• 1 Post
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 31st, 2024


  • Perfectly understandable. I’m also quite reluctant to eat anything above 10 bucks. Over here we luckily have two restaurants near my work that serve meatless food WITHOUT expensive ass vegan imitation meat. Just using regular ingredients like nuts or beans or even soya strips/chunks which are DIRT cheap, and no surprise, the meals are usually no more than 5 bucks. One of em also serves drinks/salad/desert for and additional buck each, that one’s my favorite :)

  • We have a wonderful road here in Prague. Goes somewhat sharply up hill with a speed limit of 70km/h (43.5mi/h), there’s legit nothing along the road and both ends are just junctions. And suddenly, out of nowhere, barely even a bike lane. I presume I don’t need to explain that nobody ever bikes here?

    Sadly never had the opportunity to take a picture (not like I can just stop there), so here’s one from street view, it’s hard to see, but there are cyclist markings.

  • I found out I needed glass when I tried my friend’s glasses for fun and saw better with them. Twas very depressing actually, realizing I’ve seen stuff wrong for so many years. Things is I only have -1, so it’s not bad enough to significantly affect daily life, tho it is significant enough in how I experience views. Now when I travel I always have a pair with me for whenever I truly want to enjoy the sight of something. Otherwise I avoid my glasses like the plague.

  • LANIK2000@lemmy.worldOPtovegan@lemmy.worldMeat is expensive.
    7 days ago

    At my place meat rarely goes for above 50% or even 30% discounts. And even then, 500g of meat usually costs me in the 150czk range, with 50% off that’s still a solid 75czk, meanwhile my soy strip bag costs up yo 30czk max. Like I wish we had 90% discounts on meat lol xD

    As for veggies, some like potatoes, carrots and lettuce are dirt cheap already and you’re not putting the whole thing into a single dish. Shit is like rice, the 5kg bag is almost cheaper than meat, and it’ll last for MANY dishes.

  • LANIK2000@lemmy.worldOPtovegan@lemmy.worldMeat is expensive.
    7 days ago

    I’m not really a brands guy, I just try to grab whatever is cheapest at any store I’m at (within reason, bought shampoo once that was basically just water, never again). Also I live in Czechia, I’m assuming we might not have the same stores and brands available. Tho anyways, soy strips/chunks are a pretty basic ingredient, so I’d assume just about any should be fine, and for nuts, over here we quite often have nut mixes, sometimes even salted or otherwise spiced, tasty stuff for snacking :) For cooking purposes, again, very basic ingredient, just about any will do. There are many Asian and even western recipes that make wonders out of peanuts for example, not to mention countless desserts, but that’s probably not what we’re going for xD

  • LANIK2000@lemmy.worldOPtovegan@lemmy.worldMeat is expensive.
    7 days ago

    Yea I get that, and my question is, why is the vegan or even just vegetarian option at the same restaurant more expensive? And like up to 50% more so? I’d argue it doesn’t take any longer to make a meatless dish, nor does it require any unique equipment/procedure. The only logical explanation I can see, is if you intentionally use some super expensive replacement lab meat or demand is soo low that the allocated storage would be better served with something more popular, at which point why even sell it? Prep is basically non-existant compared to meat, so extraordinary work can’t be it. The only realistic things I can think of is a lack of demand. Hmmm, in the context of America that seems a lot more likely actually…

  • LANIK2000@lemmy.worldOPtovegan@lemmy.worldMeat is expensive.
    7 days ago

    Soya strips? Soya anything really. Per gram there is WAY more protein in soya strips than any meat. My 80g pack says it has 49g protein. Shit is more than half just straight up protein. Find me any meat with such density, the best I can find is 32g/100g. And for calories you’d be hard pressed to beat nuts, not even sugar beats em.

  • LANIK2000@lemmy.worldOPtovegan@lemmy.worldMeat is expensive.
    7 days ago

    Exactly! Whenever I was low on cash as a student, I’d just buy some tomatoes, throw in some lettuce and mayo I already had for sandwiches and boom! Maybe add some pasta and or an egg. Depending on how fancy I go that’s anywhere between like 2~3 bucks a big ass bowl!

  • LANIK2000@lemmy.worldOPtovegan@lemmy.worldMeat is expensive.
    8 days ago

    Maybe it’s different in America, but we actually have a few cheap vegetarian joints here in Prague, and their prices are pretty unmatched, even by other cheap lunch places. I just find it weird that the wast majority of places that sell meatless stuff, are capable of selling it for like twice the price of the rest.

    I also find the “overhead” argument hard to belive, considering that all you need for soya strips/chunks is throw a but load of them into hot water for 10 minutes and that’ll last the entire bloody day. Unlike meat that can barely leave the fridge. Meat also generally makes a bigger mess, the only worthy competitor is some cheeses. And other things take even less effort than meat, meals that primarily use nuts or beans, or if you don’t wanna go full vegan, cheese and eggs also open the doors to plenty of dishes. Like ever heard of tiger eggs?