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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • It’s not that hard.

    Fuck the RIAA: The artists should hold the rights to their music, not the publishers.

    Fuck AI: The rights-holders (which ought to be the artists) should be able to distribute their work without fear that a bot will be allowed to use it to compete against them.

    I just don’t see a healthy creative culture where you don’t push both buttons.

  • Well yeah. I mean, the big companies hire psychologists to conduct user studies to maximize time on device, and they model their user experience after variable reward schedules from slot machines. Seems obvious that they’re nefarious.

    I just have no idea how you can effectively regulate big tech.

    At every corner, the fundamental dynamic of big tech seems to be: Do the same exploitative, antisocial things that we decided long ago should be illegal… but do it through indirect means that make it difficult or impossible to regulate.

    If you change the definition of employment so that gig-work apps like Uber become employers, they’ll just change their model to avoid the new definition.

    If you change the definition of copyright infringement so that existing AI systems are open to prosecution, they’ll just add another level of obfuscation to the training data or something.

    I’m glad they’re willing to do something, but there has to be a more robust approach than this whack-a-mole game we’re playing.

    Edit: And to be clear, I am also concerned about the collateral damage that any regulation might cause to the grassroots independent stuff like Lemmy… but I think that’s pretty unlikely. The political environment in the US is such that it’s way, way more likely that we just do nothing – or a tiny little token effort – and we just let Meta/Google/whoever fully colonize our neurons in the end anyway.

  • I, uh… think we got off on the wrong foot. I don’t see spending or taxation as a bad thing.

    I mean, peep the @midwest.social, for a hint. And I did specifically say that I wouldn’t recommend any terms to replace “raise” and “revenue” that have a negative connotation, such as “deactivation” or “destruction”.

    I’m also aware of the multiplier effect. The benefits of government spending are actually why I’m so interested in reframing the conversation about spending and taxation.

    I will quibble with this:

    The spending of a tax dollar is the beginning, not the end, of the benefit.

    The spending is the beginning, yes – but not a tax dollar.

    Governments don’t need to tax first, in order to spend second. It’s the opposite. That’s why “raise” and “revenue” are such terrible terms. Because they prime you to think that taxes are how we pay for things. We pay for things by just paying for them. The government spends dollars into existence. Taxation is just there to incentivize economic activity to chase those new dollars and keep a stable value.

    If you view taxation as necessary to gather the funds to do something, you can have a bunch of resources just sitting around doing nothing and never be able to utilize them because you can’t gather the funds without destabilizing the economy. But if you can just spend the money into existence, you can go ahead and increase the utilization without taxing first and then adjust taxation as needed from there on out.

    And it turns out, this is how money has always worked. Taxation has always been a cleanup step to keep the spending productive, not a prerequisite to enable the spending in the first place. The myth of tax as revenue is relatively new.

  • If you really wanna play out that conversation, here’s how that goes:

    I say “The vicious Nazi graffiti doesn’t belong in the same category as the anti-zionist protest signs”

    And you say “Those protest signs aren’t just anti-zionist, they’re antisemitic. If you’re calling for the end of the state of Israel, you’re calling for the extermination of Jews everywhere.”

    And I say “So if you really just wanted to say that anti-zionism is antisemitism, why did you pretend to agree in your first reply?”

    But we don’t need to bother with that tedious BS, because I can use my super hacker skills to… view your comment history.

    You’re trying to replicate OP’s original sleight-of-hand.

    Placing unequivocal Nazi shit in the same category as people calling for international law to finally be applied against a decades-long genocidal regime, and then saying “You gotta tolerate or detest 100% of these things in one fell swoop. It’s a bundle deal. And remember, I put some Nazi shit in there!”

    If you’ve watched just 2-3 hours of news coverage in the past 8 months, you’ve seen this play before. It doesn’t – or it shouldn’t – fool anyone anymore, and you should be embarrassed to even try it.