Canadian software engineer living in Europe.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Let me tell you how primary lane travel works in civilised countries: drunks and the others you mentioned end up in a canal, stranded up on a meridian, or crashed into a bollard.

    That’s because they do more there than just say “share the lane” and call it a day. They narrow the road to almost exactly the width of a typical car using unforgiving barriers like bollards, medians, and 5m deep canals. They restructure the roads so they aren’t straight throughways, but brick-paved, winding pathways through the city.

    They turn roads into obstacle courses, calming traffic, because as we all know, drivers may not be worried about killing cyclists, they’re horrified by the idea of scratching their paint.

    They still have drunks of course, but they’re typically on bikes (since driving is so impractical), and they too often end up in a canal.

    Here’s a decent example from Amsterdam where they effectively have 3 classes of road:

    • Highways where no bikes are permitted but there are always entirely separate cycle path options to travel the same distance.
    • Wide through roads with level asphalt paving and typically a curb, a row of trees, a tram, or other safe barrier between cars and cyclists.
    • Narrow, often winding shared roads where traffic is naturally calmed by the terrain: bollards, canals, bricks or cobblestone, big speed bumps, raised crosswalks, or other oncoming cars in a space clearly designed for a maximum of one. Even the traffic lights here are configured to reduce speed by defaulting to red in all directions.

    That last category is the majority over there, and a big reason why the city is so safe and quiet… unless it’s King’s Day or New Years eve. Then these spaces are flooded with loud, drunk pedestrians or children shooting fireworks at random. On those days I recommend trips out of town ;-)

  • At the firewall level, port forwarding forwards traffic bound for one port to another machine on your network on an arbitrary port, but the UI built on top of it in your router may not include this.

    If it’s not an option in your Fritzbox, your options are:

    • Make the service running on your internal network listen on one of those high-number ports instead.
    • Introduce another machine on the network that also performs NAT between your router and your machine
    • Try to access the underlying firewall in your router to tweak the rules manually. Some routers have an admin console accessible via telnet or SSH that may allow this.
    • Get a new router.

    The first and last options on this list are probably the best.

  • You make an excellent point. I have a lot more patience for something I can understand, control, and most importantly, modify to my needs. Compared to an iThing (when it’s interacting with other iThings anyway) Linux is typically embarrassingly user hostile.

    If course, if you want your iThing to do something Apple hasn’t decided you should want to do, it’s a Total Fucking Nightmare to get working, so you use the OS that supports your priorities.

    Still, I really appreciate the Free software that goes out of its way to make things easy, and it’s something I prioritise in my own Free software offerings.

  • It would be absolutely bizarre if you couldn’t connect with WireGuard port and Wireguard obfuscation set to Automatic. Things to try first:

    1. Connect without your VPN and try to access a single website like the
    2. Once that’s working, enable your VPN and that should do it.
    3. If you still can’t get connected, try switching out different countries. Each country listed corresponds to an IP to which your machine will try to connect over a benign port like 443 – so blocking that sort of traffic would be mad unless the IP is explicitly blocked. Therefore, driving to different country targets offers a different IP every time. They’d have to know Mulvad’s whole list and block them all.

    If the above somehow doesn’t work, Mulvad offers support through which you can get a temporary Server IP override. You can enter that in the bottom portion of your app’s settings.

  • I never contested the facts as stated, only that their presentation, devoid of context was misleading. I put “crime” in quotes to demonstrate the absurdity of a system that imprisons people for blocking traffic when those actually burning the planet are treated with the highest respect by our elected representatives. This wasn’t defrauding old ladies, it was causing a traffic jam.

    Normal car traffic blocks ambulances all the time, and yet no one seems to consider it a crime punishable by 5 years. Meanwhile, a woman kills a cyclist with her car and gets a suspended sentence. Canada is on fire. Greece is on fire. Bulgaria, Italy, North Macedonia, Turkey, Spain, and Portugal are all on fire. How many ambulances-worth of people do you think are going to die as a result?

    And spare me the “he’s a hypocrite 'cause he flew in a plane” pearl-clutching. He knows, as I’m sure you do that you don’t fix climate change through individual action. Sure it feels nice to be all self-righteous and forego luxuries provided by bad energy policy, but real change comes through legislation that taxes the hell out of flying — you know, like JSO is demanding but for which our elected leaders would rather ignore because it’d be unpopular.

  • These statements, while true are lacking so many critical details that it borders on disinformation.

    • He was a repeat offender of nonviolent crimes.
    • He was held in contempt after the court refused to allow him to speak to the motivation behind his crime, a key component in any defence of nonviolent civil disobedience.
    • Of course he said he would commit the “crime” again. It’s civil disobedience. What exactly are you expecting? The planet is still on fire and we’re still burning it.

    The ambulance thing is pretty terrible, but when you consider the objective outcome of our current world-burning, it’s not an unexpected perspective. Given a few more years of inaction and profiteering, and the nonviolent actors will start giving up on being civil – especially if the penalty is the same regardless. We’ll be looking back on traffic blocking and orange paint with nostalgia.

  • It’s purely financial. We make a lot of weapons and we like selling them. The best customers are the ones currently using the weapons, since that lets us test them in the field and guarantees that they’ll want to buy more since they’ve just exploded the last order.

    I honestly don’t think they care who the weapons are being used against, and the “antisemetic” label is little more than a shield used to deflect criticism. If the bombs were being used by Saudi Arabia to level Israel, I’m confident that the political apathy would be similar.

    If you want them to care about more than that, they have to believe you’d vote for a party opposed to selling weapons to genociders, but instead of Green, the country voted Labour with their stated unshakeable support for genocide so… we get who we vote for.

  • Fascinating idea. One suggestion though:

    When selecting your “coup team” avoid immigrants and people with families. Back when I was young, single, and living in my home country, I could have been convinced to go along with something like this, but now I’m living abroad with a wife & kid. The risk is sufficiently high that I might be compelled to snitch for fear that I might be deported or jailed.

    You want ambitious, charismatic, high-skill, and risk-friendly people for this kind of job.

    I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines though.