I ask this in particular after this particular cognitohazard dropped:


smurf-cursed is the most condescendingly toxic kind of Reddit New Atheist and has made that part of his brand for decades, so that already rules out most religious people that don’t just see religion as some sort of country club gathering.

He has the same creepy misanthropic view of children, where he holds them in contempt and clearly wants to violate them too, that a lot of kiddie-creeping boomers do, so that probably rules out most people significantly younger than him unless he’s directly throwing money at them and they’re accepting it.

He believes in (or at least professes belief for profit) a lot of Qanon shit, in particular against trans people, so that even rules out a lot of wine liberals that I assume would otherwise clink wine glasses to his smuglord quips.

He’s just about definitive Blue MAGA, which red MAGA despises anyway, so he isn’t likely to have much a fandom there outside of fickle "he is one of the good ones" gimmicks where he might show up on a chud podcast or something sometimes.

I truly don’t know and I’m sincerely asking: what demographic is left with all of that (and more) carved out that might like that particular piece of shit? What’s his revenue source besides being rich already?