• Madison420@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      I mean judging by what I’ve seen it doesn’t seem like they’re wrong.

      Your stance is at best naively idealistic or at worst incredibly ill informed, stupid and legitimately dangerous.

      • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
        6 months ago

        That user is an accelerationist


        who wants Donald to drive the US into the ground


        Y’all just casually lie about people constantly, all the time and none of you ever see anything wrong with it whatsoever. You’re backing up someone who is blatantly lying, and who constantly lies about my positions. Back up their claims then, if you claim they’re not a liar, if you claim that “it doesn’t seem like they’re wrong.” Show me that you don’t just blindly accept claims with zero evidence. Show me that you’re not a liar just like they are.

        • Madison420@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Prove my point for me why don’t ya.

          They’re deliberately unwilling to confront facts, as you can see by the suggestion of Ukraine negotiating with country notorious for failing to honor its treaties.

          That is accurate, their opinion of you isn’t something I can verify but calling for Ukraine to surrender is actually accelerationist behavior so…

          • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
            6 months ago

            In what way is that accelerationist?

            If I were an accelerationist, I would want the US to overextend into as many conflicts as possible, and I would want those conflicts to last as long as possible, in order to weaken it. I don’t, because I’m not, because that’s a lie.

            • Madison420@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              Do you have another phrase or word for advocating for Russian regional superiority knowing their intent on reunification of the former Soviet Union.

              That’s exactly what you are doing though bud, you just don’t seem to see it. The Ukrainian conflict wouldn’t end with Ukraine surrendering, Russia will simply move to the next country and force Ukrainians to fight for them.

              • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
                6 months ago

                I don’t “know” their intent on reunification of the Soviet Union and neither do you. They say the same thing in every conflict we’ve ever been in, the enemy will keep expanding forever so we have no choice but to fight. Remember “Domino Theory” from Vietnam? How’d that play out? Remember how with the War on Terror, it was “If we don’t fight them over there, we’ll have to fight them over here.” Well, we’re not fighting them over there, so where are they? It’s the easiest propaganda line ever because you don’t need any evidence and you can apply it to anyone under any circumstances.

                As for a word for what you’re describing “isolationist” or “dove” would be most appropriate. Peacenik. Defeatist. Pinko. Hell, you could even go with coward, if you like. It’s not as if there’s a shortage of derogatory terms for people advocating peace, it’s a very common thing to deride, historically speaking. Just go back and look at what people were calling me when I opposed the War on Terror if you need some inspiration.

                • Madison420@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  You should, they’re not quiet about it at all. None of those were invasions prior to us intervention, you can blame a lot of shit on the US but Ukraine ain’t one.

                  Nope, isolationists and doves stfu because they don’t want to be involved. You’re neither peacnik nor pinko because Ukraines surrender attains no left leaning goal, it does just the opposite in allowing an authoritarian shithead to take over yet more of the world… Again. This has nothing to do with the war on terror, not being shitty in one area doesn’t mean you aren’t shitty in another, get a grip.

                  • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
                    6 months ago

                    Please elaborate how opposing military aid to a country on the other side of the world is not an isolationist stance. You just said, “because they don’t want to get involved.” That’s my stance, I don’t want to get involved.

                    I don’t think you know what any of those terms mean tbh. Or rather, I think you know what they mean and are pretending that they don’t mean what they do because you’re acting in bad faith.

    • LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee
      6 months ago

      The complete post-truth doublethink the liberals are doing these days is shocking. There is no difference between MAGA Trump supporters and the vast majority of liberals these days. I don’t think they are capable to be truthful any more.

      It really shows what happens when the mainstream media is owned by oligarchs and use the right propaganda to hone in on the “emotional truths” of a group. For them it’s about justice and and evil and a good. US supporting Israel commit genocide is evil. US supporting Ukraine become demcoratic is good. Russia attacking because of NATO expansion is evil.

      So everything that doesn’t fit with this narrative, that they are the good guys, is dismissed or rationalized. Easy when it just so happens if the arguments are made by their evil enemies. Historical facts simply don’t matter.

      • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
        6 months ago

        That’s also true, but I was talking more about the .world culture where you can just casually lie and make up whatever you like about the out group and everyone just goes along with it, with zero sources needed. It’s very much an echo chamber where nobody cares about evidence or truth, not just in terms of politics and world affairs, but also with people and conversations. You can go full on Yeonmi Park with it so long as you’re in the in-group talking about the out-group. I think it’s brought over from toxic Reddit culture.

        • LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee
          6 months ago

          Well that is part of the defense mechanism. There really are trolls, bots, agitprop etc. So we now anyone who is using an argument that Trump or Putin ever made, must be an enemy (genetic fallacy). And is hence is “fair game” to attack and lie about to protect the narrative. Being called a bot is like the ultimate dehumanization.

          I don’t think it’s reddit culture, it’s bigger than that. People are just badly informed and the disinformation is total. Journalists who even slightly deviate are fired all over the world.

          Maybe there is so much noise now that people rely more and more on mainstream media that are completely captured now.