I’m considering it. I’d probably want to know if it works well with Linux first.
I’m considering it. I’d probably want to know if it works well with Linux first.
Det virker lidt som om de har opført en pendlerpads uden at lave tiltag der gør den attraktiv som fx at lægge et stoppested ved den.
Offentlig transport virker kun hvis det er mere attraktivt og vil har over et halvt århundrede haft et bilcentrisk syn på infrastruktur som vil skal have gjort op med før det giver mening. Jeg tjekkede lige parkeringspriserne ved AAL og de er faktisk lavere pr. døgn end én enkeltbillet fra Aalborg Centrum til lufthavnen. Læg dertil et par zoner fra fx Skørping og så kan du være afsted en halv uge før billetterne er tjent hjem (bemærk jeg ignorerer convenience i at køre i egen bil). Men de stationer hvor jeg synes det giver mening at give direkte togforbindelse til AAL skal du skifte fra IC til ICL. IC kører ikke til lufthavnen og ICL stopper ikke i småbyerne mellem Hobro og Aalborg. Og når du så alligevel er ude af toget så tager du bare 13’eren i stedet eller en taxa.
You might even be able to sell a “solution” to the inefficiency you created out of profitability.
Eh, everything points to a mistake. Bitwarden not only rectified it ASAP but also made the switch to GPLv3. The latter is not just something you do to please people, you need to understand the legal ramifications it can have on your business, so it very likely was a change that’s been discussed before all of this.
Can you elaborate on the Plex issues as of late? One of the guys I share my instance with has reported a lot of buffering that I haven’t been able to reproduce.
/ Guitar Solo
If you wanna say “hello shark!” in Danish you’ll say “hej haj!”
Good thing we don’t have sharks in Danish waters otherwise it’ll become pretty awkward when you greet someone at the beach.
De siger at man kunne høre det i Kolding, men det kunne altså høres hele vejen op til Vejle. Jeg sad indenfor og hørte et brag som jeg troede måske kom nede fra havnen 5 kilometer væk, så vi valgte at se TV avisen i fællesskab den aften and lo and behold, så var det næsten 30km væk.
There’s a couple of episodes that I know of which is just Seth MacFarlane talking to himself in weird voices. When you realise it those episodes get much funnier.
Meanwhile in Family Guy
Coincidentally last month I got the survey for the first time since I switched to Linux a decade ago.
I did that once in a left turn. I didn’t make the green light so I stopped in the “bike left turn lane” (in front of the car lane). A second or so later when it was full on red a car swerved into the opposite lane to get past me and blasted into the intersection. Had it been a second later he would have been struck by a car.
Some idiots have absolutely no self control… I bet those 30 seconds he saved must have cured cancer or solved world hunger or something…
In Denmark it’s illegal to cross the road 10-20m (or something like that, forgot the exact number) from a croasswalk. Outside that zone you can cross as much as you want. We are though seeing fences pop up on higher traffic roads to discourage crossing, but mostly on ring roads in bigger cities, not in the cities themselves.
Det er ikke fordi en ørken af monokulturer er meget bedre.
Nu har jeg selv prøvet både rugby og undervandsrugby, så jeg kan kun med åbne arme byde flere vandsportsgrene velkommen!
SpaceX’s CEO president, Gwynne Shotwell, kæmper hårdt på at holde Musk på afstand af selskabet, så det er jeg ikke så sikker på. Jeg synes rosen i stedet bør falde på Shotwell
That’s illegal in EU
I call it sand that’s been tortured so much they started doing math.
If you have played less than 2 hours and it is at most 14 days since you purchased it, Steam will refund you with no questions asked.
XcQ, link stays blue