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  • 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 15th, 2023


  • never ever spread them as the truth.

    How did you know it’s not the truth…because I implied it wasn’t… and I don’t see it as something that couldn’t happen, people asked for MicroG support for years…

    ROMs without network support.

    I’m not a huge fan of trolling

    because they get money for doing it,

    I can tell you no Open source ROM gets funds by Google, unless if it’s a program… For example GOS received many rewards for discovering vulnerabilities in AOSP

  • it couldn’t be as degoogled as LOS because LOS is vanilla

    This is about to change since LOS are about to include MicroG by default in future releases… Or so I heard from some Mastodon users who shared screenshots about an LOS update that installed MicroG

    GOS is private and secure more than any other ROM, but once you install the Unprivileged play store you lose some of that privacy while retaining security, MicroG is private but not as secure

    Still it’s a shame that LOS can’t find a better supporter than Google


  • That’s also not accurate, GOS comes fully degoogled, and doesn’t include any GAPPS or Google Play services, you have to install them yourself if you want compatibility with Google Apps or some banking apps

    even though they are sandboxed. There is no way it can be more degoogled than LOS

    That’s just false, even LOS isn’t fully degoogled and it still connects to Google in the background for necessary connectivity checks ( e.g. DNS ) and Esim activation for example

  • i see, I think that’s a problem of who is recommending the servers to people, I always go with one of the servers that are on the matrix.org website ( these has strict moderators and are under active development ), I can certainly go with another list of abstract/shady unknown servers but that’s a recipe for disaster…

    Btw, I’m not denying that there is terrible content on some of these servers/rooms, but I’m saying it’s a byproduct of the system architecture, Element/Matrix can implement more safety settings that’s for sure

    that being said the worse footage I saw in my entire life was on Facebook, and it was completely allowed, which tells you something about the platform and how little to no control you have to change it’s direction.

  • The UI is designed in such a way that it doesn’t expose the user to outside servers ( by default you’re on Matrix.org ) even when you press the discover button you’ll see rooms from the same server.

    the only way for an average user to get exposed to such rooms is by being invited to them by strangers or Bots ( so maybe there should be a way to disable community invites, especially Bot invites )

    Or maybe your client didn’t put much thought into the user journey and let you discover everything, even abstract/shady servers

    Don’t take this the wrong way, but do you lurk on Matrix everyday ? I’m not on the right ( wrong ) rooms because I only take what I need from any service, the Internet can be depressing, so my advice is to be careful

  • It’s kinda strange, the guy reached a conclusion that the service is legit hard to control and take down by any government, but was insisting on: BUT… BUT… BUT… trying to stress the negative points, which by the way, they’re way more apparent on other Big tech Platforms, specifically : Discord…

    If you have a centralized server and that server straight out refuses to take measures against abuse ( I’m just gonna say abuse in general and that includes all things: Child abuse, Ra*e, addictive drugs…etc )

    if you as a user notice these things and after you report them nothing happens… Then what ? Wait until a big news outlet notice, then they publish it on their website, and after a week or so, you’ll watch the CEO walk away from court like nothing happened…

    On Matrix, as a user, I can spin up my own server, make my own rules, and make sure stuff like this ( abuse ) doesn’t happen, the point here is that you can’t blame Element Team or Matrix Team for what happens on this system, they just make the software and people deploy it

    the only thing left to blame afterwards is human nature!

    Which brings me to an important question, who is his source ? they must have great control over the network to realize that Matrix ( a huge decentralized network with many servers is a pit of abuse ) !!!

    without a source ? without knowing how they knew what they claimed ? this video is just a conspiracy theory in my view… And having ties to the French government isn’t necessarily a bad thing… ( knowing that the French government spied on it’s citizens, yes )

    I have been using Matrix for years, and never encountered a single instance of abuse… trolls yes… Hentai…yes … but no shady stuff… It’s mostly nerds talking about Computers, Linux and Anime