Just switch parties already, for Christ’s sake.

  • Nuke_the_whales@lemmy.world
    8 days ago

    I feel so vindicated. When he was first elected I was calling out his fake every man persona and getting downvoted to hell for it. Walking around in flip flops and a hoodie as if he wasn’t a silver spoon nepo baby. I never bought into his personality as genuine, and found all his bullshit to be a distraction from a lack of substance. Now it’s very clear he’s a silver spoon nepo baby, he’s chosen his side and it’s not with us regular folk. It’s with his wealthy buddies.

    • FlaminGoku@reddthat.com
      8 days ago

      I am inclined to blame the stroke he had, as it has lots of examples of altering people’s personality’s.

      • alcoholicorn@lemmy.ml
        8 days ago

        No, he had said a bunch of zionist shit before he was elected that people, myself included, assumed he was simply ignorant on and would move left when confronted with the truth.

        Turns out it was just wishful thinking.

        The stroke probably didn’t help, and personality might account for how Fetterman expresses his support for genocide by rubbing his former supporter’s faces in it, but there’s not a “don’t genocide Palestinians” part of the brain that got turned off.

  • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
    7 days ago

    It’s really funny seeing ppl make the surprised pikachu face about fetterman.

    I don’t agree with his reasoning, but I do agree with his assessment that it’s a mistake to push the felon message so hard with trump.

    If simply being convicted of a crime makes you a person not worthy of serious consideration in the political sphere, is that implicit endorsement of the legal system? Seems pretty conservative if you ask me.

    Even if a person was to believe that our legal system is infallible and that there’s nothing wrong with weaponizing its decisions against one’s enemies, doesn’t bringing up the felony convictions beg the question of what they’re for? That hasn’t been a powerful message for democrats.

    I have no love for trump, democrats seem to be messing up here though.

    • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
      7 days ago

      Do you think Trump just made mistakes rather than blatantly committed crimes?

      Because Fetterman does. He said as much.

      • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
        7 days ago

        I honestly think it’s more likely that like almost every business, nonprofit and other organization I’ve had any experience with, trump doesn’t have a “proactive” filing regimen.

        An old ass accountant I used to work with explained why it’s like this: why give them something to beat you over the head with? Just know the requirements, know the punishment and give the least amount of information you possibly can until compelled.

        Of course, larger, richer groups are more able to take that strategy, but that’s a systemic problem.

        But it doesn’t matter for the purposes of the crimes in question if it was an “innocent” mistake or purposeful omission.

        I think it’s pretty disingenuous for the democrat message to be an attack on trump for simply having been convicted because democrats are at the same time trying to catch lefty and otherwise third party voters who see that criminal justice system as having serious fundamental flaws.

        I think getting bogged down in the details of trumps convictions isn’t helpful to the democrats either because explaining them to people makes trump relatable. Nothing he actually did with money was a crime. It was not filing paperwork that was the crime.

        The whole thing becomes more akin to having to pay a ticket for a taillight you got fixed because you didn’t bring the receipts to court.

        “Your honor, the taillight in question is new, intact and installed on my car”

        “Your car isn’t in my courtroom”

        “It’s in the parking lot 80 feet to the west of your courtroom. I have a picture of it right here.”

        “I will only admit a receipt”

        Tbh the conviction rhetoric only appeals to reactionary right wing voters who want to punish people with records or makes him incredibly relatable to normal people.

        If anything it seems like a hedge to move towards the right.

        • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
          7 days ago

          I have no idea what you are talking about. Trump was convicted of knowingly paying off Stormy Daniels with campaign funds. He was fully aware of it. There was no mistake.

          • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
            7 days ago

            Yeah I didn’t say that I think it’s a mistake, I said I think it’s not a good idea for the democrats to use the convictions as a lane of attack.

            I even said that trump probably systemically doesn’t file paperwork he’s supposed to and that it’s common for people to do that.

            • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
              7 days ago

              Again, not filing paperwork is not the problem here. He paid a porn star hush money with campaign funds. He was fully aware of it. There was no mistake. There was no oversight. Nothing was overlooked. Nothing happened that he didn’t know about it. This was a very simple case.

              • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
                7 days ago

                That’s not illegal.

                The crime is not reporting it.

                It’s reported on a filing. Sometimes electronic but paperwork in spirit.

                If the “problem” in your words is the crime, then the problem is paperwork.

                The crimes are falsifying business records, not paying hush money.

                The hush money was paid by trumps attorney who was then reimbursed with campaign funds. The crime is not paying hush money, the crime is covering it up.

                As I said before, I don’t think it’s a very good idea to try to beat trump over the head with the convictions. At best you appeal to reactionary voters who have regressive ideas about crime and justice and at worst you have to reply to questions like “it’s legal to pay hush money out of campaign funds?”

    • ImADifferentBird@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      7 days ago

      If simply being convicted of a crime makes you a person not worthy of serious consideration in the political sphere, is that implicit endorsement of the legal system? Seems pretty conservative if you ask me.

      Tell that to the “party of law and order” over there.

      • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
        7 days ago

        Yeah I’m with you. That line of thinking will only attract support from conservatives.

    • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
      8 days ago

      I think he wants a shot at the governor’s office. The Senate seems to cramp his style, and he doesn’t have the chops for national politics. He was Lt Gov, and has a significant advantage in name recognition and fundraising as a current Senator. Plus, the DNC is probably already vetting primary challengers to run against him in 2030.

      PA is a weird state, in every way possible, and Shapiro did a lot of damage to his image in his attempt to land the VP job. If Shapiro decides not to run for reelection, the Democrats don’t have a deep bench in Pennsylvania. Austin Davis is probably the only other name worth considering.

      Fetterman would not win anything in a nationwide race, but if he can bring the Pennsyltuckians out to vote for a Democrat, he would win the state in a landslide.

      • alcoholicorn@lemmy.ml
        8 days ago

        the DNC is probably already vetting primary challengers to run against him in 2030.

        Why would they? What has he done to anger them? If anything, having another Sinoma/Manchin waiting in the wings gives them more excuses why they can’t do the things their constituents want them to do.

        The ideal position for the democrats is controlling all 3 branches, but being unable to actually do anything their constituents want, since the desires of their constituents are mutually exclusive with those of the donor class.