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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • Lmao @ the Americans getting all uncomfortable trying to weasel out of this

    Yeah bullshit it’s “not mandatory,” how can you have such a basic denial of reality?

    Totally optional, that’s why every time some kid understands and abstains, the teachers and other students bully them mercilessly, give them detention, suspension, expulsion, and it makes national news whenever someone actually tries.

    I bet joining the NSDAP was fucking optional too, don’t try to deny your christofascism that everyone just accepts because somehow it’s better when America does it

  • Chinese plants will make whatever the hell you need them to at your desired quality, as long as you meet the market price.

    There’s an incredible irony in Americans associating them with poor quality because the American capitalists ordering the goods decided to cheap out and cut corners lmao.

  • The cruelest part of late stage capitalism is that these immigrants would probably have enjoyed a better life back home.

    Sure many are refugees escaping violence or truly desperate conditions.

    But many are also normal-ass people that were sold the lie of the Western/American dream. People that struggle to learn English in adulthood (much harder than as a child), have no specialized degree or skill, and no family in the states.

    People that could have joined the normal working class at home with less debt, less stress, and less discrimination and led mostly normal lives in their own culture.

    Sure the Western consumer has nice electronics and Nike shoes, etc. But everyone seems to be in denial about the impending collapse of the entire economy and how dire the lives of the workers are right now.

    It’s going to be a rough century and it’s only getting started.

  • My favorite part of this debacle are the liberals and conservatives uniting (funny how often they’re doing that these days) to mourn the great senseless smearing of this priceless historical artifact.

    The historical artifact that has been completely refurbished, rebuilt, re-assembled with heavy equipment, and literally cast into modern concrete foundations multiple times since the 1960s.

    In fact the veracity of the historical thesis is in doubt these days as well, it’s more likely some eccentric ass put these up in relatively modern times a few hundred years ago.

    Their efforts are futile and disruptive, yes. So is the fucking climate change that is literally guaranteed to collapse modern civilization within 50 years.

  • It’s pretty interesting how you somehow turned this into a both sides hyperbole.

    So you go on this rant about how mainstream media has assisted the slide into fascism, how Democrats will be the savior or free speech and ethical journalism.

    I seem to have missed what the DNC have done to fight back against this slide into fascism for the past 50 years. In fact they actively helped Trump get elected because he’d be easier to beat.

    Can you explain what Democratic leaderships plan is to right the list and get this country functioning again?

  • Seriously, how are people not seeing this??? We have liberal justices pushing 70, who refused to resign before the “most important election of our lifetimes”.

    We have fascists having their old ones resign for young bootlickers while Dems are about to repeat RBG twice.

    Oh let me guess, waah the dems didn’t have a majority, how could we expect them to utilize the weapons of politics, waah.

    Oh except those times we did have a majority but it doesn’t count because here’s always one spoiler vote that can’t be whipped. Guess we just have to keep watching the slide into fascism as Dems claim to be the great protector of democracy no matter who wins.

    And yet some people have the audacity to call it a BotH SiDeS argument.

    You know what we called people like these Democrat leaders in times of strife?


    And yes, I am am voting blue. So fucking tell me, blue MAGA, what are the dems going to do to stop the slide into fascism?