The atmosphere is so heated, and the statements are getting more and more extreme. Let’s just assume Harris wins the election. After a campaign like this, how could you ever have a normal relationship with your pro-Trump neighbor/father-in-law/Uncle/Barber or what ever again?
I still can’t look you people (Americans) in the face from the last dozen horrible things you’ve collectively done.
How can you ever let your guard down around this maniac society, let alone go back to normal?
Living in the interior of the stolen lands, what normal do you even think there is to offer? Endless towns build on nothing but walmarts and jails, having displaced any culture of value generations ago.
And which country are you from?
Right? How does anyone make that statement about people today “living in stolen lands”?
Speaking as an American, I hate how our government runs, there are tons of issues with it, and I do what I can’t to help fix it. Like the majority of us are not happy, but we have not collectively done these things, most of the terrible things that have happened in America are the machinations of a wealthy elite who have been able to shape voting districts and policy thanks to continually laxing regulations and unfettered capitalism.
I was just born here, I didn’t make this place. This place isn’t what I want it to be. Just line any other country, we are all just people trying to live and get something out of life. With the way the education system is here most people don’t even realize how ass backwards things are because “that’s how it’s always been” for them. It’s upsetting. But it doesn’t make them bad people, just naive usually. This is why things like intersectionality and critical race theory are so important and this is why the far right in this country is pushing against them. The issues in America boil down to race and class based inequality, intentional defunding of public programs, and then miseducation of the populous on these issues and how they actually affect everyone. I promise you those of us who understand all this are doing everything we can do reverse course. Personally everything happening here weighs on me heavily and I often forget to enjoy what’s right in front of me because the big picture is so scary. It’s stressful as fuck.