, they’re just saying death really sucks, and yeah it does, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy to relive it over and over and over.

  • Because an object is good at representing a noun, not a verb, and when expressing logical flows and concepts, despite what Java will tell you, not everything is in fact, a noun.

    I.e. in OOP languages that do not support functional programming as first class (like Java), you end up with a ton of overhead and unnecessary complications and objects named like generatorFactoryServiceCreatorFactory because the language forces you to creat a noun (object) to take an action rather than just create a verb (function) and pass that around.