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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2024

  • My daughter has always had a very close relationship with my mom. In the beginning of covid they didn’t see eachother for a few months, except over video chat. When we finally had them over, in the outdoors, my daughter, who was 2 at the time had a very simple reaction: she collapsed on the grass as soon as she saw her in the distance. We had to pick her up off the grass. She spent the next half hour hugging her grandmother.

  • To me, a Linux user, Apple is more of a jail or a pusher. I don’t want to use it because of lock in. Oh, you have an iPod? It’s much better with a Mac. An iPhone? All your friends should also have it, and now we have this special app you can only use properly with other apple users.

    No thanks.

  • First of all, what in the blazes is your doctor doing in surgery?

    But let’s assume he’s also a surgeon… That’s honestly probably the healthiest point of view for a surgeon. Surgeons tend to lose people and it can be devastating if they take it personally. An 81 year old surgeon might have come to terms with it, so as long as he still does his absolute best, why does his relationship to the worst part of his job matter?

  • If I remember the rules correctly you are allowed to fly over private property as long as it isn’t fenced off. You cannot overfly buildings without permission. You can take pictures of private property without permission as long as they don’t contain anything personally identifiable (ie. don’t take pictures of people, but no people is fine).

  • Jeg er ikke særligt forfærdet over Israels handlinger fordi de er jøder, eller fordi de er demokratiske. Jeg er forfærdet fordi de bliver betragtet som et vestligt land, som får næsten uforbeholden støtte fra vestlige lande. Ja, Israels opførsel er sammenlignelig med den vi ser andre steder i Mellemøsten, fra lande vi absolut ikke ønsker at associere os med. Og netop derfor bør vi være særligt efter Israel.

    Hvis Israel skal fremstå som demokratiets vestlige lys i Mellemøsten, så er det ikke i orden at de opfører sig som de værste af deres naboer. De skal være et forbillede for dem. Vi skal stolte pege på dem og sige “en af os”. Ikke komme med undskyldninger for deres opførsel.

    Angrebet på Israel var slet ikke i orden. Jihad mod jøder og Israel er ikke i orden. Israels handlinger siden - og før da, er heller ikke i orden.

    Hvad har Salman Rushdie gjort for at vække muslimernes vrede?

    Hvorfor er Hamas mon sure på Israel i 2023?

    Er det virkeligt fair at sammenligne de to situationer?

  • In some eye-opening new results, the telescope has found and confirmed the discovery of a very bright galaxy that existed just 300 million years after the Big Bang. Based on their observations, astronomers believe the galaxy is 1,600 light-years across and has a mass several hundreds of millions of times the mass of the Sun.

    “All of these observations, together, tell us that JADES-GS-z14-0 is not like the types of galaxies that have been predicted by theoretical models and computer simulations to exist in the very early universe," the astronomers said. “Its discovery has profound implications for the predicted number of bright galaxies we see in the early universe.”

    I don’t like click bait…