• dragontamer@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    And what will anyone be able to do about it?

    We tie it to deep state federal officials invading private US Homes. And then Republican support collapses over the events.

    Speak the language of the Republicans and they’ll agree with you on this. Invading private homes with US Troops, looking for contraban (ie: illegal immigrants in this case) with mass warrants would be uncomfortable to even Republicans in these areas.

    If Republicans really are cool with this then whatever. Onto the next bulwark. But we need to prepare our arguments and discussion points. But we will work to defend our political rights at each stage of this process as Trump tries to do random bullshit.

    • floofloof@lemmy.ca
      4 months ago

      Invading private homes with US Troops, looking for contraban (ie: illegal immigrants in this case) with mass warrants would be uncomfortable to even Republicans in these areas.

      I agree that it’s worth trying. If Republicans can be persuaded that the “deep state” is becoming more intrusive it might provoke some questioning on their part. But I fear they would just retreat to “Those people must have done something to bring it upon themselves,” and “It won’t happen to me or my friends.” Until it does, when they’ll be shocked but also silenced.

      • dragontamer@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Outrage can stop it if we present it in the correct argument to them.

        What happens to the assets of illegal aliens that are deported? I bet that the police seizes it and then its auctioned off (or something close to that). So now we have a pretty straightforward story of federal level officials invading the homes of US Citizens and trying to steal their bitcoins.

        The far-right outrage writes itself at that point, if they really go the route of mass deportations. But we need to make the event truly outrageous when it happens, and not just in a leftist mindset. The truth of mass deporations is horrific even to those with far-right viewpoints. But you have to frame the argument correctly.

    • krashmo@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      What part of people voting for this exact scenario makes you think they aren’t going to be “cool” with it happening? Hell, Hispanic people voted for this. Why is it my job to save them from what they asked for? If we keep bailing out idiots when they do dumb things they will never learn how dumb they are.

      I’m not banking on that happening in large enough numbers to change anything but I am not batman either. We signed up for this and we all need to realize what that actually means if we want to have any hope of making better decisions in the future. Some of us won’t learn until well after that knock on the door and I don’t have anything to say about that other than I’m not the one knocking.

      • dragontamer@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        US Neighborhoods aren’t organized into “illegal” parts and “legal” areas.

        A mass deportation scheme means hassling, and likely invading, many legitimate homes of legitimate citizens. And once we start talking about what Republicans hide in their homes, its… well… the usual stuff. Porn, Guns, and the like. But that’s not the kind of things that Republicans like revealing to federal officials.

        Any mass deportation scheme will involve getting large numbers of Republicans personally involved into the mess. Maybe there’s no risk of deportation (especially if they’re white). But its still a huge hassle, and having legions of police and/or military going door-to-door looking for illegal anything makes anyone uncomfortable (even if they’re “only” hiding guns and porn in their basement).

        I’d expect most Republicans to demand to see the warrants and close their doors until proper documents are shown. Which then provides Undocumented the cover they need (ie: now the Undocumented can do the same thing: just ask for a warrant and close the door otherwise).

        • krashmo@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Of course they aren’t but that’s what I’m saying. If people thought this was going to be quick, easy, and precise they need to learn that isn’t how it works. I say good luck to them but don’t ask for my help when the lesson turns out to be painful.

        • HorreC@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          I mean if this is a real thing (and I have no idea if its as bad as we have seen all over), but I am sure there will be tip lines and you could tell them hey that guy with all the trump flags has been bringing in brown people at night. I think they are hiding them from the roundups. Might do something… then again it might not.

            • HorreC@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              I mean they are using it on americans and people that are ‘the huddle masses’. So in the idea of you dont talk about my backyard unless yours is clean, I could see this as fair play. But you are right, it is inhumane, and stupid that its not only being talked about but used in mass.