For example:
Carnist: “Hey, you want a slice of this pepperoni, triple cheese pizza?”
Vegan: “Sorry, no thank you, I’m vegan.”
Carnist: “Oh, wow! Nice! I respect that! Yeah, I would go vegan, but I just would struggle with protein, B12, and iron if I did! Like, I tried being vegan for a week and got so sick! I still eat plant-based alternatives every now and then, though! And I totally get where you’re coming from with your ethics! Yeah, the way they treat animals on those factory farms is crazy, bro! I hope those cruel practices can be abolished one day. Complete solidarity with you and the animals, dude! ✊ In the meantime, I absolutely try my best to get my meat, dairy, and eggs from local, free-range, humane, and organic farms!”
Vegan: “Okay?”
Like, seriously, just saying “Oh, okay.” and moving on with your life would be preferable over this shit.
Ask them what their B12 and iron levels are lol. Ask them what their daily protein intake is. If they are actually so worried about it, they can answer that.
For example. I hit my daily B12 and iron goals every day and just for lunch today, I consumed 40g of protein. I think I was actually lower on carbs than I tend to aim for.
My current battle is with the dumb fucks that try to say that growing plants for vegan diets kill more critters than growing plants for factory farming, when 70% of crops go towards factory farms regardless. You don’t even need to know math to figure that one out.
Ah, the “crop deaths” argument is their new fancy, fangled “gotcha” that was popularized by losers like Piers Morgan and Joe Rogan. I’ve heard it a billion times.
They also love to bring up grass-fed cattle if you mention the fact that most crops are actually eaten by livestock, but grass-fed cattle still eat more than just the grass on the pasture land, especially during dry seasons and winter time, and you still have to account for so many other things like the bugs they trample, the fact that the cattle are sprayed with pesticides as a protective measure, the immense extra deforestation that raising grass-fed cattle requires, ocean dead zones, predators that get shot to protect the cattle, zoonotic diseases, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Even if the stuff about grass-fed cattle were true, it would be totally unsustainable for the world’s population to survive off of grass-fed cattle alone, as that requires way more resources. It’s also nutritionally inadequate.
If we lived in a vegan world and had vegan farmers, we could just switch to veganic farming systems that ensure minimal to no animal deaths in the process of crop production.
I literally told a friend of mine this morning that there seems to be this “law” in arguing with carnists: “Every dragged-out conversation with an ignorant non-vegan will involve them bringing up crop deaths at one point or another.”
I said this to her because she was going back-and-forth with this carnist on social media who exhausted every other argument like “lions tho,” “it’s legal tho,” and “we’ve been doing it for thousands of years tho.” Once she shot all of that down, of course, he had to resort to this awful
-type argument that they use every 5 seconds nowadays.
It’s also entirely disingenuous because, even if plant-based diets caused literally zero deaths, these people still wouldn’t go vegan, so it’s just a cheap-ass tu quoque that they think should yield them a free pass to exploit animals.
The crop deaths thing isn’t new, it’s a pretty old gotcha just like “PETA kills animals too”.
I have to admire the empathy carnists have for bacteria, bugs and field mice that thoughtless vegoons kill by the millions. Maybe one day they’ll have some empathy for cows, pigs, chickens and (insert factory farmed animals) too.
What did you have for lunch today?
I think it was actually 36g but I had a Lenny and Larry cookie and a protein shake.
What was that lunch
I find it hard to get in high density vegan protein in that isn’t ultra processed soy type stuff or like ‘protein bar’ type mega dry and chewy protein epic bars
I don’t wanna lie and say it was super healthy lol. It was a Lenny and Larry’s cookie that is like 16g and a shake that was 20g. Those cookies aren’t super processed but far from whole food. They are super convenient on the go tho.
Hell yeah vegan junk food gang rise up
I may have given up carnism but you’ll never take away my desire to eat like a teenager
Ironically I got on this kick because up until recently, we would go get fast food quite a lot and the only vegan option is Impossible Whoppers(debatable, I know) and fries from select places. We do have taco bell but they fuck up my order so much there that I just gave up since it was wasting food. We have a giant drug store here and I found out they have a whole bunch of vegan protein bars and snacks. So when the family would go get stuff, I would just head there and pick up a few things and call it dinner. I was usually getting enough for a full meal for $6 or so whereas a Whopper meal runs $12 here.
Also shoutout to my local vegan food truck that has perfected veganifiying fried junk lol.
ah yeahhh tricky