at about 15 pounds per cubic foot, thats what maybe 400 pounds of snow?
at about 15 pounds per cubic foot, thats what maybe 400 pounds of snow?
just call it Benelux already before its under water anyway.
FEMA has plans to utilize schools as mass holding pens for something like 5 million people if necessary, so its like a dual use thing.
maybe they should be forced to pay the listed wage on the job listing
a five star location would love a nitpicker, because their customers can be.
maybe level 1 is on a grill with gas. another level is a smoker, or wood. another is making your own bbq sauce. another is stuffing a chili pepper with cheese and wrapping it in bacon and painting that with maple syrup.
used to just keep it tucked in your armpit for body heat back in the day.
how about Hurra Torpedo’s Total Eclipse of the Heart
because the car manufacturers become the tank manufacturers in time of war, they cannot be allowed to die out, and thus they are spoiled rotten.
sorry not familiar
he doesnt know that its icy.
she enslaved the Winkies, enslaved Dorothy, starved the Cowardly Lion…
i’d really consider just taking a phone instead, if possible.
its obviously geared towards pre-teen girls, so you’ll have to forgive some but if you stick with it, it’ll win you over.
me too. i think it put people in a thick rubber sleeping bag and then sprayed the outside of the bag with water. i winder what a modern version could do.
they should add a fighting fish to this and release it as a beta version.
thats ignoring the shorter term trend lines backwards for such folks.
i agree, but what can you trust for accuracy in these times?
googly eyed genitalia