If someone concludes that it’s fine for them to eat cows because cows never invented computers, then there’s not really much of an argument against aliens turning us into meat slurry because they have the 4-chambered quantum brains needed to invent hyperdrive and we don’t, is there?
Very critical support of CDPR’s Cyberpunkerinos for having that moment featured instead of the bullshit parade that Deus Ex’s sequels eventually became. Human Revolution sort of addressed coercive pressure on sex workers and the economic pressures of having cyberware and maintaining it in a human body, but that was basically dropped later for “what if the new racism… is against poor persecuted rich assholes with superpowers, except Adam Jensen because that’d be a bummer to play through that?”
For all our disagreements in the past, I also agree: an artificial person of sufficient sapience is a person and deserves rights.