Windows is an option
Windows is an option
Defcon is a useful resource for networking and learning. It being run by and for good guys doesn’t mean bad guys don’t find the event useful. The vague risk of “getting caught” is probably worth taking, regardless of whether that risk is tangible, especially if they follow proper security practices.
I should’ve said “anything math-heavy,” but even then, it seems like switching fields or applications of math requires understanding a new definition of the same symbols, and a lot of that could be avoided with words.
What OP is talking about is readability, so in a situation where you’re taking your own notes and have your own set of defined symbols, full words aren’t necessary.
I personally lost all interest in math because there are way too many opinionated or non-standard symbol definitions
I’ve read enough accounts from both men and women to know that sexual harassment is not taken seriously at many places.
I do agree that it’s a stupid phrase, but the point of it is to say that bad apples ruin the bunch. Police in the US, especially the bad apples, rarely are held accountable.
Have you considered that depression is “hot” because a huge portion of the population no longer have to suppress their feelings?
Police accountability is just the tip of the iceberg, though. A huge issue is the fact that a lot of minority history isn’t taught properly in US schools, and important events that define race relations are completely ignored. Using the term “master” to describe Git branches, for example, is just another way of staying ignorant and insensitive to those events.
I can understand that there are some edge cases where master/slave should still be correct as it is accurate, but for every other case, it’s still better to use a term that is culturally aware and technically relevant, even if it’s a small difference that’s part of a larger cultural shift.
The US may not have invented it, but there are still people in the US who are affected by it today.
Americans care about slavery for the same reason that Germans care about Nazis.
PCP is an incredibly common term in the US.
If they have your records, then you can request a freeze in a variety of ways. Online is just the easiest way to manage all that.
Meth is really tasty
Thanks, just changed it.
Everyday we get one step closer to the edge, and I’m about to break.
Kamala is a cooler name
I pay $30 per doctor’s visit and $40 if the visit is for a specialist. I also pay $0 for a yearly checkup and $0 for telehealth. For any hospital visits, I pay 20% of whatever the actual bill is after a $300 copay (basically a down payment), which came out to a total of $600 when I went to the ER. Lastly, my prescription drugs are capped at $10 per month for generics and $150 for some brand-name drugs.
I use a ton of healthcare and the costs have been super manageable, but affordability is going to vary wildly between people. A ton of insurance plans don’t start working until you hit an out-of-pocket minimum of several thousand dollars, and others work like mine except with way higher copays.
Lastly, insurance often doesn’t cover certain drugs or procedures. As someone with really good insurance with good customer service, it’s still an issue every so often, and the solution is either to find an alternative, try to find a manufacturer’s coupon and pay up, or suck it up and move on. There are insurance companies that use shady tactics to get them out of paying for certain expensive drugs that they’re supposed to cover.
Long-distance calls being equivalent to local calls has been an incredibly good change.
Does the UK not teach media literacy? I went to public school in Texas and we were given lessons on basic media literacy every few years at a minimum, though I don’t think it was in-depth enough.
I didn’t know that Secret Service was mandatory for former US Presidents.